By: ronnie la course [2000-12-22]

It's times like this

part of the car-chase-love-romance-as-of-yet-unfinished-story series

It's times like this that i really regret letting him get away.

I mean, it's not like, i won't see him again, but being without him kind of turns me off. As a person. I go back to that girl that i was before he came on to me at Chulie's. I'm not sure why, but coming out of any other mouth, the types of things that he said could be classified as dweeby.

A slight smile comes across my face still every time i look at my thumbs. That's one of the things that i guess he taught me to appreciate. Damn sly bastard. Each of his moves was as planned as you could expect from a guy. Do they honestly think anything they read in Maxim is going to get any REAL girls in the sack?

But my thumbs. It's weird. If some guy were to come up behind me and started to massage my shoulders, i'd probably be uncomfortable, but i wouldn't flinch. It's just my body, who cares. But the second he touched my hands, it felt like his lifeforce was trying to overpower mine, like a circuit. It could have just been a static shock, he is always complaining about that. All the rituals he must go through to keep the static electricity in his fleece from affecting his fine hair.

But my thumbs. That's what he chose to compliment me on, that's the pick-up, that was the topic of interest. I go out of my way to pick up clothes which you can't find in any store, and he's got the nerve to tell me how beautiful my thumbs are. All girls' thumbs are nice, unless they're some kind of skanky hoe, or they bite them to shit. Obviously he had a plan.

If i've learned anything, i've learned that it's not about the thumbs, it never was. Even after all the thumb theories he's dropped on me, what with aliens and what-not. It still didn't keep me from accepting the pint he offered me. Nor did it keep me from trusting him and his tricks. But he's gone now, so i'll just have to deal with it.

Just as i dealt with it at the bar.

When he left me sitting there, with my thumbs together on the edge of the bar, the pint of beer resting on them, like an idiot.
Not Too Late! [2000-12-21 22:44:48] König Prüß, GfbAEV
It feels wistful, jilted, and
unrequited. It feels a little
like Terry Southern. And like
Tom Robbins' epic Chick's Thumbs
Novel. But my first impulse was:
It's not too late to snare him!
Dig a big pit in the ground
under a tree. Put a blue and
white checkered table cloth
over it with a baguette, a
bottle of wine, and a chicken.
Then, when he runs in slow-
motion toward you, he'll fall
in and you'll have him!
i buff my nails [2000-12-23 10:10:27] Ad-Rock
and i expect any girl i know to do the same.

anyhoo... as for königs lily blue checkered pseudo tiger trap plan... well, hey, sounds fresh to me. my only and best suggestion would be to refrain from planting sharpened bamboo shoots at various angles in the pit. cause damn, they smart.


Thumbs [2000-12-23 11:23:20] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Dammit! It's got me thinking
about thumbs now! I'll have to
search out what's special about
thumbs as opposed to the other
digits, they have a pulse for
one thing. The "Cop Shop" has
thumb cuffs, so, I guess there's
a whole cult of thumb bondage
aficionados. Not to mention
"Thumbelina" and "Tom Thumb"
Thumbs [2000-12-23 12:13:32] Annna
They're the most useful digit, in my experience.
They're prone to being hit with stuff, too.
A thumb is an asset and a liability.
5 consonants, 1 vowel [2000-12-23 19:02:47] ronnie luvah
you know, its a shame i have to run out the door... i could post comments about thumbs all night. but as for now, time allows me only one thought. it was a line from the simpsons the other night. chief wiggum was booking homer for stealing moe's car, and right after he got done fingerprinting him, he states:

"you know homer, your fingerprints are just like snowflakes..."

"they're both very pretty."

aww my shit, thats funny on so many levels...

later guys and have a merry merry christmas or chanakah, or ramadan, or whatever, and try to remember to be grateful when you are wrestling around the shoulder of a snowy highway, grappling on a police officers sidearm with one hand and thrusting his 2 foot mag light into his skull, all the while screaming: "you've got the wrong bloke!" because without thumbs, all this wouldn't even be possible...

Static electricity [2003-01-25 13:07:00] linda leoni
My hair and clothes are full of Static electricity
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