By: Annna [2001-08-13]

GURPS: Bumper Stickers

prepare to rethink those proposals, guys.

I'm afraid that if you need an intro to this, you're already sunk. Go here if you don't know about GURPS specifically. If you don't know about role-playing games, when a mommy and a daddy you're pretty much screwed. Sorry.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that these stickers would be big sellers in the GURPS PC market:

You can never be too IQ or too DX

Keep honking - I'm Callous.

It's TL 6, but it's paid for.

(I finished this graphic up without looking up the Tech Level for bad cars, which I just guessed. It turned out I was right anyway.)

These are more for NPCs, particularly female NPCs. The next time your party accidentally blows up a couple-three dozen cars, this is what you'll see as the air starts to fill with fenders:

Addiction: Coffee 0 points; cheap, legal

Fanaticism (Baptist) -15 points.

Proud Parents of a 50-Point Dependent.

Don't exceed your Spirit Ally's Move!

And one more for gamers than characters:

I may be Fat, but you're Hideous and I can buy Fat off with earned character points.

! [2001-08-12 23:29:34] staniel
I am too lazy to buy sticky paper, so you should go into business with those things.
Bumper stickers. [2001-08-13 00:22:53] Jonas
I just found Sean's I Hate Free Tibet Stickers article today, so this was pretty timely, if only superficially related.

I think a Shadowrun bumper sticker about using cell phones while driving would be good: something concerning cyberware, resultant Essences of less than 0, and Nokia/Cingular/Fido/etc-funded cyberzombies. I'm too tired to think something up right now, maybe later. Though I would be hard-pressed to top my favourite sticker, "SHUT UP AND DRIVE".
but... [2001-08-13 02:12:51] staniel
rethink what proposals?
nice!! [2001-08-13 03:06:33] Lou Duchez
I've never played GURPS, but I'm versed enough in RPGs to translate the odd acronym on sight. I think I'd probably put the Tech Level one on my car. Very well done!

As games go, my most recent fun has been the arcade version of Dungeons and Dragons, of course played on my PC via the arcade game emulator MAME. I always gotta play the cleric, if for no other reason than, it's too much fun to hit the "Turn Undead" option. There's something fundamentally cool about a character who can destroy through sheer force of conviction, almost like Billy Jack.

For all their fanaticism, I've never met a Baptist who can turn undead. For that matter, I've never even seen a Baptist who can turn Goth teenagers at the mall.
turn [2001-08-13 03:16:35] staniel
... or metalheads at concerts. I figure they're mostly level 0, 'cause I can't see myself having that many hit dice.
I need to get a group together for some 1st edition AD&D. mm, living in the past.
clarity [2001-08-13 03:18:31] staniel
they = Baptists.
people told me about Billy Jack for years, and I expected him to have long hair and some kind of headband.
Billy Jack [2001-08-13 05:01:19] Lou Duchez
Billy Jack's on my mind of late only because they've been airing it a lot recently, and I finally worked up the gumption to watch it again. Well, most of it.

What's odd about this movie is that, at its core, it's about how mean old Normals pick on the noble Hippie. And yet, the Hippies also do whatever they can at every turn to draw grief onto their own heads. So this is a gripping tale of ... what exactly?

I much prefer "Brainie Jack", where the Brain tried to organize Hippies for one of his world domination schemes.
Random Comments [2001-08-13 05:36:44] Riff
I wish *I* could destroy through sheer force of conviction.

Actually, now that I think about it, I can - but it has more to do with "If I believe strongly enough, I can cause electricity to move in my brain, thus motivating certain muscle groups and swinging this large hammer around in a semi-random fashion" than "Look! I've got head-explody! Scan me!" Oh well.

I used to have a Shadowrun character with an internal cellphone, but he would get calls at inconvienient times, like in the middle of firefights. Eventually he had to get an internal answering-machine installed, and naturally the message was "I'm out of my mind right now, but leave a message at the tone..."

We had a running joke about people with too much cyberware, but it was pretty much a visual gag. Sorry.
Billy Jack [2001-08-13 08:20:40] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I think that if Billy Jack came back, he'd have a mullet. Besides bumper stickers, those "______ on Board" window thingies are nice, and I like the hands with springs that wave while you drive. We need more Illuminati bumper stickers around here, and perhaps some regarding the Elk situation. And maybe one, "Eat Bertha's Mussels with Winking Lizard Sauce"
Bakshi [2001-08-13 08:34:31] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Good job of id'ing that Bakshi pic, J Speed!
Hmm [2001-08-13 09:09:59] Riff
"Rabbit Meat On Board"

proposals [2001-08-13 11:28:27] Annna
I have this weird tendency to accumulate marriage proposals of various degrees of spuriousity. Particularly online, where "remembers to insert lots of paragraph breaks" = 18 Charisma.
Ha! [2001-08-13 11:47:43] König Prüß, GfbAEV
line breaks [2001-08-13 12:03:01] Lou Duchez
Line breaks, good spelling, a keen sense of humor, a sharp intellect, a command of cool information, a generally personable demeanor, and the willingness to not take one's self too seriously ... yep, in a medium where ability to communicate is all you've got going for ya, that's definitely going to attract some attention. Still, it's funny how appearances matter even on the Internet, only the appearance in question is much more tied to text formatting.

Hey, I just thought of a geek expression: "She's all that and maximum hit points".
__________ On Board [2001-08-13 12:26:46] Jonas
I'm really glad people have those stickers/window-hanging-abobs, otherwise God knows I'd be driving all those cars right off the road -- what? You've a baby on board? Oh all right, I'll go drive really poorly by this guy. Jesus Christ.

Incidentally tho, I've one of those things that says "Genius On Board".
Vitriolic [2001-08-13 12:29:43] Jonas
I think reading Sean's first few thingsihate articles all at once has raised my vitriol levels. For better or for worse, I s'pose.
Sean's vitriol [2001-08-13 12:52:35] Lou Duchez
Don't let Sean fool you; he's just a big softie who puts on a good show. But rub his belly and he'll "play banjo" all day.
vitriol [2001-08-13 13:26:02] Sean
yeah, that was back before i ran out of things i hate. also when i was in school and had nothing to do four days out of the week. do not rub the belly. i do wish i could play banjo though.
I've never actually seen Wizards [2001-08-13 14:31:37] J Speed
Just read about it. Reportedly Bakshi lifted a lot of stuff from Bode's Cobalt-60 and Cheech Wizard.
It doesn't look too promising, but hey, there's an RPG.

ALSO PLZ MARRY ME ANNNA I mean, how's the scanner working out?
matrimony [2001-08-13 14:52:14] staniel
er [2001-08-13 14:53:23] staniel
I mean, yeah, I kinda thought that was from Wizards.
Cheech Wizard [2001-08-13 15:21:25] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Besides Cheech Wizard, I liked Poppy and Phoebe Zeitgeist, too. When I was rooting around for "Wizard" stuff, I found a bad review of Bakshi's "Lord of the Rings"Sometime back, on a gopher site, I found some amusing stuff about Steve Jackson's run-in with the authorities; evidently, they confiscated all of his computer equipment at one point, including one of those industrial bar-grade PacMan machines. The image of the Feds hauling off a PacMan machine still makes me laff.
*cry* [2001-08-13 15:55:45] J Speed
So I did all that research for nothing? Also I wish to complain to the management about the distinct lack of STRIKEOUT, which leaves me at a comedic disadvantage.
Oh! [2001-08-13 16:00:44] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I get it! NOTbakshi...50 disinformation points!
strikethrough [2001-08-13 17:05:18] Sean
you'll stop your whining if you want to keep your bold and italics, mister!

ok, ok, i'll see about juicin' you guys up with strikethrough.
scanner [2001-08-13 18:13:48] Annna
I am beginning to wish it were the kind of scanner where it explodes people's brains and then has horrible direct-to-video sequels, instead of the kind that just is generally annoying.

I am following links that you folks kindly give, but downloading is a teeny problem, what with the 19k and the two hour max and all. I am going to reinstall the scanner and dink around on it for the rest of the evening. If we can't reach an agreement, back to Staples it goes!

The scanner at school is an Epsom Expression 160, I believe. I like that, but it is a lot bigger than my backpack. Maybe I could convince them to trade with me; mine is a lot newer, and better at photographs. As I said before, dammit, scanner company, I do not want to scan photographs! I got a lot of Petey bootlegs scanned at the lab today, and perhaps will put them up later this week.
scanning [2001-08-13 20:48:20] staniel
misreadage: I am going to reinstall the scanner and drink around it for the rest of the evening.
hey, why not try eBay for a used Expression 160?
You are correct, sir! [2001-08-13 21:26:18] Annna
With the drinking more than the eBay. Jesus, monkey and Joseph! Comparable models are opening for $150, which would explain why I enjoy that scanner much more than mine. (I am very very cheap).

Actually, I don't know what I was thinking when I typed that last comment. Of course, it's an Epson, and I think it's a 1600. Hey, the 636s in the Expression series are selling for $30!

I'm still going to give the other one one more chance to work out. Then, IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME.
with the drinking! [2001-08-13 21:57:35] staniel
it looks big, so shipping from any given eBay seller might be prohibitive. maybe another thingsihate treasure hunt would be in order... a quart of WL Sauce, a hand-drawn Petey bootleg, and a carton of anal rape to the first reader to DHL a scanner of the right make and model to Annna!
bumperstickers [2001-08-14 14:19:40] Paco3000
I actually saw this one: "U.S. OUT OF LAMBADA!"
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