By: Mom [2001-02-23]

The Vulva Monologues

Vul-va, vul-va!

This is SO going to boost our accidental porn hits

The Southern Oregon University Women's Resource Center proudly presents a staged reading of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues.

Wow! I'd heard a bit about The Vagina Monologues and thought this would make for a great Saturday evening's entertainment for my 17-year-old daughter and me. We'd have a few laughs and maybe learn something about ourselves.

The theater was packed full, mostly with women of varied ages, teens to senior citizens. There were old and young hippies, gays, feminists, new-agers and open-minded mothers, all gathered together in the pursuit of genital anecdotes.

In the introduction we were told that Eve Ensler asked women 2 questions: "What would your vagina wear?" and "What would your vagina say?"

What? OK, so these questions were icebreakers to get women to talk about their vaginas.

The stories started. In "Hair," a woman talks about her husband insisting she shave her vagina. I was horrified. Shave a vagina? What are you shaving off a vagina? Wouldn't you need some kind of specialty razor, maybe a larger version of those mail-order nose hair trimmers? My god!

Then I realized she's talking about shaving the pubic hair from her vulva. I was catching on; these liberal women bravely standing up and talking about their vaginas in public to dispel the cloud of ignorance surrounding the female reproductive organs don't know that they're actually talking about their vulvas.

Just in case you don't know the difference: the vagina is the passage from the external genital orifice to the uterus. The vulva is the external female genitalia including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris and vestibule of the vagina. They talk of reclaiming "cunt" but they can't seem to say vulva.

I started substituting vulva for vagina and the stories made sense. My favorite monologue, "My Angry Vagina," was funny and actually about the vagina.

At one point I wanted to stand on my chair and announce, "Listen to me, it's vulva, not vagina. You're talking about vulvas!" I wanted to lead a chant of "Vul-va, vul-va!" But I figured my 17-year-old would slink out and never speak to me again. I kept thinking I must be mishearing these people. When the performance was over my daughter turned to me and said, "Vulva."

Damn! Now I really wished I'd made my announcement to the masses. We were asked to purchase t-shirts, buttons and/or chocolate vaginas on our way out. We stopped to check out the chocolate and I wasn't disappointed. They were chocolate vulvas, not chocolate vaginas. I bought one for my husband, who had elected to stay home and miss the performance.

When I brought it back home, he immediately identified it as a vulva, not a vagina, with no prompting. A dark day for female twat scholarship - he doesn't even have one!

Sadly, he only got a few nibbles of it. He left the chocolate vulva on the kitchen counter when he went to work. It was dark, gourmet Belgian chocolate, and it called to me. I kept cutting off chunks until it was gone.

When he got home I had to tell him, "I ate your vulva."

He was taken somewhat aback.
[2001-02-22 16:42:09] Halcyon
Bout time we gots the porno round here.. (Omit joke regarding fish flavored chocolate.)
[2001-02-22 16:51:05] Annna
I'd just like to point out that my mom is pretty darn cool.

You should have heard her telling me this on the phone, before I asked her to write it down:

Chocolate [2001-02-22 19:00:11] Sean
When I set about eating a chocolate bunny (normally around Easter), I usually top it with peanut butter for that superior chocolate-peanut butter taste.

But I think I'd feel dirty eating a peanut butter-covered chocolate vagina. I mean vulva.
'vestibule'? [2001-02-23 08:09:07] J Speed I'm wondering what the Beastie Boys meant by 'smokin' roaches in the vestibule'.
[2001-02-23 22:38:47] Halcyon
I think I've got an AVI of that somewhere if you're interested.
vulva [2001-02-28 23:07:59] buzzmccoy
the cramps did a song called the 'vulva void'.

i'm almost postitive that around the time when i had the album, i had absolutely no idea what a vulva was or what you were supposed to do with it. i remember picking my nose a lot. ohhhh, how i have grown.

i once tried to convince my girlfriend that it was good luck to have your vulva rubbed.

but not halfway as much good luck as having your 'ahem' rubbed.

serious vaginal discussion [2001-02-28 23:17:54] buzz
but seriously folks.

this is a question aimed at annna's mom, or any other learned female who feels compelled to reply. i'm with a girl who would like kids, but is completely turned off by the act of pregnancy. or more accurately, the act of squeezing a 8 pound kid out a hole the size of a walnut. things were complicated even more when i told her that i heard that sometimes when the kids head is real big, they have to cut that patch of skin between the anus and vag-ee, i guess its the perineum, to make more room. she didn't care for that at all. she's scared her kootch will get stretched out. our solution to the problem was having an asian baby. we both like asian kids, and we think that we might try and get one thats really small, and just kind of hide it under some baggy clothes for a couple weeks. "hey i feel it kicking" and then one day, just take it out, and go: "wow, a full head of hair... and Nikes!"

any thoughts?

VulVaVoid [2001-03-04 21:42:58] Halcyon
King Missile did a song with the same title.. maybe it was a cover.
shaved vaginas''' [2001-12-04 17:16:27] shavedcock
They are the only way to fly....No pubic hair gets caught between your teeth..and guys your dick looks MUCH bigger..aka NO MORE PUBIC HAIR SHAVE IT!!
A new link to this article [2003-02-17 15:49:00] staniel
appears here. I quote, In Hair, a woman talks about her that theyre actually talking about their was or what you were supposed MUCH bigger..aka NO MORE PUBIC HAIR SHAVE. Okay!
getting turned on [2003-03-13 19:50:00] james
are guys supposed to be turned on by the vagina? cause when i look at it, i see all the weird little parts, and the hair surrounding it, and i get totally turned off. it looks rather disgusting to me... help me out here
Ohhhh wow [2003-10-01 16:13:00] Nocturnalchild
That is hilarious,a nd great, and i would feel odd eating a chocolate vulva.

Something funny to do: When you know you have to take a crap grab a candy bar and try to eat it, I guarantee you'll think twice before bitng in. It's a very odd feeling...
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