By: Annna
The Complete Petey, Part Seven
June 1968 - October 1968
June, 1968 - No title, mitigated by "Petey's Place" sign. Hair, on the other hand, has returned. The "Rabbitree House" sign is odd, both for its spelling and its intent. Rabbits are not often associated with tree climbing.
Although a glance may imply it, Petey does not have Powerpuff hands; he's resting his head in his hands and sticking his elbows out.
July, 1968 - Seasonal, and the title is back! With the black background, it's hard to tell if Petey has all four hairs again or has merely combed his front two over. This is the first time since the first Petey that the title has been in white - and this time it was required because of the background. I imagine it's easier to letter solid.
Since Petey has no mortar, I assume that is a municipal fireworks display.
October 1968 - The title is still in white - perhaps the artist realized it wasn't that hard after all. Remarkable consistency with October 1967; Patty has a bag, Petey has a lunchbox. Note that nobody refers to anything smaller than a gallon as a "jug" of milk - Petey is
intentionally trying for the
Rubiyat reference. Patty's hair has more lines in it than usual.
Sorry, thingsihate was briefly down, and then my school's modem pool was down, so I went to see With a Friend Like Harry instead, which was indeed a fine film. It had a monkey! It was kind of like a cross between Re-Animator and American Psycho. I wish my sister had been there so I could have traded whispered references with her. "You're better off without her."
Maybe you could write a "Petey" tribute uke ballad. I sometimes refer to containers smaller than a gallon as "jugs." For example, just today, I obtained an half-pint jug of maple syrup, the container is a miniature jug, sure enough. Ten-gallon hats aren't ten gallons! But there is a good recipe for "Jugged Hare" at the Recipes of the Damned site, which features real scary recipes! There is mentioned a fast-food restaurant that specializes in fried rabbit near Perdue University (PU.)
You are to be excused for lateness, since you are our source of All Things Petey.
A couple points:
1) I think you may have misread the sign in the first comic: that was "Rabbi Tree House". Apparently Petey's wearing a yamulka and rabbit is kosher. Either that or else it the sign was supposed to say "rabbitry" which would be "the act or practice of rabbiting".
2) Agreed about the Rubiyat reference in general. But since the author was careful to preserve the first two parallels (wine / milk and bread / cookies), we might conclude that the third parallel is "thou" and "-Wow! Fried Rabbit!" Again, Petey's choice of pet names leaves a lot to be desired.
Nothing wrong with being able to use the language well -- language is a tool, to be used intelligently and artfully. The only possible hazard I've seen with English majors is, there are a number of them who get too obsessed with the details and they lose sight of the big picture. For example, give them doggerel and they'll analyze it to death, without realizing how far they're stretching things.
You seem to have your wits and your sense of humor intact, so I doubt you have much to worry about.
Finding work with an English degree is tricky, but then again, if you were going to college just to prepare for a job, you would have gone to either clown or barber college. Personally, I subscribe to the theory that the main reason to go to college is to expand the mind, and thus the value of one's life. A good job is nice, but there's more to life than drawing a paycheck. For example, rabbit.
Leviticus 11:6: And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you.
Maybe that's what the scientific branch of Pel-Freez is working so hard on: rabbits that meet kosher standards. If they were trying to re-engineer feet, it would explain the oddities noted in many previous ads.
Either that or that wily Petey is trying to get around kosher law by asking for two pieces of rabbit meat -- specifically, a rabbit's foot that has been dividedeth.
(Side issue: if cloven hoofitude is a key indicator of kosherity, then is Satan kosher? How about souls of the dead? When the angels pursue dibbuks all over the earth with whips, is it really just a quest for fresh kosher meat?)
The middle panel initially gave me a start--I thought Pel-Freez was indicating that God had rearranged the stars to endorse bunny flesh.
Then I saw the fireworks, and the giant blazing match in Petey's left hand. Petey doesn't have to worry about burning himself; he's already made it obvious that he can reconstitute his hands like that metal guy in The Terminator.
Too bad he doesn't have similar control over his feet.
the T2 could have made the ends of his feet look like shoes. rabbit meat turns you into Odo (Star Trek reference; I'll just go gouge my eyes out now), which is the reason for it not being kosher.
Well, Satan doesn't chew his cud, so you probably can't eat him.
As I understand it, neither do rabbits, so you should be able to eat them, too. It's just that rabbits are coprophagic, which apparently God used to confuse with chewing one's cud.
friggin God, ruins everything.