By: Sean [2001-01-16]

Weekend O' Concerts

Or 'Why I Have More Bruises Than a Trucker's Wife'

The Time I Saw Mudhoney, One Of the Greatest Bands In The Universe

The Time I Found Out BART Doesn't Run Plast 12:30 Even On Weekends and I Had To Walk Through Tenderloin at 1 a.m. to the Trans-Bay Bus Which Later Dropped Me Off in downtown Oakland at an Equally Frightening Hour

The Time I Saw Imperial Teen at Slim's and The Concert Was Considerably More Tame Than The Last Concert I Saw There

The Time I Missed The Last Bart Train Back to the East Bay Again For The Second Night in a Row So I Walked To the Trans-Bay Bus Terminal and Just Missed the 1 a.m. Bus and they Only Come Once An Hour, So I Took a Cab And It Turned Out To Be Not As Expensive As I Thought ($25)

The Time Bob the Cabbie Gave Me a Free CD Of His Band And Told Me That If I Wanted To Jam He Was Looking For a Keyboard Player But I Listened To Bob's CD And I Don't Think I Will Be Calling Him But He's Still a Swell Guy and I Gave Him An Eight-Dollar Tip Because He Gave Me a CD

The Time I Went To Bottom Of The Hill To See Guttermouth and Bought A Long Island Iced Tea For an 18-Year-Old Who Later Bought Me A Drink (My First Drink From a Stranger) and Told Me I Was Cute Though She Was Pretty Drunk

The Time I Grabbed The Guttermouth Singer By Both Shoulders and Shook Him Violently and He Held the Microphone In Front Of Me and Luckily I Knew The Lyrics To The Song That They Happened To Be Playing so I Shouted Unto The Crowd "Mommy You're So Worthless, You're Lazy, You're Stupid, a Little Overweight, Now Give Me Twenty Bucks."

The Time I Went Up To Mark From Guttermouth After The Show To Say They Did a Good Job And He Asked me If I Had Fun, But My Ears Were Ringing so I Shouted "WHAT?" And He Asked Me Again, And Again I Shouted "WHAT?" And Then He Screamed "DID YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME??" And I Said "Oh, Yeah, Thanks."

The Time I Actually Caught BART Back On Time

The Time I Was So Goddam Sore On Monday I Could Hardly Walk

The Time I Couldn't Think of Any Way to Write About My Weekend Without it Being Really Really Boring So I Figured I May As Well Write About It In a Way That's Really Really Boring But Also Really Really Easy


Had a pretty good weekend. Had to go back to work on Monday though.
Tenderloin [2001-01-17 00:40:29] König Prüß, GfbAEV
If you lived in the city,
it would cut down on commute
time but you might not get
so many interesting story
titles. Most of the new
bands here play downtown
DeeCee, so, they got to
be pretty good before I
would brave a Tenderloin
experience to hear them.
Thin Lizzy is playing here
in the 'burbs, and there's
a Localpalooza at one venue.
Sometime, write about Grant
Avenue and Broadway.
Ha! [2001-01-17 08:16:20] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Ha! I was looking to see who's
playing at the Bottom of the
Hill, and there are listed
two multiband nights at
Bimbo's on Feb. 27th&28th
-this addy also has
streaming Bay band music,
I think...
Fugidaboutit [2001-01-17 08:19:11] König Prüß, GfbAEV
that's dated 1999
City livin' [2001-01-17 09:58:23] Sean
If I lived in the city my rent would be significantly higher than it is now.. it's too high as it is now.

And what's with Tenderloin? I've had a few concerts right down in that area get over around midnight, and it's not that scary. Just a lot (a LOT) of crazy homeless people who say "muthafucka" a lot.

All those concerts actually had two opening bands each, they weren't really significant enough to mention though.
Turk&Mason [2001-01-17 11:51:28] König Prüß, GfbAEV
There are places around
the Tenderloin where
"jackrolling" tourists is
a cottage industry. Same
deal around Grant&B-way.
I've been reading a lot
about the Mission District
getting all gentrified and
dot commed so that it's no
longer a cool cheap place
to live, lot of BMW's get
"keyed" there. In the
marinas, people will pay
you a hundred or two a month
to live on their boats,
check the lines as the tide
changes, and hose them off
occasionally. It's possible
to live rent-free in the
Bay Area. There was a couple
that had a giant-assed spiffy
yacht, they made payments on
it by once a month or so,
they'd do funeral parties:
take people out to drop ashes
outside the Golden Gate!
It was hard enough living in
Alamo; Daly City or So. SF
would be terrible.
Project Artaud is cool,
live/work space.
There was a big quake in
Alaska, a medium one in LA,
and the big one in El Salvador;
SF should get one soon.
Artaud was 'sposed to have
been a big influence on
Patti Smith. If you got
a business and a work/live,
you can write it off as expense.
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