Porno Hair
A short dream and a digression about waffles.
This is a pretty boring and short dream, so I think I'll write about something else before I get to it.
I'm getting pretty good at making waffles. I used to burn or deform the first couple of waffles I made, but now I get 13 or 14 waffles out of a batch. I also don't dirty as many dishes. I could make waffles on about 5 minutes' notice, I think!
I only use one waffle iron. We have two. This is partially because they both got unseasoned a while ago. See, you can't wash a waffle iron because the grease on it is MAGIC, and if you do, HORRIBLE THINGS happen next time you try to make waffles. I didn't wash them, but I did try to make waffles on unseasoned griddles. Ick. We had to pry the burnt waffles out with forks and then scrub with brushes. No fun.
So I was a little scared of waffles for a while. When I finally decided to make them again, I only seasoned one waffle iron. I figured I could take it slowly. Usually, waffle makers in the Truwe house use two waffle irons so the waffles never stop coming.
Unfortunately, the only people who actually eat waffles are Poppa and myself, so I end up trying to eat a waffle and mind the two griddles and bring fresh waffles to Pop. It gets sticky. With one waffle iron going, I can make them at a leisurely pace.
I also found that leftover waffles, frozen overnight, taste lovely in the morning. Don't even have to heat them up.
I was walking around the mall. My scalp felt funny, a little itchy and oddly balanced. My neck felt cold, so I guess I had some kind of beehive.
My sister Matie was across the lobby from me. She saw me and walked closer. When she was halfway across, she pointed both her index fingers at me, gun-style, and exclaimed, "Dude! You've got porno hair!" Everyone giggled politely.