By: Annna [2001-04-18]

Walkthrough: Nelda Nockbladder's Anatomy Lesson

finally giving something back to the gaming community

it's really much better than it looks

This walkthrough is not intended for the first-time player of Nelda Nockbladder's Anatomy Lesson. Part of the fun is trying to figure out what the heck is going on in the first place. This walkthrough is meant for people who have already stared at a level for hours, unable to figure out what they need to do.

It will make no sense unless you've at least seen the levels before.

The purpose of this walkthrough is not to discourage you from buying the full version. Scott Miller is a genius and you should send him money. There are no cheat codes given, nor the password to allow you to skip any of the levels. The purpose of this walkthrough is to allow you to experience all of the joys of conquering Nelda Nockbladder's Anatomy Lesson without most of the frustration, making your experience pleasant and agreeable, as all things in life should be.

Lesson 1: Behold the Brain!

The first lesson is fairly straightforward. Jump and spit at the falling eggs. Each egg you destroy uncovers a piece of the brain - when it's totally revealed, you're done.

The eggs will release random creatures when you spit at them. Occasionally an egg will produce a Blue Plate Greelynob, which will fire at you until you spit at it and destroy it. If you touch an egg, it will definitely produce a Blue Plate Greelynob. If you let an egg hit the floor, it will turn into a Pig Zap and ricochet back towards the ceiling, destroying every egg it hits on the way. Luckily, you can destroy a Pig Zap in this level by spitting. (You can't always.)

After the brain is revealed, a turquoise box with a switch appears in the lower right. Spit at it to end the level.

Bobbing schloob: all colors are harmless except green, which releases very slow pointing fingers from the left. Jumping over them gives you points. If they touch you, you die.
Answer: The brain is unique among fooblick.

Lesson 2: Lubdub...Lubdub...

Beware the red Exploding Salmon Eggs. You can climb up the right side of the ladder until the one that's out of line, then jump off to the right and move up at the same time, then go left again to get back on to the ladder. Quickly move up to the platform, being careful of the trap that will shoot at you from the left. It should only shoot once; you can jump over the bullet.

If you mess up and hit the Exploding Salmon Egg that's out of line, it will start to slowly move back and forth. You'll have lost a life, but it will be easier to pass.

Stand a little to the left of the red part of the pipe and jump up. An egg should be released. (It will turn into a Pig Zap, but that's unimportant.) Keep knocking down eggs until there is a pop and the vertical barrier beneath you explodes.

You'll need to knock down eggs for a lot longer than you think - sometimes as many as a hundred times. Luckily, nothing is trying to kill you up here. You can just hold down the Shift key.

Climb down - an Elasticow will be approaching from the right. Touching it is death, but you can spit custard at it and destroy it.

Watching out for both the floor shooters and the Peashooter Gargle-puss on the right, advance right until you can jump on top of the button above the Peashooter Gargle-puss. This will destroy both it and the floor shooters.

A Blue Plate Greelynob will appear from the left. Spit at it.

Bobbing schloob: all colors produce harmless Kanga What?s except blue, which releases very fast pointing fingers from the right. Stand far to the left if you want to jump over fingers.
Answer: Roofrack-ready hearts are popular among Hittites.

Lesson 3: Our Friend, the Skull

Jump to the grey floor via the moving purple platforms. The orange platforms will not kill you, but will release bullets diagonally from a random corner of the screen. If you are prepared for these, you can dodge them.

Spit at the orange button on the machine at the left of the screen. This destroys the orange platforms.

Make your way to the highest moving platform. Remember: platforms move under you; you don't move with them. Don't fall in the water.

Once on the highest platform, it stops moving. Spit at the big magenta ball on the right when it comes down. A chain of events will materialize a turquoise toggle switch on the platform you started on. Go there and/or spit at it to toggle it.

A teeter-totter will appear on the grey floor. Jump down to it. (You can save time by jumping facing right, continually spitting, to hit the orange button and the Blue Plate Greelynob that will appear.) You'll be launched up and rematerialize on the starting platform, but you won't lose a life.

Bobbing schloob: harmless, except for yellow which releases fairly fast fingers from the left.
Answer: Skimping on the treble leads to plastic softening.

Lesson 4: Kidney Stew is Fine

Jump up to the platforms, careful of the Peashooters (remember to hunker down) and spit at the floating plates; they'll destroy the protective shield of the other Peashooter.

After you've destroyed both Peashooters, fingers will fly from the right of the top two levels. Hunkering defeats them as well, but they're followed by three Blue Plate Greelynobs (one on each level). Destroy them by spitting; it helps if you take care of the middle one first.

Bobbing schloob: every color brings a medium-speed finger from the right. The platforms make it easy to dodge in this level; it's an ideal place to ring up points.
Answer: Kidney is bring to one feeble.

Lesson 5: Wall of Pelvis

The sound on your computer may go nuts here. Turn off music (Ctrl+M) and turn it back on again.

It doesn't matter how many times you shoot the pelvis; the only thing that matters is that you get it to hit the moving orange button on the upper right of the screen. Do this by jumping a lot and spitting at the pelvis when it gets too close. It will shoot at you intermittently, but not very well.

When it hits the button, the pelvis turns into four or five miniature pelvises. Those can and must be destroyed by spitting.

Ride the blue moving platform to the platform on the right, then jump up and bump the orange button. A Blue Plate Greelynob will appear; spit at it. It will be a while before you're in a good position to hit it, but it also takes this one a while before it starts shooting at you.

Bobbing schloob: all colors cause fingers to fly from the left, go half-way and double back. Yellow and blue brings fingers from the lower half of the space between the bottom two platforms, green and red the upper half.
Answer: False. Complete weeblitz ignorance.

Lesson 6: Everybody's Tube

When the pink balls come out of the three tunnels, spit at them. A chain reaction moves a finger closer to a button. Failure to spit at a pink ball in time turns it into an indestructible Elasticow. Okay, I don't know for a fact that this Elasticow is indestructible, but it comes straight from the bottom and you have no chance of spitting at it.

When the flying orange button passes you on the way down, spit at it.

Jump on the moving platform, but only after it's made its rounds once, triggering the leftover finger's departure right where you'd be standing.

Ride it to the right and jump on the button in the floor.

Bobbing schloob: red brings harmless Pig Zaps, yellow and green bring medium-fast fingers from the left. Blue, oddly, causes slow-moving giant eyeballs to appear. Touching them is harmless, spitting at them turns them into non-firing Blue Plate Greelynobs.
Answer: One tube among many apt groolwiggs.

Lesson 7: Ribs and their Parasites

Jump to the platform labeled Garnossity and start spitting at the flying finger, trying to advance it to the button.

The Inverse Formula for Sock Size will fly around, depositing little gramophone/cannon things that move and shoot very slowly at regular intervals. You cannot destroy any of this by spitting, but you can touch them without fear and destroy the cannon/gramophone things by walking into them. If you have been spitting at the finger diligently, you may not even have to do that. They all disappear when the finger touches the button.

After the finger hits the button, it ricochets back. Crouching will save you.

The Inverse Formula for Sock Size performs a chain reaction and eventually becomes an Elasticow, which you must spit at. A Blue Plate Greelynob appears, which you must also spit at.

Be very careful not to hit the bobbing schloob; it is very dangerous in this lesson.

Bobbing schloob: every color causes a big eyeball to fall directly on you, crushing you, no matter where you are or if you moved.
Answer: Bark like a pigeon.

Loosen 8: Living in a Liver

If you found this page via a search engine, this is probably why you went looking for it. The liver is the hardest level, barring the registration-only Mystery Gland, and is hard even for a veteran.

Jump into the machine. It will spit you out and you will rise again, starting as a tiny head. Before you fully rise, go right, but not so far that you hit the black ball (which will kill you, as will the pink robots if you wait too long to pass right).

Traveling past the second blue band, except when on a platform, will cause the indestructible Elasticow to zip to your location and kill you.

Once fully risen and between the robot and the black ball, you must master a tricky move:

Climb up the ladder quickly, then, using your momentum, jump up and right to the ladder directly above the scoreboard. Go easy; it's really easy to overshoot this one.

Now you must master a trickier move: go straight up until you are right about to hit the black ball, then go right and then left quickly while still going up, so that you leave the ladder for a moment but still travel up, avoiding the black ball.

That's the hardest part. Now wait for the floating platform, and ride it to the platform on the right, jumping on the button. You will become large again.

Jump to the new, blue moving platform, being careful to hit it directly lest the Elasticow kill you or the green acid hit you. It will speed up when you land on it; be prepared to jump again. It is best to wait to jump to the platform until it is very close to the ladders again.

Climb through the ladder structure (all the traps are gone) and jump on the orange button on the lower left.

Bobbing schloob: by standing on the lower platform of the one free-standing ladder and hunkering down, you can spit at the schloob and never be hit by the fingers. Every color releases one from the right which, after a long pause, returns from the left.
Answer: "Unique among the fooblick." How those words bring joy to the many heezblisters who await the resolution of Kolbeck's Problem of the Seven Bottle Brushes.

Lard 407.3: Epidermagumbo

Climb aboard the moving platform and go left to step on the orange button. The Kanga What?, usually just decorative, is useful when the spit-proof Elasticow appears. Shoot the Kanga What? and it will bounce over to the Elasticow and destroy it. You need only do this once, unless you stall without advancing.

Jump up and to the left, and walk to the higher-ceilinged chamber. Jump and spit to destroy the dangling green lobe, then time yourself to spit through the gap and hit the orange button to the right. You cannot kill the Antigropes, nor can you spit through them. Be persistent.

Having done this, a toggle switch appears in the lower left while a platform closes off the lower section of the screen. Evil Anti-Neldas advance from the right; jump when they spit. With the sound on (or having played before), it's easy to avoid. They spit four times and are okay to touch. You cannot destroy them with spit.

The platform then retreats, and you can jump down and toggle the switch. From the upper left comes a Blue Plate Greelynob that shoots a lot more often that usual and has some natural cover. Be careful.

It's possible to die by the Evil Anti-Neldas, then respawn in the tiny lower section of the screen with the platform still closing it off from the rest. This is bad. You can still toggle the switch, but it's almost impossible to spit at the Blue Plate Greelynob. You will certainly lose a life, possibly all of them.

Bobbing schloob: red causes a very slow finger from the right, yellow a faster one from the left. Green is harmless, blue causes a big eyeball to fall from the sky and kill you dead.
Answer: All answers are wrong.

Zootlepop () Fleeboo 13-b

This lesson is easy. Walk over to the pink doohickey on the right and push it all the way to the left. Repeat. If the eyes get close, spitting at them once will make them reverse direction. If they touch each other, they will also reverse direction. Touching an eye kills you in a disturbing way.

The more you spit at the eyes, particularly the top one, the faster they return.

Eventually, the chain reaction from the pink thing makes the buttons meet and the barrier to the blue section disappear. The eyes won't go there. Hiding there and/or shooting the eyes to change their direction, get to the toggle switches. Each one destroys an eye.

Blue Plate Greelynob approaches from the left.

Bobbing schloob: red is harmless, yellow causes a finger to come from the left, turn around, then turn around again. Green does the same as yellow, except fruit appears. And this time fruit kills you. Blue makes Uncle Hosmer appear; he is not harmful.
Answer: Melon

Snack Bar

You must clear away all the food to get to the end. Don't spit on the bubble; unless you know the password to the Mystery Gland you won't be able to record your score. Nothing on this level can kill you, and you can't destroy anything with spit.

Congratulations! You've finished one of the most peculiar games online. Now go back and read the help file.
That was a big one, as the actress said to the bishop. It confused me beyond belief.

I'm meant to be playing D&D today. 3rd Edition D&D. An evil campaign, too. I'm going to be a Black Guard (Anti-Paladin). I'm oddly excited, yet apprehensive at the same time. Oh for the art-related pompousness of V:tM.
To the Uninitiated [2001-04-18 11:18:31] Pop
I hereby certify that the above is in reference to a real game. Annna didn't make it up just to have you on; somebody else did.

Yer pal,

Smote with a Bladder [2001-04-18 12:53:20] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Good schematic. I think that why I like the name, "Nelda Nockbladder,"
is that it is a plausable name for a kind of person, and also it reminds me of court fools who would from time to time smite people with bladders. On the alt.horror.cthulhu ng, there was mention of a
mythos kind of story in the New Yorker magazine in the issue previous
to the current one, c. April 4th(?) that supposedly involves the demise of a clown! It's by Michael Chabon. Also, in this picture anyway, Nelda looks a bit like Nurse Jane Fuzzywuzzy, Uncle Wiggly's
possum assistant, perhaps due to wonky glasses and plague of ergot.
Scott Miller [2001-04-18 22:29:53] Rev Chip
I wrote to scott miller a few years ago and asked him what nelda was. At the time I had a hunch she was maybe a cow or a capibara rat or something, I think he said it wasn't anything but closer to a cow person maybe, I'm not sure really that was a long time ago. still he replied promptly and seemed nice and thats whats key
Key [2001-04-18 23:20:58] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I've been listening to "Surfin' Bird" non-stop for about three hours now, and anything seems believable. Nelda Knockbladder is a delightful name!
Send me a screenshot of your high score for Nelda Nockbladder's Anatomy Lesson, taken from the ending high score board (the one that says Garnossity). Ideally you'd crop this image a little - I just want to see your score.

Upon providing mailing address, the winner will receive a hand-written Modern English translation of The Battle of Maldon, lines 2-113. In four colors of ink, nearly illegible, and including such helpful marginal notes as "no dialogue, only soliloquies" and "1. NAP. 2. XEROX."

Contest entries must be in by Wednesday, 25th April, at noon (Pacific). Blatant forgeries are discouraged.
re: Contest [2001-04-19 03:13:32] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Will there be a booby prize?
Perhaps [2001-04-19 15:44:16] Annna
I've always wanted to be an Amazon.
Amazons [2001-04-19 20:53:04] König Prüß, GfbAEV
See? Thingsihate is very educational! I thought that lopping the bowstring-side breast was from Europe, or one of those weird Greek islands where the women write poetry. Any case, a pair of your joke
plastic boobs would be funny, if it's within budgetary constraints.
After trying to play Nelda Nockbladder today, I have no ambitions of
winning any kind of prize, booby or otherwise, but the sound effects are fun, as well as spitting at stuff.
A = no, mazon = breast [2001-04-19 21:23:01] Annna
I like it when it says "lemon!" That's my favorite sound effect in the whole world.

Have you tried reading the help file? The author is six flavors of loony. It's great.

As to trying to play, cripes, man! That's why this was written! I have filled a void and brought forth a helpful document towards better Nelda Nockbladder-playing for all mankind! Use it!

Also, make sure you're setting the difficulty low.
sweet holy hogsweat! [2001-04-19 23:09:55] staniel
this takes me back to the Olden Days of gaming, when no-name companies would release scores of unplayably hard, nonsensical platformers. this is truly a great service to the world.
I think Nelda Nockbladder herself is based on a cartoon from my childhood. a rodent in sleepwear sounds familiar, though she should be holding a candlestick. Mrs. Frisby, maybe?
Libyans [2001-04-20 02:56:48] König Prüß, GfbAEV
A=no mazon=breast makes sense. One item indicated that these Caucasian
warrior women of the western Libyan desert seared the right breast in
youth, which I guess would have kept it from budding. Yeah, same root, like in mastectomy. The children of Ares and the naiad Harmonia.
I think that the way to go with Nelda Nockbladder is to get the official version and toggle-on invincibility; the prospect of "Nelda
the Invincible" is skeery, indeed!
I really need to register [2001-04-20 14:29:42] Annna
I'm intrigued and a little bit frightened by the proposition of "Hideous Nelda Mode."
I was intrigued and a little bit frightened by the entire game, but Annna, I have finished it, and dutifully e-mailed a screenshot of my score. I was going to study for my philosophy final now, but I don't think logic is an especially accessible faculty right now, given the freebdorks gibble and vut wonkin.

Maybe I'll just listen to the 'Hitch Hiker's Guide'.

Mrs. Frisby wore a tattered red cloak and that amulet (in the movie, anyway), no sleepwear. Since that first reading, I always thought that Nicodemeus was the most fabulous name. This Nelda is more like a bizarro character from 'The Wind In The Willows', or Roald Dahl's 'The Fantastic Mr. Fox'. Probably the latter, after the main characters drank all that cider (to the best of recollection).
Frisby [2001-04-20 17:23:15] staniel
yeah, I should have known it wasn't her. I'm thinking it's more likely that the character I'm thinking of was on children's wallpaper or blankets or something. I think she was holding a pie.
I need to go to the library and get some that, and some more nostalgaic books. Lloyd Alexander, Madeline L'Engle, various authors of Conan (maybe not), etc. then, if I could get working copies of Wasteland, Mines of Titan, Lightspeed, Mega Traveller, etc... I'd be 12 again!
so. I am not joining in the Festivities. the stoner of work advised me today that the date is 4/20. I discussed this with Sean the Roommate, and he told me he doesn't do that anymore because it puts him to sleep. I said, "wow, if pot made me sleepy, I'd smoke it all the time!" but instead, it makes me hot and nauseous. screw that.
oop. [2001-04-20 22:03:19] staniel
"get some that?" geez. get something like that. I shouldn't type until I've had a few hours to wake up, I think.
Dialect [2001-04-21 01:15:48] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Staniel, if you drop articles or prepositions, I don't notice it because I read your postings with my best Jersey accent, anyways. I should go visit or at least call my buddy Butch from Maple Shade;
last time I called him, he'd just got married, and said to call him back after a while. I think that I mighta seen Nelda Nockbladder playing the slots in Atlantic City!
accent [2001-04-22 01:27:38] staniel
my pronunciation is terrible. my accent is only mild, but I did a lot more reading than conversing in my formative years, so any word I learned from text rather than speech will usually be accented on the wrong syllable or mangled entirely until someone clues me in.
let me know if you're in the area. I'm looking for someone else who's willing to brave Jay's Elbow Room on Rte. 73 (in the Maple Shade/Mt Laurel/Moorestown jumble, even). all of my friends are afraid to get knifed, but I've never been to a truly sleazy bar, and I think it's an experience I should have.
as for AC, I think most of the rodents there, while two-legged, are decidedly less charming than our dear Nelda.
Atlantic City Arcades [2001-04-22 07:10:31] König Prüß, GfbAEV
A New Jersey trip would no doubt yield several stories. The Boardwalk arcades, diners, and whatnot. I'm sure Butch has been to the Elbow Room, he's crazy and fearless. He's been working for the New York Shipbuilding Company, but last time he said he was working for Jersey Welfare. His brother became a Jersey State cop; we were zipped when we went to his graduation in Trenton; they had exhibition driving and riot drill; me and Butch were laughing our asses off. Helicopters, too! I usually get in touch with Butch through his folks in Sicklerville, so, it might take a while. But also, one of my sisters visits some people got a boat in AC, so I might get a ride up with them. I'm still playing Nelda Nockbladder, but I'm not paying attention to scores; I get killed a lot!
I win! [2001-04-22 23:57:38] staniel
with frequent references to the walkthrough. I shall try and find my high score later. I got killed many times, on easy.
Elasticow!!!! [2002-02-12 18:33:46] Elasticow
Me likes it!
HOOLIGAH! [2002-02-28 13:03:36] Jackson
This game rocks. WOOOOOOOOH! Sorry, I iz high on Mud Pie Starbucks Ice Cream. Just in case anyone wanted to know, the "passwurd" for Mystery Gland is fud. HDFKDJFLK:JSIEOPHLKDJFS:JL:SKD:DFDLF:KDL:DJLDJ:FKJSLDJLD:=Cobalt>Greezelbork
The Making of Nelda [2002-02-28 13:05:56] Jackson
By the way, does anyone know where the hell I can download at least a demo of Click N Create. I think I can use it to hack Nelda.
The Secret of Life [2002-02-28 13:08:52] Jackson
1 bottleapop greezelbork shlemeal boka fuhd hooligah!
Cheat codes [2007-10-07 07:24:38] Scott Miller
Well, it's been so long that I don't think the ten or twelve people who actually paid for it will mind if I give out Nelda's cheat codes. You can get them in a Windows help file at:
The home page is:
The most important is: To become invincible, type zoe. To turn it off, type 2.
When invincible, press b to create bridges, press c to remove them.
Just get the help file, it explains all. Overwrite the help file that exists.
I don't know if Nelda works with XP. I haven't tried it.
- Scott M
All content copyright original authors; contact them for reprint permission.