By: Annna [2000-02-01]

Stupid Old Ladies

This is a dream I had. In it I kill some old women. Bully for me.

I was in the yard, watering some rosebushes I'd just planted around the edges and some tulips I'd put in the middle. Everything was flowering already. I was pretty proud.

A group of six or seven old ladies in dowdy finery walked down the sidewalk, then just cut across the lawn, knocking down plants.

I got very, very angry at them. I yelled at them, saying it was no wonder the kids in this neighborhood were horrible and rude with examples like these women.

The old women looked disturbed, as though I shouldn't have been yelling at them for doing this damage, as though I should have ignored it. They kept walking on, pretending to ignore me.

This made me even madder, so I turned the hose on them. The flow increased as my anger did, and I knocked a couple down and soaked the rest. They started to sputter. One finally spoke up and told me that they had never met anyone so disrespectful.

I felt just like an action hero. I walked over so I was standing right over them and said, "Ever look in a mirror, oldtimer? What the hell did you think you were doing, walking all over my flowers?"

They started to say something, but I turned the hose on them again. One lost her wig, and it floated down the gentle slope of the alley into the gutter.

I started screaming incoherently about how I hated people who didn't pay attention and who thought they deserved special treatment just for being old.

The water pressure increased, and I saw layers of dead skin peel off the old women. Then came strips of living tissue, and the water ran pink with their blood. I aimed my hose at the nearest woman's head, and watched as the pressure gouged out her eyes. I held it closer to one of her eye sockets and brain oozed from the other eye and her ears.

It wasn't too long before they were all skeletal. I felt a lot better. I raked the bones into a pile in the alley, but then I decided the skulls looked cool. I piled them neatly on the roof of our hangar queen '57 Chevy to dry.

The tulips they had walked on were dead, but the rosebushes only needed to be replanted.
Response [2000-02-01 01:27:00] Sean
I know this isn't a true story, but damned if it doesn't get my angry-juices a-flowin' somethin' fierce.
Fiction? [2000-03-16 02:47:00] Annna
It can't be fiction -- I didn't make it up. And yet I did not kill any old women with a high pressure hose, for I still walk the Earth's black rim a free woman.

Who can take credit for their dreams? Are they the only true fiction, created without the waking mind's consent?

Sorry if this sounds unduly fruity, but it's late and my paper is still not done.
Film rights [2000-06-22 18:02:39] Ben
I really liked the aside/interlude about the wig gently floating down the alley. Startling. Very cinematic. (Is that a good thing?)
[2001-12-06 19:17:44] lonesomedwarf
That has to be the best dream ever.
ya fuckin old people sucking us dry [2003-06-18 19:02:00] wayne
I hate old people i think they should be recycled and turned into glue and dogfood if they are too old to work in labor camps.

I am however not so angry at the physically disabled and mentally handicapped but feel that they should also be put into labor camps for the greater good and eventually made into glue and tasty dog treats.

I hope to be put in al labor camp when i am ols and made into something more useful than a fucking leach of the economy,resources and a terrible stench ridden useless old fuckhead. thank you and goodnight. Wayne
You [2005-12-14 19:56:05] Mike
What the hell is wrong with you?!
wow [2005-12-21 02:10:35] wow
wow, thats the creepiest thing ive ever heard
old hags [2006-02-13 01:56:21] ward cleaver
June and i are in shock,Aunt Martha is old and we would never treat her that way.
You should be ashamed.
Hell na [2006-02-27 02:37:17] Poor Old Ladies
Well i ran across this link as an accident, and i just read read read and read some more, but all i have to say is this, youll be old some day too and that Your Fuckin Stupid.
Dreams.. [2006-03-23 08:36:18] Freud
I zink dat I can analyze your dreams, and prove that you are jealous of your mutter. On a side note, I kill people in my dreams all the time, frequently in severe brutality in response to someone trying to hurt people I'm close to. Once a man assaulted my mom, with what I figured was intent to rape. I broke his arms with a gypsy stick(extendable baton) and was going to leave him to the police. I got mad then when I realized he'd probably get off with a little jail time and probabation, so I beat his legs until they turn pulpy. Enraged still I continue with the rest of him. I go to jail for manslaughter and get off. And it's a re-occuring dream. Cheers to you and yours! (thanks for listening. my friends don't understand when I tell them these things)
Dreams... [2006-08-02 12:15:46] lovelasting
Just wanted to say I loved it it's early and that really gave me a good laugh.

P.S Dreams are the memories of our imagination... Lovelasting
skank [2006-11-03 12:17:19] fm
thats dusgusting thinkin of things like that u dirty minded prick!!!!!!!!
Roses [2007-01-23 18:41:44] Fred
Mental! Me likes it. I have to admit, I wouldn't like to be going on a blind date with ya and forget to bring any flowers
What the hell is the matter with some of you [2007-03-13 02:10:01] ME
You know I really have to say I think it will be so funny when the people that say they hate old people get old themselves that will be a day to LAUGH about
You will get old. It's inevitable..... [2007-06-11 21:43:07] IHH
And you will become the victim of the ageism and hatred you now practice. That's the beauty of it.
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