By: staniel [2001-03-29]

It's a Hard Knock Life For Us

A few paragraphs on metal, tastefully titled referencing hip-hop and/or showtunes

I've noticed a slightly negative attitude towards my kind rearing its ugly head in these pages, and I must say, I believe it's due to misconceptions, and have taken it upon myself to write a few enlightening words.

I am not going to say "don't laugh at the growly vocals" or "the spikes on my jacket are an expression of individuality." you have to have a great ability to acquire odd tastes to enjoy death metal (I like cigars and sushi too), and metal in general seems ludicrous if you can't fully involve yourself in the fantasy. I understand that. the spikes are because I think they look cool, and I don't delude myself into thinking they're unique. No, what I'm going to say is, 1. idiots exist in every social group (re: Sean's "The Story of My Life"), and 2. there's a difference between metalheads and rockers.

The first, as far as I can tell, requires no further explanation. The second, well, let's analyze.

There are a few rockers who are also metalheads, sure. But the metalheads who also enjoy indie-rock (or whatever The Donnas are) would likely go to their show to hear them play, right? Not to piss them off. A barfly, on the other hand, would be a regular at a club, and upon seeing a female band whose music he doesn't care for, would easily make the transition to shouting lewdly, especially after a few beers. Rockers are great barflies, frequently found making fun of concertgoers when their club of choice has a metal, punk, indie, goth, or whatever night.

So if he's being an ass, has something identifying him as a Van Halen or Lynyrd Skynyrd fan, and has sculptured his mullet with a whole can of hairspray, chances are he's a rocker. If he's being an ass and is actually into metal, feel free to tell him off for me, and if any other metalheads encounter him, he's likely to hear the same.

PS: Slipknot fans are the new generation of rockers, not metalheads.
cowboy from hell [2001-03-29 11:30:17] Vicarious
Hey man, don't get me wrong, I am metalhead. I just have a predisposition for 'punk' too. I don't wear spiked leather jackets, or anything like that, I just dress like me. I say Metalhead Pride day should be started, where we get to march down streets waving banners or some strange homemade construction. Maybe a papier-mache bust of Ozzy?

Mall goths are funny, even though we don't have malls (technically) over here. They aren't like 'real' goths, they only listen to Marilyn Manson, and try to be individual by dressing the same!


Me, I'm a big fan of such bands as Napalm Death, Nasum, The Haunted, Machine Head, Dillinger Escape Plan, and Kyuss.

I say Metal Pride day be created, and to hell with the rest of you. Forsooth, and forthwith! Are you sure you would class Slipknot fans as rockers? I think they fall nicely into the mall goth 'band', or maybe even (gasp) trendy 'band'.
Tangerine [2001-03-29 12:44:00] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Have some of my tangerine--
You know I'd never treat you mean
I feel great sympathy for ANYONE
trying to make it in music, regardless
of format or content. It would seem that
getting good at music, the circle of 4ths,
5ths, Pentatonics, Harmonicas, and Chromatics,
as well as joining the Union and getting a
manager, booking agent,& dressing like a natty bumpo
would make it well nigh impossible for various music-consuming
demographics with disposable income and Bic lighters NOT
to whip out the old plastic while throwing their thongs,
hotel room keys, popcorn, and the normal adulatory nomenclature
at whatever raised dias, sunken center, or wire cable that
you happen to find yourself suspended from. But if you put
some MP3 of your machinations up on the 'net, I'll yell and
throw stuff at the monitor, if that's indicated.
Metal.... [2001-03-29 17:59:11] Peccatum Universalis
Just as an introduction, I've been an avid viewer of this page for quite some time now (actually its been 4 months). Anyhoo, as I see it you guys have some little clique thingy going on so pardon me for posting a message. Sorry for this cheesy intro but where I come from people dont take too kindly to strangers and I just felt compelled to add some of my input into this matter.

*On To The Metal*

I can totally identify with being stereotyped. I've been a metalhead for a few years and I'm in 2 metal bands as we speak. I mention I like black metal, death metal, progressive, ambient etc... and people will automatically assume I'm some rogue who likes to make noise and worship Satan. staniel is totally right about one bad apple ruining it for the whole bunch. Society is too ignorant to note all the actual talent in the metal world. To name a few bands: Emperor, Mayhem, Satyricon, Krisiun, Lacuna Coil, Blind Guardian, Old Man's Child and Iron Maiden (well, Maiden is kinda a no brainer).
Also, just because I like metal doesn't mean I can't like other genres too. People act so surprised when I tell then I play Bass in a blues quartet or that I like to go to the opera. Ignorance pisses me off.
Anyways that's it for my usual rant about metal.
Bass, huh? [2001-03-29 18:33:52] König Prüß, GfbAEV
John Entwhistle played here, I like that carbon guitar he designed. One guy took his bass along and Entwhistle autographed it! That bass looks like a space rifle.
Slipknot fans [2001-03-30 00:02:28] staniel
1/3 of them listen to Slipknot, wear baggy pants, accesorize with eyeliner and clove cigarettes, and call themselves goths.
1/3 listen to Slipknot, wear baggy pants, accesorize with wallet chains skateboards, and call themselves hardcore.
1/3 listen to Slipknot, wear baggy pants, accesorize with "scary" jewelry, and call themselves metalheads.
but they're all just rockers. my criteria for this classification is 1. they're laughable, and 2. they listen to popular rock.
Metalhed [2001-03-30 06:49:41] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I am metalhead due to steel plate and bolts. I pick up ambient radio signals all the time, but unfortunately usually, country&western, classic rock, and the all-news station.
i could go for a lime right now [2001-03-30 06:54:29] Vicarious
Stan, that last post has to be one of the most true things I have ever read, ever.

Man! I want a bass that looks like a space rifle! That would own more than anything ever! My bass doesn't look like any kind of offensive weapon... but the sounds it makes is most offensive. Hoho!

Today was an odd day, I must admit. Why, just a few minutes ago, I was smoking a cigarette outside my college, and someone said "Hey you! Smoking is bad for you!", and I said "Yes". But I didn't know this person, and for some reason I found it really offensive. So I trod it out and went in. Why do strangers feel the need to insult me? It's not like I look like a hobo or anything.
Graphite Bass [2001-03-30 07:34:56] König Prüß, GfbAEV
The Status Stealth Bass is made of graphite and has LED's for the fret dots!
Peccatum Universalis [2001-03-30 10:09:35] Sean
There isn't really a clique here so much as it is just the four or five people who are willing to post comments.. or more likely the four or five people who actually read this site.

Wow, all the metal heads are stepping up and sharing their pain about being stereotyped, and my eyes are opened to how oblivious I have been. I feel shame. Shame shame shame shame shame shame shame. Guys, hugs all around.
Zappa [2001-03-30 12:45:49] Peccatum Universalis
Just a question: Is it just me or is Frank Zappa the greatest musical genius ever?
200 Motels [2001-03-30 13:03:07] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I liked Zappa's "Peaches en Regalia" and his movie "200 Motels" was fun, the Vacuum Cleaner Guy was weird, and the human puppets. I still sometimes catch myself humming, "My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Momma"
Metal [2001-03-31 00:21:18] Chip
I guess I just group all metal heads and rockers into one catigory I call "butt rockers" I guess the strugle for exseptance of crapy musical taste contiunes. On a more up beat note Radio (or rachel I'm not sure which) of the up and comming band the need said at a recent concert after covering a judas priest song that "nothing is as cool as heavey metal fags....unless its heavy metal dykes" so you've come along way baby
Rob Halford [2001-03-31 02:55:34] staniel
I don't see why so many people were surprised; he used to fondle male roadies onstage before Judas Priest got all popular and glammy in the '80s.
as for the crappy music comment, I could rail against indie rock, but I do like a little (Helium, Pram, old Butthole Surfers) of it, and despite a few jaded, corduroy-wrapped vinyl snobs who've rubbed me wrong, I can appreciate that there are probably some decent people who listen to even the worst stuff (Pavement).
anyway, Zappa's great. Peaches In Regalia. thumbs up.
hope I'm not off the mark with the indie rock comments. I'm just getting the impression that's what Chip likes best. hope I don't set off any nuclear wars. I'm not that worked up over it, honest.
hey, some guy made a guitar with a concrete body that sustained for ever! [2001-03-31 03:44:25] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Concord, California was big on Thrash when I was there--
I'm enjoying; for free music, it's more than I have time to listen to, even if I leave it run all the time, there is so-o-o-o much music online now, huh? Many streaming radio sites and MP3's of anything.

Alternative Metal
Black Metal
Dark Ambient/Noise
Death Metal
Doom/Stoner Metal
Gothic Metal
Heavy Metal
Industrial Metal
Instrumental Metal
Power Metal
Progressive Metal
Spiritual Metal
Thrash/Speed Metal
genres [2001-03-31 19:44:14] staniel
I think people overclassify a bit. then again, I'm a regular on undernet #doom-metal.
Classifying [2001-03-31 21:38:48] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I'd thought about the many classifications for musical types, too. I think that part of it is perhaps the struggle for differentiation and growth. I watched most of the series on PBS, "The History of Jazz."
It made me laugh a lot, the old film footage of jitterbug dancing,
Cab Calloway's goofy songs, girls in bobbie sox screaming for Frank Sinatra, cool cat bebop Dizzy Gillespie with his cheeks ballooned out
and his trumpet bent up. Time has a way of making things look kind of silly in retrospect. What will come after Metal? Oh, I know, Metal Forever! But as the Metalheads reach their Golden Years, will the Metal genres evolve into Aluminum, Magnesium, and lightweight metallic alloys that would be less taxing to the geriatric Goth set?
Melvins [2001-03-31 23:21:28] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Ack! The Melvins are playing here in April, but they're playing at a club that I don't like in a part of Washington way worse than 2nd and Market Street.
Melvins... worth it. [2001-04-01 00:55:34] staniel
if you haven't seen them, I recommend braving the club & neighborhood unless you're likely to be machinegunned.
as for the evolution of metal, who knows? it tends to develop beyond its fan base; I know some 40somethings who've been into metal since Dio and Nazareth first stirred the primordial lysergic oceans of the '70s, and they tend to hate much of what I listen to. most likely, in 30 years, if there is still metal, it will be written exclusively in time signatures based on prime numbers greater than 3, and performed on plastic recorders, or somesuch. if metal had stopped developing after Iron Maiden (much as I like them), it would be dead - as would jazz, if it had stopped developing after Al Jolson.
blah fish blah man or astro-man? blah blah blah cake [2001-04-01 07:32:10] Vicarious
As long as there is Opeth, metal will _never_ die.
Opeth [2001-04-01 08:02:20] staniel
never say never... but yeah! Blackwater Park is becoming one of the few cd's I feel I'm in danger of wearing out.
I saw Man or Astro-Man at the TLA. they had a big fake computer and cool stuff aplenty.
wow, thingsihate is bustling lately.
m/ destroy erase improve m/ [2001-04-01 15:10:44] Vicarious
Let's not forget Meshuggah, Dillinger Escape Plan, and Candiria. They are _really_ pushing the envelope of music, not just metal. It gives me a headache trying to concentrate on all the riffs and odd timing in a Meshuggah record.
Okay, this is the story, bout my mom and dad.. [2001-04-01 19:11:35] Danielle
Hey, you guys should know that there are quite a few people reading thingsihate..I mean, I'm one of them! So I just wanted to let you know that..Don't be so modest, damnit. Oh yeah, and Sean's been on my list of heroes for awhile. I mean, he's next to Jello Biafra and Dave Quackenbush. He should be proud, damnit!
Wha...? [2001-04-01 21:00:38] Sean
I'm someone's hero? Maybe that means I should make all the fixes to the site I've been thinking of for months... or at least come up with something for tomorrow's update. Or at least change the background color.
Cheese! [2001-04-01 21:10:03] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Yeah! Write about cheese!
Or anything about life in
California. Today, I saw a
"Glamour" magazine that had
a story, "What He's Thinking
When He Looks at You Naked,"
but I couldn't bring myself
to read it, so I won't be
writing about that any time
soon. I still laff at your
"Cosmo" impressions.
Bands [2001-04-01 21:10:14] Sean
The Melvins were pretty damn good on New Years. They're playing again here on May 14th.. already got my ticket.

The Vandals, too, are playing at this year's warped tour. I hate the stupid 30 minute sets on the warped tour but I've never seen the Vandals and would like to. Also the Distillers, Pennywise, Me First, Rancid, Guttermouth and Weezer... so, you know, even with 30 minute sets that's three hours of crazy fresh good music.

Not that anyone cares, but this article's about to be cycled into the archives anyway so here's the current status of my upcoming-shows-I-must-attend list:

4/8 - Lars Frederickson & The Bastards
4/22 - PBR Street Gang
4/23 - That one band that opened for Murder City Devils last weekend
4/29 - Iggy Pop. Better see him before he's dead.
5/2 - Rocket from the Crypt
5/12 - Imperial Teen. Maybe. It's at a lousy venue.
5/14 - Melvins
6/30 - Warped
8/5 - Roxy Music
He's no Paul Simonon [2001-04-01 22:12:11] Danielle
Yeah, well, you know, Sean, the main reason for hero worthiness is that you DO get to see shows. Unlike me, who living so far up in the great white north, has to truck up to Barrie for Warped this year. Of course, the main reason WHY I'm going is The Vandals. I mean, come on. I'd give at least two legs to see them live. weezer is also a very big incentive. This year's lineup is just FANtastic, and I'm pumped. What's this about 30 minute sets? Damn. I love you Sean!!
Papa Roach [2001-04-01 22:40:32] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Papa Roach is playing at the same
club, I'll just grit my teeth,
as it were.
Some Papa Roach-Real Audio
Melvins [2001-04-01 22:45:58] Sean
King of Prussia, you should see the Melvins, no matter how scary the neighborhood.

Well, I've heard stories about how damn scary certain parts of DC are... but still. You should go, just to see Buzz Osbourne, the man responsible for the famed DOD Buzz Box.
Mean Streets [2001-04-01 23:00:48] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Yeah, I'm not a'skeered
to go there, I'll wear my
usual wino disguise.
.. im new here [2001-04-04 22:43:03] Firestarter
How often do we here the teenage bimbo proclaim "my boyfriends name is [danny].. he likes slipknot"? They don't know what real metal is, but they use bands like slipknot as ordinance to seem like a real 'hardcore dude' and it's quite obnoxious. The rest of the majority doesn't know what real metal is, they think Slipknot is deadly hardcore, and "anyone who listens to that kind of music must be a real badass". I have the luxary of having a roommate who is one of these people.

Alright, another thing that pisses me off is the whole "goth" idea. So what, I don't wear anything other than black, I have a long black trenchcoat on, combat boots, etc. - that does NOT make me a goth! Far from it! Why do people always refer to it as such!? It aggrivates me, because it just fuels the average "boo-hoo, mommy and daddy only hand me $400 a week from their dual six didget salary jobs, the world owes me so much more, I'm going to listen to Manson and paint my nails black, that'll make me a goth!" state of mind.

I haven't seen anyone mention Dimmu Borgir, lest Borknagar..

All in all, I don't have much of a problem with the narrow-minded misconceptions of my 'cultural alignment', it has some benefits to it, such as me not having to sit next to anyone on the bus, heh.
Well.. [2001-09-02 09:31:24] Stupid Wannabe
I'm from britain and i'm new here. I'm only 15. I know nothing of the world and I admit that.

I'm into the descendents, ALL, less than jake, Marilyn Manson (a bit), the lost prophets and the pricks. I always get called a wannabe by the people who think they're so so so cool cause they're a 'pro skater dude!' and I get called a freak by the so called normal people.

I'm fed up with people categorising me. I don't fit. I never did. All you people seem far too inteligent for me to even be making sense, so bare with me.
I HATE POP [2002-02-23 14:31:46] Metal Massacre
Death to pop music - Pop is gotta be the biggest frauds since cannabis was outlawed. i mean takea bunch of slut dressin hoes and or buttfucker shemales and then add a $1200 computer and a $99 peice of software - otherwise talent is entirely optional - no need to know how to sing - just have the looks. pop is so fucking fake cos they dont know shit on how to play an instrument. they are just buttfucking shemales and or slut dressin hoes. and for all you fans of pop out their - quit listening to that bullshit or ill shove sum anthrax down ya fucking throat (figure of speech)

[2002-04-25 14:13:20]
no one cares what you hate you whiney asshole
Metal˛ [2002-05-05 02:16:39] brutal
metal?? duh?? watever?? the best metal band??? BLACK SABBATH... thats it...slipknot??? uhu... ew....for kids partyy.....for mall goths... watsoever....????!!!!!!!!
image...who cares? [2003-01-03 12:56:27] Bloodsoaked and Binded
i've noticed here that there are alot of posts criticizing baggy jeans and spikey hair and the like. I really don't see the big deal with the way a metalhead dresses. Personally i wear pants that fit and a t-shirt...but if theres a metalhead who wears big baggy jeans and a chain, who cares? Hell, for a while i wore big baggy jeans in high school and guess what? i listened to stuff like agoraphobic nosebleed, circle of dead children, opeth, iced earth, deceased, nile...any metal i could get my hands on as long as it wasnt nu-metal!

my point is that you can dress like a prep and still listen to some fairly heavy and rockin stuff...look at the guys from dep! One of the most influencial hardcore bands out there, absoltely nuts, and half of um wear polo shirts and kakis...

metal has grown into so many subdivisions and so many different genras...why should anyone have to abide by a dress code? Dont persicute a metalhead who doesnt look like you, or wears clothes that don't buck the trends of today. he/she may just be able to teach you a thing or two...
trench coats "wink, wink" [2007-08-07 00:54:30] jacob
i were combat boots, a trench coat, a small black beine, and "shooting gogles"

i listen to all good hardcore/ death / and old school metal.

people think im crazy but i enjoy my self

P.S. high Hitler, and the kkk
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