By: Annna [1999-08-24]


A dream. About waffles.

there is a shortage of free waffle art online

I was sitting at my computer writing auctions for my father, as I seem to be doing these days, when I smelled waffles. Prime listing time is during supper, so I can't make waffles. Matie does not enjoy waffles at all, and probably wouldn't make them. Mom works evenings. Pop was also writing auctions.

Who was making the waffles?

The waffle smell got stronger. Then I saw the waffles. Little tiny waffles, about the size of CDs, were coming out of my monitor! They slid naturally out of the little hatch that hides the monitor controls and plopped onto the desk. It was a very organic process - they were covered in maple syrup, mimicking mucus and afterbirth - but boy, did they look good!

These weren't those damned Eggo toaster waffles. Those are not real waffles. These were delicious computer waffles, and I ate them for supper.
i like waffles and your creamy thighs [2003-06-18 19:11:00] wayne
I am extremely randy for your hot and tasty poon
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