Petey Fan Week #4
Two new images to image your image
Another submission by a reader who's not yet introduced himself in the comments, we have this image by NathanTR. A public service announcement, of sorts, though to tell the truth I sort of like the idea of Petey as a rosy-cheeked hayseed hobo, walking the interstate corridors lookin' for rabbit. Way to go, NathanTR.
The second submission from Jonas, who says to those for whom the picture may not be sufficiently clear, "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine..." Despite still being completely insane, this is maybe the least hideous future for Petey we've been presented with so far. It also reminds us that when you find a haircut you like, you stick with it.
Thanks for today's submissions. Tomorrow's the last day to get them in, and then... THE BIG VOTE.