Sim City
A dream in which I play computer games until someone gets murdered.
I was playing Sim City, which I usually don't do. I usually just line up my M.U.S.C.L.E. men or my many, many polyhedral dice and pretend they're having battles.
It was very late at night and I didn't want to wake up my roommate. I wasn't in the dorms, but it was still a very small room that we shared. I remembered that I had classes at 10 am, and looked at the time. It was 2 am, so I decided I might as well stay up.
This is another thing I usually don't do.
Anyway, I went back to playing Sim City, and my consciousness sort of dollied over my shoulder and into an adjoining room. It was another identical dorm? room, linked to mine by a doorway with no door. There was a hallway, too, but the rooms had to be linked like this to get past the fire code.
In that room, the lights were all on. It was still dim and yellow, like TV from the 1970s. An ironing board was unfolded and laundry hung everywhere. A shrill, thin dyed-redhead was nagging her husband, a bland and Midwestern-looking guy.
Wedged into their already cramped living quarters was a sectional sofa. There was a bloated corpse sprawled on it. The woman had killed the corpse nearly a week ago, but she had wanted to keep it around to look at and remind her of her accomplishment.
Besides the corpse, there were also several dozen My Little Pony figures scattered on the couch. Their hair was thin and a little wavy, as though it had tangled and been combed vigorously. They were a little grimy, too.
The redhead took another tack and started apologizing to her husband for wanting to keep the corpse. Now she wanted him to get rid of it. It was starting to smell and they didn't have enough space in the apartment for the two of them, let alone a stinky corpse.