By: Sean [2001-07-22]

The Voting Begins


OK, friends. Here it is, time for the voting. Don't abstain, or give me any of that "everyone's a winner" crap. THIS IS THINGSIHATE, GODDAM IT, AND YOU WILL VOTE.

Send all votes to me, and I'll provide you with up to date round-the-clock coverage of who's in the lead. Voting ends at 12 MIDNIGHT SHARP ON TUESDAY.

To recap, the contestants:

For music:
Frank Shacknasty, with his masterful Petey R2

Vanadium Pentoxide with the sexy, seductive sounds of "petey"

For visuals:

staniel, depicting Petey's struggle with rabbit abuse... when a straw isn't handy.

Riff, making the obvious and logical connection between Petey and sodomy.

Also Riff's boundary-bashing "Rabbit Meat" comics:

Jonas, with his fittingly titled "Apocalypse Rabbit"

And who could forget his poster for the movie we'd all love to see, "Petey"?


NathanTR, with his fascinating look into the future of Petey.

Our beloved König Prüß, GfbAEV, with the cover of what I'm sure would be our favorite book, Rabbit, Pel-Freez

And last but most certainly not least (you all have permission to kill me for saying that), Noisia's entry that... well, I just don't know what to say about it.

Best of luck to all our entrants. gots nothin' but love for them.

So cast your votes! Remember, vote in both categories, music and visuals, and send them to
Poor People's Pasta Sauce [2001-07-23 05:04:37] König Prüß, GfbAEV
You just take a chile pepper and heat it in the olive oil. That's it.
If you got some garlic, put that in too. If you got oregano, put that in too. If you got tomatoes, put them in too. You got basil, put that too. You got some cheese, put that too. You got maybe some pine nuts, them too. But sometimes I eat some pasta with just olive oil cooked with just a chile, maybe some garlic, too, so to remember that some people are so poor, they got no tomatoes! You got no tomatoes, you know you're poor! You got pine nuts, then you know you're rich.
a paprikash recipe [2001-07-23 08:32:28] Lou Duchez

Not that chicken paprikash has anything to do with anything here, but it's an easy recipe that even I can make. Total prep time is two hours, and that includes making the spatzel by hand.

Anyone care to try their hand at rabbit paprikash?
Magyars [2001-07-23 09:16:07] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I'm a big fan of the Magyars, I have dreams about them.
Just to clear a little something up... [2001-07-23 10:31:30] Sean
Yes, you send in TWO votes, one for your favorite song, and one for your favorite image.
Spaetzel [2001-07-23 10:35:51] J Speed
With a knife? a spoon? Simply not done!

Doesn't everyone have a spaetzel-press?
Ist das nicht ein Spaetzel press? [2001-07-23 11:05:02] Lou Duchez
How does one of those spaetzel dealies work? The dough / batter I'm working with is pretty gloppy, and I don't know how well would work a gizmo that expects the glops to retain a specific size and shape.
Hmm. [2001-07-23 13:44:13] J Speed
Wouldn't you like to know, MIS LARKIN?!?

With more liquid batter, you'd just pour it into a colander over the pot and get it all through with a spoon or spatula.

quoted [2001-07-23 14:50:28] Lou Duchez
Hmmm, I'm not surprised that someone would quote my paprikash recipe -- I did register the domain name and all -- but the surprising part is, that was a quote from someone in the Cleveland area.

I see they didn't edit out the Fudgesicle instruction. Within two generations, Hungarian chefs everywhere will eat Fudgesicles while they're cooking, and they'll assume it's an ancient tradition.
German Pizza [2001-07-23 15:47:10] König Prüß, GfbAEV
One of my favorites is Schwabische Zweibelkuchen. It's like a big rectangular pizza with sour cream, onions, and bacon bits. Some versions are more like an onion pie. It depends on which region the recipe is from. The Schwab recipe is more like pizza, the Alsace-Lorraine version is more like a Quiche Lorraine made with lots of onions and round like a pie instead of a big flat sheet.
A likely story, Mister Duchez [2001-07-23 17:23:08] J Speed
Or are you not, in fact, NWL profressional wrestler JOHN RAMBO?!?
paprikash ahoy [2001-07-23 18:48:46] Lou Duchez
Hee hee! I'm not sure what to make of it, that people are cloning my recipe, and still they leave in the "Fudgesicle" instruction.

The original spaetzel recipe called for an industrial-grade CO2 laser to cut through the egg shells, but I figured that would just confuse people.
Zweibelkuchen [2001-07-23 20:31:22] König Prüß, GfbAEV
What, I gotta come up with a recipe for Zweibelkuchen mit Füdgesickle?
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