By: Annna [2000-10-31]

In Which I Die a Mysterious, Fiery Death

People 'round here sure are gullible.

As I've mentioned before, I live in the dorms. It being Halloween and all, the RA announced a door decoration contest. I like contests, so I promptly signed up. I think there are a total of two people signed up in the entire hall. My main competition has some pumpkin clip art and ghost-shaped tinsel on her door.

Being the reincarnation of H.P. Lovecraft that I am, I decided to go for realism and subtlety. So I printed this out:


I used 8 point font and there was a lot more Greek around it than I'm showing - I wanted to make sure the GIF was legible for you Web folks. I also printed it out on light green paper, so it'd Xerox kind of grey, like newsprint. I then tore it out manually and enlarged it on a Xerox machine.

After fiddling around with that for a while, I went back to my room and took everything off my door except the cheesy nametag the RA put on everyone's door before the dorms opened. I also left up my whiteboard and the doorbell I'd wired through the peephole, mostly because those would be a hassle to take down.

I taped the article to the whiteboard and I made a big bow with black crepe paper and used it to hide the doorbell. Then I made a big black sash of crepe paper diagonally across the door. I don't know what people would do if someone died, so black crepe paper seemed like the way to go. My work done, I closed the door and started playing Nethack and listening to David Byrne's Rei Momo.

That's when I heard a murmur in the hall. I saw shadows through the crack under my door and walked over to investigate. As I've said before, I have a doorbell wired through the hole where my peephole lens used to be, so this wasn't the most effective method of gathering intelligence. I swung the door open to discover a small group of girls who paled at my appearance.

In retrospect, I really should have told people what I was doing beforehand. Although this was much more in keeping with the Spirit of Halloween than cartoon witches.

Apparently this is a very passable forgery, at least among the young and trusting. And I couldn't figure out how to justify text in Word until very recently. That would have put the icing on the cake, realism-wise.

I wandered off and gave one of my spare copies to my pal Spider, which confused her greatly. My skill was such that she thought it was an actual article, even with the supposèd corpse standing next to her.

I should have just put up some skeletons for Halloween and done this the next time I was going to be out of town for a few days. Damn.

Obituary [2000-10-31 13:39:28] König Prüß, GfbAEV
It's plenty spooky and funny!
But, sheesh! I hope it's not
an augury of a future where
after studying journalism,
you become the obit editor
for the Daily Blatt. Maybe
someone who knows you will
show up outside your door
and yell, "Bring out your dead!"
Gullible [2000-11-01 22:39:50] Spider
You know, I heard it's not in the dictionary...
Death [2000-11-01 23:10:20] mom
I was going to scold you for writing the obit, that sort of thing could scare the crap out of your mother, when I realized that replying to you could give me a chance to air one of my things I hate. I really hate that most people go about in denial that they're eventually going to die. Some sooner than others. Trust me, we are all going to die. So, make some plans. Decide if you want to be an organ donor and then tell your family what you've decided. If you are living with someone you are not married to (especially in the state of Oregon, which does not acknowledge common law relationships, or if you are in a relationship with someone of the same sex) please have your significant other given your durable power of attorney for healthcare.
Should you end up in the critical care unit of a hospital, hooked up to a ventilator and not expected to survive you want someone you love (or at least someone who loves you) and who knows your wishes to make decisions on your behalf, not your parents or siblings who you haven't talked to for years and probably never really got a long with anyway. There are things worse than death.....the suffering that can be inflicted on you while your body is trying to die, the limbo you can be held in for a long time while "everything that can be done" is being done to/for you. Trust me, I'm a nurse, and I've seen a lot of this. Make my job easier. Thanks.
Booo!!! [2000-11-02 00:07:18] Buzz McCoy (yeah, the Star)

i'll never die. and no ones getting any of my organs. they're mine! however, if i die with any money, i want that money put towards the extraction and bronzing of my thigh bone (femur). this bone, once bronzed, will make a lovely souvenir/wall plaque for my yet-to-be-born grandson, provided "my boys work".

lets put an end to this "death"

Punching Death [2000-11-02 10:54:46] König Prüß, GfbAEV
There was a headline in the
paper not long back, "Man
Arrested for Punching Death"
I would if I could. There are
some in the cryogenics and
nanobiology groups who think
that we can now beat death.
What I want to do is to have
my brain removed and a new
clone grown around it.
It took me a long time
to learn this much, and
I'd sure like to be 18
again and know what I know
now. By the time I start
to get Life figured out,
it's over. No fair!
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