By: Sean
Petey Fan Week #2
Our first entries
staniel, whose amazing precognitive powers enabled him to send this in before the contest was even announced. Way to get a jump on the competition, stan!
This gem was sent in by
Riff. I'm sure you all remember the speculation on the true meaning of "rabbit meat." In this image, all pretenses are wiped away and the ugly, horrible truth is laid out for all to see.
Another entry from Riff, combining two of the
best most disturbing
oh God I'm ripping off Annna's strikethroughs cartoons ever: Petey and
Red Meat. I particularly like the
Good Housekeeping logo in the last frame; it's nice attention to detail. Way to go, Riff! Inside your head is a scary, scary place.
Congrats to the creators of all our fine first entries. Keep 'em coming!
For anyone who may have missed it:
Announcing Petey Fan Art Contest (Sean/Sat, Jul 14, 2001 10:46am)
1. Visual - Petey paintings, drawings and collages. Create Petey-like advertisements, or put your own touch on an existing Petey ad. Expressionism, Impressionism, show us what Petey means to you.
2. Audio - Does Petey make you want to break out in joyous song? Whip out the acoustic? Flick on the synth? Well hit the REC button first, and send it on in to be showcased along with all the other Petey-based musical offerings.
3. Misc. - Anything that doesn't fit in the above categories. Extra points for olfactory or tactile-based submission.
Mail all entries to
Entries will be displayed and judged here on the site. Second place winner will receive stylish attire. We can't tell you what the first prize winner will receive, but we're sure you know how delicious it is.
Entries must be received by Friday, July 20.
Thank yuh, thankyuhverramuch.
I was pleasantly surprised at how the Red Meat parody turned out. I even managed the get the fonts pretty close, and I've got almost no fonts on my system.
My other two ideas for the punchline were "Once bitten, twice shy" and "Besides, I'm still sore from last time", but I think I like this one best. It's a better characterization of Milkman Dan.
Finally, I had to rotate Petey's antennae a bit to fit them in the frame; I hope it doesn't mess up his reception too much.
Send email to for your free bottle of barbecue sauce!
it's just hot, right? like, I can serve it to my parents (who are my grill hookup) with no danger of it causing their pineal glands to burst through their foreheads and see The Color Out of Space?
Yeah, I love sports!
That, it has been decided, would make for the most offensive t-shirt ever. I myself just decided to go ahead with my
Chewbacca idea (for the second time).
Yet Riff's comic was pretty good. Pretty darned good. And Red Meat + Petey? Ye gods. Good times, good times.
What's this about Winking Lizard sauce now? Do we just have to just send an e-mail, or send our Petey submission, or what? I like sauce!
As far as I'm aware, the free sauce works as follows.
You send your petey submission to us at
Then you email for your free sauce, probably best to wait until your submission has been posted by us before emailing for the sauce. (God I love saying 'us' even though I don't contribute!)
yeah, who are you again?
some Fojar guy? well, so long as I gets my sauce, I happy. teehee. hey, Jonas, your foreign link has peculiar security.
We call him Murray; he's the 3rd Editor. I guess my father is George Martin. Wait, no.
I hate this analogy. I'm going to bed.
The Winking Lizard is a chain of local taverns in the Cleveland / Akron area in Ohio. I've been eating there for a decade and I've never had a bad meal, so you may infer that when they do any food product, they do it right. And the same goes for their award-winning barbecue sauce, which, unlike most award-winning sauces, probably has won some awards.
Their barbecue sauce is not particularly hot, but nonetheless distinctive and it goes with damn near anything. It's safe for feeding to parents.
Suggestions: barbecue it with pork; use as a condiment on burgers along with mayo; incorporate into meatloaf.
There's a local chile joint that has Texas, New Mexico, and Cincinatti, and I like Cincinnati best; so, I would imagine that Winking Lizard has a handle on BBQ sauce concoctions. All of this Petey business has got me thinking about cabrito, Mexican BBQ'd baby goat, not much bigger than a rabbit.
I had some goat, admittedly somewhat more mature and in vindaloo, six or seven scant hours ago.