By: Sean
Petey Fan Week #3
Some more pictures... and a song!
An enchanting image sent in by
Jonas, who has this to say:
"The psyche of Petey must be a horror indeed: here is my interpretation of that rabbit-obsessed mind."
Thank you, Jonas, for that chilling look into the mind of The Petey and, I think, in some way, the minds of us all.
Sent in by
Danielle, we're again treated to a combined comic: Petey and
Pokey. This series seems to simultaneously ask and answer the question: "What if...?" The answer: Where Petey is X and Pokey is Y, the creepiness increases exponentially, rendering us with something far stranger than the two comics combined; the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
And of course: Our first song! It's a fine, fine piece that I'm sure you'll all enjoy. Sent in by an up-till-now quiet reader, it's available for download here. So please, enjoy Frank Shacknasty's masterful
Petey R2.
For anyone who may have missed it:
1. Visual - Petey paintings, drawings and collages. Create Petey-like advertisements, or put your own touch on an existing Petey ad. Expressionism, Impressionism, show us what Petey means to you.
2. Audio - Does Petey make you want to break out in joyous song? Whip out the acoustic? Flick on the synth? Well hit the REC button first, and send it on in to be showcased along with all the other Petey-based musical offerings.
3. Misc. - Anything that doesn't fit in the above categories. Extra points for olfactory or tactile-based submission.
Mail all entries to
Entries will be displayed and judged here on the site. Second place winner will receive stylish attire. We can't tell you what the first prize winner will receive, but we're sure you know how delicious it is.
Entries must be received by Friday, July 20.
All entrants may immediately send mail to to obtain their complementary bottle of Winking Lizard Barbecue Sauce. Yes, Winking Lizard, for those occasions when regular barbecue sauce just doesn't feature enough anthropomorphic reptiles. Try it on your rabbit, or put a squirt in your coffee!
Each and every one of these submissions is freaking the shampoo out of me. Especially Frank Shacknasty's song. Suddenly I can imagine a homeless schizophrenic shuffling along and talking to himself about Petey. ::shudder::
But in terms of a favorite ... ? Hell, I couldn't imagine existing in a world that lacked any of them. May I be blessed with these Petey cartoons and songs in my nightmares all the days of my life.
I just hope Pel-Freez is watching ...
I didn't know David Byrne and Wesley Willis were dating, let alone that their son liked our site.
This contest is going pretty well, it's a good thing that I'm not the judge, I'd give everyone prizes! Egg nog all around!
and shortbread, and Winking Lizard Loaf... and of course rabbit meat.
ye gods! I just envisioned a thingsihate holiday party. and it's not so much the concepts I have of what you people might look like that are freaking me out, but for some reason there are little model helicopters flitting about insanely!
Sorry, the little bastards follow me everywhere - I can't seem to shake them. Bloody nuisance.
yes - that song has to be one of the coolest things i've ever heard. give that box of pel freez to frank shacknasty. nice work to everyone else as well, someone should send a link to whoever drew these comics so he knows his work is appreciated. but i don't know who that is so it won't be me.
Wesley Willis and Suicide is more like it. yikes.
Jonas's drawing is a very good representation of what would come from a very, very damaged child's imagination. with the crazed proportions and all.