By: Sean
Petey Fan Week #5
Two more images
A submission from our beloved
König Prüß, GfbAEV. Looks like a damn fine read.
Another one from
Riff. I just don't know what to say.
And, finally, another musical submission. This one comes to us from a reader calling himself
vanadium pentoxide. So here it is,
petey by vanadium pentoxide.
Thanks to all of our talented entrants. You've all aquitted yourselves admirably. Petey would be proud. Pel-Freez would be proud. Good Housekeeping would be proud. But most of all,
I'm proud. Of all of you. I love you all.
Voting on Monday to see which one of you isn't a loser.
I've always felt that Red Meat's very effective use of silent panels is one of the things that makes it indisputably great. The effect is a little spoiled here by the Good Housekeeping logos, but felt I ought to include them, and they didn't fit anywhere else - especially since I remembered the word balloons this time.
Yes, silent panels are very effective in comics. My favorite "Peanuts" strip: the first frame, Lucy and Charley Brown are sitting on the ground, and Lucy is reading out of a book: "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose." The second frame, Lucy's whispering something in Charley Brown's ear. Third frame, sure enough, Lucy's got her finger up Charley Brown's nose!
Sheeeit, I am again agog with admiration to all concerned.
Don't forget to submit your address to Free barbecue sauce will be sent to you, just the thing for all your rabbit meat needs. Whatever you mean by "rabbit meat".
The comic, that is. The actual foodstuff rocks! Does rabbit meat count as red meat, or is it the other-other white meat?
I normally see the 'silent panel gag' in four-panel comics, in the third panel. It allows for more setup before the pause that says HEY IRONIC PUNCHLINE COMING UP FELLAS
... But I can't get enough of that rabbit meat!
Oo-er! Fnarr, fnarr!
Peteyology is longer a-coming than I had foreseen. Lou, if you're still up for it, I guess we can call it a future submission?
I nominate Riff, but then again, I'm at home, which = no mp3. stupid modem.
WL sauce is tasty, so don't forget to get yours, fellow entrants! also they lied and I am seeing trails after just a dab on some fried chicken I mean it is only 20 calories a serving! (now I am on the bandwagon... sigh)
it's lessthan strike greaterthan, correct?
At such point as Peteyology is complete -- a system of augury based on the Pel-Freez archetypes under control at the time of one's birth -- we'll just do it. But I wouldn't call it a submisssion to this contest.
Even if it were, I have trouble seeing it as a prize-winning submission. The competition is just too stiff.
I am content to be the Winking Lizard connection, that is reward enough.
This second Rabbit Meat comic is very much in the spirit of Red Meat, and I enjoyed it very much.
And vanadium pentoxide's song is also really good. Somebody should suggest to Narbotic that he should have a Song Fight be "'Farm-Raised' Rabbit Meat". In fact, I think I'll go do that right now.
staniel as far as i know it's strikethrough which comes out as strikethrough. i can only hope that that works. yes may also work.
well, fudge. that didn't work out. never mind. apologies all around.
it looks like THE EDITORS have kept the fun tags all for themselves.
either that or we are a bunch of ignoramii.
Petey Knockrabbit
a lot.
journeying through the body of a rabbit to reach the Pel-Freez snack bar at the end... spitting frozen pituitary glands at enemies... I can't handle it. sorry.