A Prophecy of Doom
I think I may be the chosen one.

I fell asleep late last night while studying. I vaguely remember nodding off, reaching the state where my eyes are closed but I'm still reading. I'd try to open my eyes again, but part of me would say, "Hey, why bother? You're still reading, right?" Then the slightly-more-awake part of me would point out that this was a Finance textbook and as such unlikely to include the detective story about robots that I was happily reading off of my eyelids.
Either my books and notebook slid to the floor or I put them there as my last lucid gesture. I found a crumpled sheet of paper by my bed this morning. It was my recycled notebook paper, written on in light and lazy pencil.
The mysterious scrawl doesn't look like my roommate Spider's handwriting, but it doesn't look a lot like mine, either. The "y"s and "g"s are less looped and the whole thing is more angular. I must have written it at some point last night after I fell asleep.
Here's what it says:
evil torch bearer
sooner or later, you shall see great change
those of the East, by virtue of the moon
[writing changes to block capitals]
[writing changes back]
when the wooden columns shall be shaken by the stern wind and covered by a ruby hue.
the great one, long hidden under shadows, shall make his iron lukewarm in the bloody rain.
So, um, prepare for death, guys.
I wish I could write like that when I was awake.