By: staniel [2001-06-10]

Was I A Weird Kid?

children are bizarre.

children are bizarre. lack of inhibition, curiousity, etc. I'm wondering if this explains an incident from when I was about four years old, which I've always remembered (which is odd, as I have a hard time remembering anything from that era, and can recall nothing from before, even though there are stories about me dating back further). I didn't have a lot of friends, but I wasn't totally sheltered. I did play my little childhood games with my mom as much as with kids, though, and one was a cat-and-mouse themed version of hide and go seek, which I guess worked out well for a busy mother - kid hides for a few hours, during which time he'll amuse himself endlessly by changing hiding places or getting distracted, but he won't leave the house to get run over by trains or anything, and thus, time is freed up for the various obsessive-compulsive urges to clean, that need to be repeatedly satisfied. (um, everyone's mom is like that, right? vacuuming the same spot of rug for 20 minutes straight? er. love her, I do, but I have an aversion to the noise of vacuuming, especially repetitious vacuuming, to this day).

this is one of the first instances of my thinking way too far ahead of a conversation. I still do it from time to time; mistakenly assuming I know the direction of the other person's thought patterns, and saying something intended as a response to what I expect them to say. I actually get it right sometimes, but very rarely.

it is also my first blasphemy. insert cute "baby's first blasphemy" card here.

I think, this day, I had been rambunctious enough that my mom needed imaginary cats to assist her in keeping me subdued. it's sketchy. anyway, being a good little boy exposed to violence aplenty (by other children, of course - there's no death in cartoons, and I had no video games at that point), I had killed them all. everyone! nobody was left to pursue me, after such thorough killing. I now think it odd that I was the mouse; I identify more with cats now than with any other animal. but I was an all-powerful mouse, and only in a child's mind would anybody have even attempted to "catch" (with no other objective in mind) such an omnipotent rodent. if mice such as my former alter-ego existed, they would have to be nuked from orbit. go figure. but, the meat of the story awaits.

I had rendered my mom and her imaginary army powerless. who was left to save her? only God, and I anticipated this, shrieking, "and I killed God!" you need to picture this from my mom's perspective, where this came completely out of the blue. she's quite Christian now, and even though she wasn't anywhere near as religious then, this was still not the sort of thing she would have expected.

as for me, I'm quite agnostic in my adultivity, and I'm even fond of some blasphemous humor, but I still think this is really weird. I got a long lecture for it, too, the particulars of which I don't recall, though the point of it is obvious. this is also my first recollected incident of blurting something to embarass myself, and being heavily ashamed when told how wrong I was. I still feel more miserable when embarassed than under any other negative circumstance.

I must remember to make an ass of myself less frequently.

ah, screw it. I wrote the following blasphemous drinking song almost a year ago, and my apartment was almost immediately infested with hornets:

the Christian God is a dirty old sod
with a very sharp turn at the end of his rod
"my symbol of office," he says with a nod
a nasty old rotter, that Christian God

and Jesus Christ is afear'd of mice
he hates the Chinese, says they smell like rice
and everyone knows he has genital lice
I steer well clear of that Jesus Christ

now, Old Man Satan is full of hatin'
he leads you to lyin' and masturbatin'
he really likes his potatoes au gratin*
a rather odd fellow, is Old Man Satan

the Judeo-Christian pantheon
is a trio of gods that are soon to be gone
so get on the altar without your pants on
for the Judeo-Christian pantheon!

* poetic license
Baby's First Blasphemy [2001-06-11 00:54:32] Jonas
The mental picture of a small child triumphantly declaring "And I killed God!" is beyond description.

I'd comment on the drinking song as well but I fear divine retribution; suffice to say that is what I think of it. There are some theological inaccuracies, but hey, it's a drinking song. How goes the tune to it?
you are wise, sir. [2001-06-11 01:35:13] staniel
for I was divinely retributionated rather quickly and severely. stoop not into the darkly... uh, yeah.
Zombies [2001-06-11 09:56:21] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I guess that zombies might be seen as a blasphemous form of life, there are plenty of suburban zombies and inner-city zombies these days. Dr. John was innneresting last night, some swamp voodoo spooky music, some New Orleans celebratory music, and some Duke Ellington that sounds weird being done by a quartet. Most of my blasphemies aren't so much in defiance of the gods, but in defiance of the status quo, which is even more perilous than arguing with The Supreme Being. My first rituals were borrowed from Mark Twain and Tom Sawyer, and involved dead cats, a full moon, and stump water. Proper stump water isn't easy to locate. Later were added incantations in unknown tongues and toads (although frogs were substituted when toads were unavailable). My first recollection of cursing on Sunday was at age four when taken to the Natural History Museum and viewing the skeleton of a T. Rex: "What the Hell is that?!?!" But although last night's Dr. John did not elucidate methodology of zombie-making, it was plenty good music for zombies to dance by.
WHOA [2001-06-11 10:44:01] Halcyon
that little drinking song is exactly 666 characters long.
that rules.
Rules! [2001-06-11 17:47:32] König Prüß, GfbAEV
It not only rules.
It rules OK!
blasphemy and hosiery [2001-06-11 18:46:08] phenotyne
The memories just come flooding back. I don't know exactly why I always hated church, it was probably some sort of passive aggressive way for me to deal with the agony of those itchy, white tights all little girls had to wear.

I always put forth a good effort to get kicked out of sunday school. One day, I pretended I was blind for the entirety of the class. I wanted someone to reach out and try to heal me, but no takers. Another bon mot of mine was to repeatedly ask for forgiveness. Before class, I?d often take the yardstick, symbol of knuckle-cracking oppression everywhere, and loop my arms over it and run around saying, ?Look at me, I?m crucified!? Usually, my theatrics didn?t get me booted, it was the questions I?d ask and the whispered asides I?d make to my crony: a little girl who always wore saddle shoes with her itchy, white tights.

After getting kicked out of sunday school, my crony and I would head to the vestments room. We?d sit there scratching feebly at our tights and telling nun jokes until we heard the beginning of the closing hymns. The only salvation we needed was from sitting still.
666 [2001-06-11 21:05:37] staniel
that's not intentional, but I am really amused and a little scared. though, supposedly, 666 was a mistranslation, and the real Number of the Beast is 616.
66-EEE [2001-06-12 08:58:56] König Prüß, GfbAEV
The Number of the Breast
Thank you, König. Carrying on... [2001-06-12 18:25:19] Jonas
I don't know what program Halcyon was using, but the drinking song is actually only 645 characters, according to Word2000; 505 words without spaces. Mmm... MC-505 Groovebox.

I'd sell my soul for an MC-505!!
Mm, hornets. [2001-06-13 16:54:17] Clockwork
Ah, the drinking song. I'm afraid to sing it in my new apartment, lest I be plagued with flies, locusts and/or other insects of various type. By the way, staniel m'boy... our mutual friend Dino is still afraid of that song and its repercussions...

Maybe I should sing it, after all.
Imaginary Video Arcade [2001-06-14 10:27:58] Caius
It is not so much the song that I fear, but flies and maggots and rot and hornets and stinging insects. I will verify the fact that hornets actually did infest his AIR CONDITIONING UNIT very soon after he came to me with this song originally.

...and especially maggots and pupae of all sorts!!!
Christians [2001-06-16 04:25:57] Paul
I've been spending my last few days trying to convert a couple of christians. its genrally a fun thing to do, if not very rewarding. They told me that they have historical proof that god exists, 'coz he killed 30,000 of the guys Moses led out of Egypt for Worshiping False Idols. Does that count as a Gross Crime Against Humanity? if so, by worshiping him, can I be tried as an assessory after the fact?
Atheism's so much simpler
Christians, &c [2001-06-17 02:07:53] staniel
dude, I only had yellowjackets which we mislabelled as hornets. the maggots, pupae, and nameless horrors... those are all you. there's still a dried carapacey yellow and black (but sadly not rectangular) bug bit on the windowsill in my bathroom, which calls to mind two things: one (1) my quarter-assed approach to house cleaning, and two (2) FEAR. FEAR which still frosts my bowels when I consider the re-installation of the aforementioned AC. FEAR at further divine reprisals. mm, frosty FEAR. almost as good as conditioned air, I suppose.
I've found agnosticism just as easy as atheism, and more suited to those of us who don't like absolutes.
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