Ukulele Week: Day Six
losing steam - RADIOACTIVE STEAM!

Image stolen from Carol Lay
This time I mean it: not much to say.
I'm taking one of those one-day-one-credit seminars put forth by the Education department. They're under the banner of the Substance Abuse Prevention Program, which basically means I'm going to spend a day in the equivalent of a junior high school Health class.
On the other hand, it'll be one credit I'll never have to think about again. One upper division credit. Did I mention this is my third year and I'm graduating after summer term? You begin to see, perhaps, my predicament.
I don't know that I like the whole "trading chunks of time for credit" mechanism to be so obvious, though. At least I won't have to pay attention, like I would in a real class. The title of this seminar is "Who's Weird, Who's Not?"
This means, of course, nothing; they will have the same two motivational speakers they always have, the perky butch woman and the sleepy sweater-wearing guy, talk to us about whatever percolates from their brains to their mouths and then hand out articles that have nothing to do with the lecture. We will write short summaries of the articles and get one Pass/No Pass credit.
I sure hope the University of Oregon Substance Abuse Prevention Program never ego-searches and finds this page! Ha ha! Don't worry, they can't read anyway; ask me later about my adventures in the heroin class.
This lecture starts at eight in the morning. As I write this at midnight Friday, I have decided to record ukulele mp3s and scan things rather than go to a movie or sleep. I'll probably regret this Saturday morning, but it has brought forth fruit!
Less fruit than I thought, though. See, I decided to teach myself how to use the multitrack feature of Cool Edit 2000. And that's what I did, too, except that I froze my computer in the process, losing a fair version of Elvis Costello's "New Amsterdam." Ah, hell, it's lost forever; I should tell you guys it was an absolutely kick-ass version of Elvis Costello's "New Amsterdam." Much better!
Instead, here's what I have. It's only a minute, but it's extra creepy to make up for it. It's sort of my tribute to Bob Dylan's cover of "The Boxer" on Self Portrait. If you're a Dylan fan, you're quivering in terror already. For everyone else, here's the first verse of Leonard Cohen's The Future. 1.32 MB.
"We'll all be dead, and yet still alive... like Leonard Cohen!"