By: Sean [2001-01-03]

I Left My Lunch in San Francisco

I'm now familiar with the consitency of mixed beer, vomit, and broken glass shards

The concert tonight was a lot of fun. I went to see The Melvins, one of the pioneering northwest "grunge" bands, teamed up with Fantomas, Mike Patton of Faith No More/Mr. Bungle's new band, playing together as one band in San Francisco.'s description was a "tinnitus-inducing chugfest," which, I must say, it definitely was. Incredibly loud music and a club of GenX rock-and-rollers drinking like department store Santas. This is the first concert I've been to that was restricted to those 21 and over, and really I don't know why. Kids can handle vomit.

Anticipating that driving (and parking) in San Francisco on New Year's Eve would be impossible, I decided to take BART. The Lake Merritt station in Oakland has free parking, and it runs late. I determined at which BART station I'd have to get off, how to get to Slim's, the concert venue, and set off, only to find that there was absolutely nowhere to park at the Lake Merritt station. Nor, apparently, was there anywhere to park in all of downtown Oakland.

Odds are you know this, but Oakland doesn't have a reputation for being the safest or most crime-free location in the world. In fact, it doesn't really have a reputation as being the kind of place where you "probably won't be murdered." I don't mind parking next to a BART station or post office, as each of those entities has their own police force that patrols their relatively small beats regularly, but in my quest for a parking space I was getting ever farther and farther away from either one of those. After searching for roughly a half hour, I saw an entire street with meters and no cars whatsoever. I've been in the city long enough to know that when you see a street like that without a single car parked on it, there's something wrong. But I didn't care. I pulled into the nearest metered space, hopped out to make sure I didn't have to pay at night, and then I saw the sign: "NO PARKING 12 AM - 3 AM MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY. STREET CLEANING." I'm not sure if street sweepers are government employees or just contracted, but hoping that they wouldn't come by as it was officially, at midnight, New Year's Day, I left my car and headed to the station.

A 10-block walk and a short train ride later, I arrived at Slim's -- your run of the mill, dark, crowded, sticky-floored auditorium with a horde of smokers outside (indoor smoking is illegal in California, though this law is, from what I have seen, almost always overlooked once the music starts). I was pleased. This was the kind of place where the best concerts invariably take place, reminding me of La Luna and the Roseland in Portland. Except now I could drink.

I ordered a Long Island and then walked over to listen to the first act, two DJs, one of whom would frequently start rapping poorly, attempt to perform over the hateful shouts and jeers of the crowd. "Get off the stage!" "Kill yourself!" "Sometimes I masturbate in the shower!" (I'm really not sure how that last one is an insult, but nevertheless, it was yelled.) At one point, someone shouted out to the performers that they were "fags," to which one of them stopped and responded, "This is San Francisco, and you're calling us fags?"

Apparently this duo was Kid 606, and I had to agree with the audience. They sucked. Also playing that night were The Lucky Stars, a cowboy-type band that I actually liked quite a bit. All of these bands, as it turns out, including the headliners, were members of Ipecac Records, home to other greats such as The Kids of Widney High, a special education class from Southern California with such wonderful songs as "Every Girl's My Girlfriend" and "Bugs," a song about the danger of bugs. Sadly, The Kids were not to make an appearance that night.

After a set change and some projected Felix the Cat cartoons, the Melvins+Fantomas began. This was the meat of the show. This was what we were all there to see. I crowded my way up to the front, where the bodies were packed in at a rate of approximately five people per square foot.

It was loud. Oh, how it was loud. There is a popular guitar distortion pedal made by DOD called the "Buzz Box." It is, I have been told, named for Buzz Osbourne, guitarist of the Melvins, who was at this very minute, standing a mere five feet in front of me. I wore no ear plugs, and my ears were ringing well into the next day. I know that I am probably going to wind up with serious damage to my ears one day, but I am having a lot of fun getting there.

Some guy behind me kept trying to crowd in in front of me. He looked like he was about thirty years old, but was also about a foot and a half shorter than me. I was reminded of the short Kids in the Hall character who never gave up on picking fights in bars. He was trying so hard to squirm in between me and the person next to me that I had to laugh. Sorry, pal. I wasn't endowed with GQ-like looks or great social graces. At least I'm taller than most people, and I'm taking advantage of that. If he would have just asked, I'd have let him by.

One thing I've noticed, at this concert and the one I went to the night before (Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade), is that California crowds seem to be much more well-behaved than Oregon crowds. There was a lot of crowding and squirming but, really, nobody had been instilled with the overwhelming desire to get up and break something. Deciding to show them all how it's done, and having had three beers and a double Wild Turkey and Coke since the Long Island, I began jumping up and down and flailing about. It didn't last long, though, before I fell flat on my ass, right there in the middle of the crowd. The shrimpy guy ran by me, but some hippie in front of me gave me a hand up. I decided then that maybe I should trust everyone else on proper over-21 concert behavior.

After the show ended, I went down to the coat check to retrieve my sweatshirt, and there was this totally wasted girl in line who kept throwing up everywhere. It was amazing. She seemed to be all alone, leaning against the wall, head drooping over, face pressed against the brick, and just throwing up. Throwing up, throwing up, throwing up, non stop. She was pretty, too. I like it when attractive people do disgusting things, it makes me feel like I'm winning. But I felt like I should do something, that I should ask if she was all right, but what would I have done if she said no? Her eyes were rolling around her in her head, obviously unable to focus on anything. Finally some other girls asked her if she needed them to take her to the bathroom. Drunk girl shook her head no, took a few steps forward, leaned back against the wall and continued to vomit. Seeing that someone who could actually do something had offered assistance, I put it out of my mind.

On my way out, I noticed just how much spilled beer, broken glass, and vomit was all over the floor in front of the stage. It was very, very impressive. Walking out the door, I passed by a man saying to everyone "Goodbye! Thanks for coming! Thanks for destroying my fucking club!"

BART rides were free that night, on account of the city of San Francisco knowing that the entire population would be out, about, and pissed drunk. It was jam-packed on the trains. Getting on, I saw two seats that were strangely vacant, while a lot of people were standing and hanging on to the rails. Looking a bit closer, I saw why. The empty seats were covered in vomit. A little later, someone who apparently didn't mind getting vomit on their pants took a seat there.

On the train, whenever we got to a new stop, everyone would shout "Don't let them on! Don't let anyone else on!" and people would form a chain blocking all the entrances so nobody else could get on. A couple of gantsta-looking guys (who later proclaimed themselves to be of West Oakland) forced their way on in a flurry of shouted "muthafuckas." It was incredible.

Downtown San Francisco on New Year's -- everyone's too drunk to stand and people are throwing up all over the place. I wish every night of my life involved this much vomit.
we are superior. we are hyperintelligent. [2001-01-02 23:45:12] buzzmccoy
sean. great writing to be sure. very eloquent, feels like despite being a west coaster, and i an east coaster, the great minds think alike. i too, am quite tall. 6' 5" to be exact. less then charming looks, and a "i give up" goatee to boot. i use my height as an advantage every chance i get. i like to think of short people as a different race. an angry, loud, despicable race. like little yappy pomeranians in the presence of a keen tall slender greyhound. not that my buddy list is free of those who are vertically challenged. i am not racist. and i don't prejudge. i just happen to appreciate that being tall rocks. ever since the driver side window of my '84 celica gts broke, i've taken to smoking cigarettes, and leaning slightly to the right extending my long slender arm all the way to the passenger side window to ash my cig. cause god knows, the ashtray shouldn't be used for ashes, thats just asking for trouble. i too like to watch attractive girls throwing up. like on 'jackass' where the chick was throwing up the eggs, mimicking the 'cool hand luke' 50 eggs in an hour routine. she had it down pat, being all modelic and all, needing to know how to boot her food in order to keep her temporary lender figure. i don't need to throw up crap, and i retain my slender figure all day baby. i only throw up when its important. like when my stomach says 'no deal' to 4 morphines and a slew of gravity bongs to the neck. when defending the pride of my country in mekong lounge in downtown bangkok drinking the thai whiskey mixed with soda water(to prevent hangovers, which actually doesn't make much of a difference anyhow, but what the hell, believe what you will)

p.s. - first poster 'ceiling grab'

aye, it'll catch you, just you wait...

-keepin it real in bangkok - adam
punks! [2001-01-03 00:14:51] Annna
Yeah, you may be tall, and over 21, and in a city where things happen, but I can freakin' proofread. "Except now I could rink." "Walked over to listen to the firts act." "retreive."

Edit, too.

Score one for average-height people! Yes!

Greek Theater [2001-01-03 01:16:39] König Prüß, GfbAEV
The Greek Theater at UC
Berkeley has good concerts,
and maybe easier to get to
from Oakland. There's a great
brewery in Berkeley called
Triple Rock. The Oakland
Produce Terminal has good
Mexican breakfast at 4am.
Yeah, 11th&Folsom is kinda
one of my old neighborhoods,
I lived at 22nd&Folsom in
the Mission. Stroll Telegraph
Avenue in Berkeley one Saturday,
plenty of mischief to get into.
Yeah yeah Annna [2001-01-03 08:55:49] Sean
Yeah yeah, I did absolutely no proof reading. I started on this at 11:30 and finished at 11:58, and damn it, I had that midnight deadline!

Maybe I'll go back and edit it later.
Oh my [2001-01-03 09:06:00] Sean
Did you fix my mistakes, Annna? Thank you. You'd make a good line editor. I learned all about line editing in WR204 at Portland State University. They said the best line editors were cocain addicts and worked for Rolling Stone, but I'll bet you could out-edit them.

King o' Prussia: I've strolled down Telegraph, though not since turning 21 last month. I have gone and seen one concert on telegraph, in early December, to see a band called Yellow 5. I wanted to see if they were in any way related to the Yellow 5 of Portland, whose home page is located at

Sadly, they were not related. They were pretty good though.

Buzz: Coming in at 6'5", you are taller than I. But I, from what I gather, am fatter than you, so I say it all evens out. I hope you'll share some stories of your vacation. I like travel writing.
Re: Punks! [2001-01-03 11:31:03] Joel
"Score one for average-height people!" ??? Annna, speaking as someone who has seen you in person a respectable number of times, you may be many things, but an average height is not one of your many sterling qualities. For those of you that may care, I myself am a less-than-towering 5'6". And to Mr. McCoy: while my volume knob may occassionally get turned to 11, I am neither angry nor a Pomeranian.
height [2001-01-03 13:12:38] Annna
Isn't average height 5'9"? And that averages in tribespeople and midgets?

I'm 5'9" and a half, but due to my choice in shoes I generally say 5'10". That's as tall as Art Garfunkel, but he was clever enough to always get photographed next to Paul Simon, which would make anyone look tall. Paul Simon makes DYLAN look tall. Joel is taller than Hitler.

I saw Penn and Teller live once, too. Teller is actually normal height, by which I mean "as tall as me." Penn, on the other hand, is an enormous freak. I wonder if he's ever been on Conan. They could wrassle.

Sean: I edited the bejeezus out of it. Didn't delete, all, of your, commas, but I wanted, to. Mostly fixed: spelling, typos, words that are really one word like "nevertheless." Not entirely sure what line editing is - stuff that's already live? I thought I was a contributing editor.

I just got the board game for Kobolds Ate My Baby! It's called BLT, which stands, of course, for Baby, Lettuce, Tomato. DAMMIT! Now I'm doing the comma thing! Anyway, the person who goes first is the person whose weight in pounds times their height in inches is largest. On the back cover it says "Reap the rewards of bigness!"
Berkeley Marina [2001-01-03 14:13:39] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I like the Berkeley Marina a lot.
One of the best views from there.
Boat-living there is great. There's
a restaurant, go to the end of
University and turn left, and
go all the way. They are out
over the water, and at "Happy"
for the price of two or three
beers you can access a nice
buffet. When I was living at
the Pier 39 Marina and building
stuff for the Blue and Gold Line,
Blue and Gold had a run from
Pier 1 to the Berkeley Pier,
left at 6am and back at 8am.
They let me ride free and get
free brandy and coffee and read
the newspaper. You could hear
the seals barking through the fog.
The old Blue&Gold dock has been
abandoned to the seals.
I like taking the California St.
cable car from down by Aquatic
Park to Chinatown. For a while,
I lived at the Maritime Museum.
I think that one Yellow5 is named
after the pencil and the other
is named after the FDA approved
food dye.
Re: height [2001-01-03 14:28:40] Joel
For the 50 percentile Adult Man, average height is 69.1" (175.5 cm). Average weight is 172 lb. (78.4 kg)

For the 50 percentile Adult ,Female average height is 64" (162.6 cm). Average weight is 137.5 lb. (62.5 kg)

"The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design" by Alvin R. Tilley, Henry Dreyfuss Associates, New York. Published by Whitney Library of Design, an imprint of Watson-Guptill Publications, New York, 1993.
Also [2001-01-03 14:31:16] Sean
I incurred pants damage at said concert.
DOD Box [2001-01-03 15:38:18] König Prüß, GfbAEV
That DOD box sounded cool.
My brother has an amp with
130 pre-sets. I want to get
a kinda guitar called a
Parker MidiBug. The local
Guitar Center has about a
bazillion kinds of Zoom Boxes,
they'll load any kinda pre-sets.
Just as good new year. [2001-01-03 18:54:38] Petey The Swimm
The fantomas show was probaly one of the shows i would have kilt to see. I did see something just as good:



Things of Note:

Tesla Coils + Confetti fireworks + sparklers / me in the front row center = Me getting burned x 10 -9.

I didnt see anyone nearly as drunk as Sean's show

Next Show: The Causey Way DO IT
re: height [2001-01-04 02:15:15] König Prüß, GfbAEV
One friend, a psychopharmacologist
of large stature, argued with me
that in a world of scarce resources
smaller people would be better.
I forget what book I read that in
the future, the Chinese had all
miniaturized themselves and discon-
continued communicating with the
rest of the world. Maybe one result
of the Genome Project will be that
we will finally ring all of the possibilities
out of the strand.
More data [2001-01-04 04:48:54] J. Speed
From the U.S. Gov't:

Men, 20-29 yrs, 50th percentile: 5'9.1" / 164.9 lb
Women, 20-29 yrs, 50th percentile: 5'3.7" / 133.2 lb

The 95th percentile for women is 5'8.5", so Annna bestrides the world like a colossus, relatively.
[2001-01-04 21:22:03] Halcyon
Vomit gets old hat eventually. However, soiling one's self is always cool. Sitting about on various forms of illegal and legal (albeit abused) narcotics causes one to think of various strange things.. such as suggesting to a friend that she urinate in her pants. Not being one to turn down any chance to make an ass of herself, my friend did so, and I would have to say it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.

We were at her grandparent's house, and they had one of those couches with the upholstry sealed in plastic, so after she stood up, the urine just sort of pooled in the recess where her posterior had been, like a small uric acid wading pool for mice, unfortunately we had no mice, nor a desire to try and put swim trunks onto them. I suggested she take off her pants and urinate in mine so that we could match, but sadly she had used it all up and we were out of beer, and I was impatient anyway.

The Causey Way [2001-01-07 20:49:39] Sean
Wow, that Causey fellow is playing in Berkeley on the 21st. The MP3s on the web site are pretty damn good. Believe I'll have to attend that show.
wandering the archives... [2003-05-09 17:48:00] minna
i had a friend who left his sandwich in New York. under his bed in a hotel. i know why, but it's more fun to speculate.
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