By: Annna [1999-10-04]

Eyeball Shedding

A dream. I discover a cure for nearsightedness.


I was distracted while putting in my contact lenses and couldn't remember which eye had one in and which didn't. So I ran my fingers across one eye experimentally and took a contact lens out. Then I tried the other one, just in case, and brought out something odd. It looked like a large, clear bath bead, or two contacts glued together and filled with water.

I immediately thought of vitrious and aqueous bodies and panicked. Then I realized that I was seeing fine through that eye. Better than usual, actually, especially without contacts or glasses.

So I tried it again on the other eye, which I knew to be naked. I got another of the weird sacs, and that eye had perfect vision, too.

I couldn't wait to show everyone else what I'd discovered.
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