By: Sean [1999-12-25]

I Hate Artificial Christmas Trees

and why they're wrong.

People who put up Christmas trees made of plastic or aluminum should be dragged from their homes and beaten with the very "tree" they dare pass off as a Christmas decoration. It is wrong, lazy, and I'm sure punishable by eternal damnation. At least, if I were Jesus, I wouldn't let anyone get away with putting up a half-assed knock-off tree in their living room to celebrate my birth, despite the fact that it makes no sense.

And come on, it doesn't make any sense. We go to the woods and chop down trees, set them up in our living rooms, and decorate them with colored lights and little botanical earrings only to abandon them anonymously in the street one month later (or, if your family is like mine, usually about three months later, when the possibility of heat from the electric lights setting fire to the now brown and dried tree becomes too hazardous). I don't see what bringing a tree into your house and decorating it has to do with Jesus, gift giving, or even the commercial "Christmas spirit" we're subjected to every year. I admit, it's a goofy tradition.

Being that it's a goofy tradition, you have to wonder what people who put up phony trees can possibly be thinking. If you're not going to get a real tree to put in your living room and dress up like a doll, just for the sake of tradition, why bother? The only reason we do it in the first place is the age-old "just because," so if you don't have the time, energy, or desire to go out and get a real tree, why is it so important that you have something resembling a tree set up? That's even goofier than the tradition itself.

The reason I love Christmas trees is the outing - the actual trip up to the woods in the snow to pick out, chop down, tag, and bag that perfect specimen of nature's majesty. The only thing that could bring me more satisfaction than chopping down a perfectly good piece of wildlife to take home and watch slowly die before throwing it away and forgetting about it, would have to be something like killing and eating endangered Giant Pandas, "even though they don't taste very good." Should I ever have a family of my own, I am definitely taking them out to get our own Christmas tree from the woods every year, even if for no other reason than it'd give me an excuse to operate a chainsaw.

Not only is there much joy to be found in owning a real Christmas tree at the beginning of the season, but also at the end. One of the most profound memories from my childhood is from the time my grandfather gathered me and all my cousins together out behind the house to show us just how fast a dead, dried up old Christmas tree could catch fire. I'm not sure what his reasons were for doing this, as the trees we always brought into our homes were green, moist, and stuck stump-first in a dish of water to quench its Christmas tree thirst, and none of us (to my knowledge) were in the habit of playing with matches around the Christmas tree (safety was of utmost importance around the presents), but not a day has gone by since that I've not dropped to my knees and thanked the baby Jesus for the wonderful sight that saintly old man bestowed on us kids that winter day. I'm still not completely convinced that he didn't sneak out before-hand and douse that tree in gasoline, because the second he flicked that single match toward it, it immediately burst into flames of a magnitude I've rarely seen since. It lit up like a... well, like a Christmas tree. It was beautiful - the most glorious thing I've ever beheld with mine mortal eyes.

So you see, Christmas trees are wonderful, funderful, magical things, but not because you fling tinsel and all the crappy ornaments your kids made in second grade all over them. Christmas trees are about the extravagance of beautiful nonsense, and dazzling destruction. Artificial trees take all this away from you, and leave you with nothing but a stupid decoration. They're ruining the holiday spirit. Take away our wastefulness, and our need to be entertained, and we might as well be left with a holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus, or something lame like that.
Spot On, Mostly [2000-01-31 20:09:00] Annna
1. Back when my family did the Xmas thing and cut our own trees, we did not use a chainsaw. It's kinda hard to cut close to the ground with a chainsaw, is it not? Were you just whacking off the tops of big trees or something? My Xmas tree harvesting experience was lying on the cold, wet ground in one of the 20-year-old "work coats," chewing away at a tree with a handsaw.

I don't think I ever actually did the tree cutting myself, though, so this might be another one of those memories that turns out to be hallucination, like that one preschool teacher I had who bad touched us all and then killed a giraffe and made us drink its blood.

2. I remember this part better. We had a traditional incentive for getting the tree down early -- Pop would drag it out back we'd light it up on New Year's Eve. WHOOSH! Ha ha! Giant fun! TREE!

Years later, my sister and I realized that in the post-Xmas months we could kidnap the discarded brown trees of our white trash neighbors and light them on fire, too. THAT ROCKED. MULTIPLE FLAMING TREES. We'd get suntans from the radient heat.

Curse this dorm living. I want fire.
My tree is fake. [2000-02-17 16:08:00] Chad McDonald
My family and I love our fake tree. Every year, while other fools are out with their chainsaws cutting off the tops of trees (......) some of us simply go out into the garage, puff up the tree (who knows what it's made out of) and sit back. What's the alternative? Going out and dulling your only good axe? Have you ever tried to behead someone with an axe after it's been used to cut down a tree? It's not a pretty picture. Instead of a clean cut, one ends up with for of a smack, the head of the axe bouncing off of the body once the blade hits the skin. You literally have to HIT the head off instead of CUTTING it off.

This is the true and final word.
My God [2000-02-17 18:33:00] Annna
Whoa. Hey, Sean, now you have FOUR readers!
[2000-02-19 15:19:00] Reader #4
Is that four including sean? ;)
Five. [2000-06-22 18:18:49] Ben
Who could argue with anyone who can write a phrase like "the extravagance of beautiful nonsense, and dazzling destruction"?
FAKE TREE [2000-10-20 09:13:51] Heather
YOU are the one who should be beaten with a fake tree. You are probably one of those people who want to save our rainforests, etc., but there you go to chop down one of "nature's majesties". I would much rather enjoy God's gifts in their natural state OUTSIDE where they belong. Furthermore, trees are very beneficial to our health as far as carbon monoxides and helping with the state of the ozone layer, they provide homes and shelter to wildlife, and offer
beauty, as long as they are alive and able to continue living. And as far as celebrating Jeses' birth with a FAKE tree, I don't think he cares what we choose to decorate or commemorate it with, as long as we have the faith and believe in him and thank him for all the things he has given up for us. Maybe you should think a little harder before you speak, because I am sure Jesus would not appreciate you "threatening" those who DO choose an artificial decoration. What are the ornaments, toppers, candles in the windows, and all that other stuff made of? Wood? Plane matter? No, MOSTLY PLASTICS!!!
[2000-11-19 19:56:56] Candace Cane
Sadly, some of us aren't lucky enough to live in an area where going out and whacking the hell out of one of "Nature's Majesties" is an option. I like the trees in the forest, where they belong. Not dying a slow and painful death in my living room for the sake of a month of pretty. I hope, someday, you get medication for you schizophrenia and learn to be happy.
Aluminum Trees [2000-12-25 11:08:21] Elizabeth
I want an aluminum tree to keep up all year with my science fiction ornaments on it. (This includes comic book characters and space flight ornaments.)
[2001-06-24 06:25:55] WRR
Try an anger management class, will you?
OOH [2001-09-06 03:48:24] staniel
The Secret Article! Doubly secret, because it is not listed in the Archives, but is of a number greater than 8.

I think I'll write some hate articles. I want the rubes to holler at me, too!
You are narrow minded..... [2002-10-02 12:17:28] A very offended parent
Although I have to agree with you that real CHristmas trees are much better than the artificial ones, maybe after reading this posting you will realize that before opening your mouth, you should look at both sides of the story. First of all, Christmas is not a tree, and to even bring Jesus into the argument, may I remind you that Christmas trees were not even a part of this when he was on earth. In fact, Christmas trees started out as a pagan (wicca, to be precise)tradition a few days before the christian holiday came about, were it was a tree burned in the fireplace to promote good fortune for the coming year. This was called a Yule log, and the name of the holiday is called YULE. History is a wonderful to know when you are trying to make a point.
Second of all, I have an asthmatic son, who is sent into a horrible attack and hospitalised if a real Christmas tree is indoors with all the mold going into the air. So it is not out of laziness, but health reason that some of us choose the later.
Please, before you attack anyone, try to get your understanding of a tradition in tact. You will look very stupid in the end if you don't. Obviously you know how to use a computer. Do yourself a favor. Look up the history of the Christmas Tree. And while your at it, look up the TRUE meaning of Christmas. You might learn a thing or two.
Christmas Trees [2002-11-10 22:47:38] Lance
Damn Sean your just pissing everybody off! I'd like to know if you've got a family yet and if your headed to the woods this year.

Merry Christmas to all!! God Bless and let's pray the economy gets better!!

pardon me, but i have something to say to "very offended" [2002-11-24 13:47:59] Merry
"very offended parent" that is. if you hadn't noticed, the article appears to be aimed in a humorous direction. also, it is not aimed directly at you! it is directed at the people who DO do it from laziness. so stop reading stupid stuff on the internet and go take care of your athsmatic child.
[2002-12-01 20:23:37] April
You have serious issues. Some of us are allergic to real trees, you moron.
Aluminum Trees [2002-12-05 14:14:41] Dnison Penndragon
Say what you will about real trees and "real" Christmas spirit. The world is what you have experienced. In my experience, "real" Christmas included an aluminum tree in silver and green. I loved that tree and I regret that I allowed my father to leave it behind when we moved one year.

That tree is the only good memory of Christmas I have. Back when I was young and stupid and believed that Christmas meant more than people rudely pushing others in WalMart so they can get to the best deal on the latest junk before the sale ends at 11:00.

I remember watching Frosty the Snowman, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, and other Christmas staple cartoons, as well as It's a Wonderful Life. All by the light of those two super-hot white spotlights illuninating the eight foot tall silver and green tree.

That still means Christmas to me. Or rather Christmas has not existed for me since those days.
Christmas trees [2002-12-07 07:33:19] Kaffy Jake
The name for the "Christmas Season" should be changed.

We should call it the "The Tree Killing Season."
[2003-03-16 16:41:00] jane
the stupidity and lack of a sense of humor never ceases to make me want to throw myself off the top of a building...

To "Heather"- Who is this "Jeses" fellow you speak of?
and if I were Joshua [2003-04-20 21:18:00] Andrewsarchus
Christmas trees are a pagen thing, anyway.

Everything christianity has was pagen. the Three in One god, the "sains" (or demi-gods), the man born of divine conception.

A plagerized religion!
[2003-07-18 13:36:00] Jesus Christ
Don't call my religion plagerized!
What the Fuck? [2005-12-12 06:26:29] Real People
I was gonna say something about how i enjoy my fake tree and its good for people like me who have allergies that make normal trees a bad idea. But then i saw the whackjobs who seem to be taking your article seriously and who are flying off the handle about it one way of the other. Hello, people, DO YOU HAVE LIVES?? It's a freaking joke; as the author made obvious. Only complete morons would start fuming about religion and flying off the handle. Rule of thumb: if somebody spends time talking about setting trees on fire and hitting people with decorations, they are not to be taken seriously. The only thing I fume about are morons like that. Though I'm probably missing some subtle humor inherent in your responses as well.
Fake tree [2005-12-12 20:59:15] Flip
Are you a Christmas tree salesman? ;)
delighted with my fault [2005-12-24 21:14:00] people call me hippie
after googling "pagan + christmas" i can across this page. at first i thought you and i shared the same intrist, in finding that (how you put it) the "just because" reason we even have christmas trees in the first place. nothing about christianity trully embraces nature. it seems more like a witch gathering then a birthday to me. still im researching reasons. after reading your fine artical i was left entertained.... thank you and merry christmas
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