By: Annna [2001-08-14]

Petey Fan Art #6

shhh...secret Tuesday update!

I like movies. Do you like movies? Can you name the four MYSTERY MOVIES illustrated below?

(If you are new, The Petey Saga begins here.)

Great nasty pointy teeth - the rabbit, too.

I feel that my mask of rabbit meat is about to slip.

I don't remember any lines from this movie, because, really, what do you say to a BIG FLOATY HEAD?  Also Sean Connery breasts.

I love the face on this one.

Yeah, I figured.

Hey! Stop looking at the file names!
whoa [2001-08-13 22:14:05] Annna
I could certainly scale those smaller, couldn't I?
scale [2001-08-13 22:28:44] staniel
could'a but didna'. I actually didn't know the middle two, and I doubt sean+connery+breasts will be a useful search. so, someone more movie literate should clue me in.
oop [2001-08-13 22:42:15] staniel
okay, file names. and I even saw American Psycho. the Silence of the Lambs one has my favorite quote from the whole movie!
it occurs to me that now, I need to go back through the archives and look at all the descriptions for graphics, since I've noticed them before. (not the filenames, the popup things).
never trust a hippy.
Scanner Alignment Tool [2001-08-14 03:16:27] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I'm still unpacking and sorting my windfall of computer booty that the last tide washed ashore here on the island, and amongst the stuff is a brand new scanner alignment tool. "What, ho!" sez I. It's a kind of flat thing with graduated markings all over it, so's to keep stuff aligned whilst scanning. Also, a fancy KC-3 joystick, which now to find a driver for same. And a brand new graphics card w/ disk, and apparently a processor on the card to speed things along, useful in one unit or another. Many data tapes. Many meese and keyboards, a dozen anyway. Many telephones, one with two lines and a dozen extensions. But evidently, it is of some import to align scanned things.
hmm [2001-08-14 04:05:22] staniel
sounds like Annna's is set to chaotic neutral. ba-dum ching.
Alignment Tool [2001-08-14 04:33:29] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Actually, I can't think of any good use for a scanner alignment tool, mainly, I don't have a scanner. Also, all of the graphics utilities that I've seen, the images "float" until you paste them, so that takes care of alignment. Also, amongst the booty are many nice plastic cases full of the old big floppies, which I'm putting into cardboard boxes until I can read them; the plastic flip-top boxes are perfect for CD's!
trick question [2001-08-14 04:57:42] Lou Duchez
All the bootleg Petey cartoons were inspired by the Zapruder film.
Mmm... stray kitten... [2001-08-14 06:13:49] Riff
American Psycho - what a great movie. I saw it three times in the theatre. Of course, this was because they kept showing it in double-features with Taxi Driver and Clockwork Orange, but still.

Interesting to see the usual roles reversed in the first cartoon. I wonder if the Vorpal Bunny has "rabbit meat" on it's mind?

The giant floating Petey head is pretty disturbing. He looks so cheerful, too. I don't get the reference. Tried looking at the filename - nope, doesn't ring a bell. Am I missing out on some sort of mandatory classic here? 'Cause the other three are pretty significant movies imo.

And finally, "Silence of the Rabbits"
Lecter: "Do you know what he wants, Clarice? He wants a hat with floppy ears on it."

That's what the antennae are for! They're ear-stiffeners for when he puts the bunny skins on his hat!
Possible Movie Review [2001-08-14 06:18:57] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Yesterday, I saw an advert for Nicholas Cage's new movie, "Capt. Corelli's Mandolin," and it put me in a mind to write a satirical piece called, "Maj. Mazurka's Ukulele"
alignment languages [2001-08-14 09:05:58] Lou Duchez
Speaking of Chaotic Neutral ... does anyone have a sense of why they used to make your AD&D characters speak an "alignment language"? As in, does anyone have a sense of how anyone thought that might be a good thing to add to the game?

The most asinine thing this led to was the Paladin Test: if someone came up to you and claimed to be a Paladin, you would say to them in Lawful Good: "Look out, a rattlesnake is about to bite you on the ass!" If they didn't jump, then they were an impostor. Of course, some classes could pick up other alignment languages (I think this was mostly assassins), so if you didn't care to learn Owlbear, you could get your foreign language credits in Chaotic Neutral.
[2001-08-14 09:46:36] Ned
Umm.. I don't think lawful good paladins were much for playing tricks on people involving supposed rattlesnakes, for a good cause or not.
Liberal Noncommittal [2001-08-14 10:55:23] Riff
I always thought D&D's system of alignments was pretty silly, especially concerning Good and Evil. It's as though everybody has a little space on their driver's license that says "Check One: Good() Evil()", and that's it. Whichever you choose, that's What You Are, and spells will detect this, and the other side's holy water makes you sick ("One of us is an evil spy? Everyone drink some holy water!"). Ridiculous, especially considering that what's Good or Evil is entirely based on point of view, usually that of the side that won. It would be much better to have Red Team and Blue Team, and instead of holy water you get Anti-Blue Team Juice.

Of course, that's also my solution for the Democratic and Republican parties.
Alignment language [2001-08-14 11:03:55] J Speed
My completely unfounded theory is so characters could hail a monster that didn't speak Common and thus avoid killing an ally. I suppose you could always ask the man...
alignment deviations [2001-08-14 11:13:16] Lou Duchez
And don't forget alignment deviations ... if you chose to act insufficiently Lawful or Chaotic, then by damn, the wrath of the gods would be upon you. It was like trying to leave the Mafia.

Remember: if you address someone in all three "Good" languages and all three "Neutral" languages and they don't respond, then it's okay to kill them.
picture #3 [2001-08-14 13:06:33] Annna
I am terribly, terribly disappointed in all of you. But no, it's not a classic, really.

I am in the BUSINESS COMPUTER LAB! It's deserted because you have to have a super-secret Business department ID to use the computers, but I'm taking a Business class so I could get one. The other labs always have more people because they're convenient and don't check ID half the time, but this one has real, padded computer chairs.

Hey, if you guys like any of the Petey fanart or bootlegs, we could always see about adding a shirt or mug to the Petey Store.

Did Sean ever tell you where that is? That would probably help.
Sherts [2001-08-14 13:59:42] Riff
Yes, the shirt I won in the contest is quite excellent, I'm sure everyone would want one. I don't usually wear non-black t-shirts, but Petey's weird head is so stylin', I can't help myself.

How about a black shirt, with Petey's head in white across the entire front? I bet he'd look really sinister in photo-negative. Like some kind of distorted evil monkey-skull or something.
I got the third movie [2001-08-14 14:03:17] mom
However, I didn't get the first one. (It was obvious when Matie told me, though).
I just saw Silence of the Lambs for the first time last week.
Petey Store? Tell me more.
Yeah [2001-08-14 14:18:24] Sean
Petey store ain't quite ready yet. S'pose I should do that.
Pe-tey store! Pe-tey store! Pe-tey store! [2001-08-15 10:25:29] haiiro
I think black t-shirts with Petey stuff on them is an excellent idea, although perhaps hindered by a) black t-shirts being fairly expensive to make (and not part of Cafepress's lineup, if I remember rightly) and b) copyright issues.
Zardoz [2001-09-09 18:53:00] Void
Your god Petey speaks to you, his chosen ones. The gun is good! The rabbit is evil!!!
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