By: Sean [2001-08-17]

Not so much an update as an announcement

make wiht teh ircs presents, in collaboration with, the THINGSIHATELIFE IRC NETWORK!!!!

that's right.. a brand new irc network, with a blazing two servers. you may connect to the network via the thingsihate server,, or the hatelife server,, both on port 6667

I will be hanging out in #thingsihate and #hatelife, well, pretty much all damn day at work, monday-friday, possibly other times. drop on by and set a spell, friends!
metaphysical question [2001-08-17 18:45:19] Lou Duchez
If one had to come up with the science of Neccomancy -- a system of divination based on Necco Wafers -- what would the chocolate Neccos represent?

The mysterious purple ones are the Death Neccos, for sure. And technically they're "clove" flavored, no lie. All the same, I like them just fine.
Necco Wafers [2001-08-17 18:55:42] König Prüß, GfbAEV
The purple ones with the purpler swirl taste like rainbows!
dances with dwarves [2001-08-17 20:42:17] Lou Duchez
I just finished watching a "Saturday Night Live" rerun with Kyle McLachlan. They did a "Twin Peaks" sketch featuring Chris Farley as Leo Johnson, Victoria Jackson as Audrey, and Mike Myers as the dancing dwarf. Impressive job all around, particularly Myers.

I always wanted to see a crossover between "Twin Peaks" and "Due South". The first five minutes would consist of Sergeant Bob Fraser (Constable Fraser's dead father, also a Mountie) slapping the cuffs on the evil BOB, and muttering: "Punks ... dead or alive, they're all the same". Then the rest of the episode would consist of Cooper feeding cherry pie to Diefenbaker with a fork. "Diane, you'll never guess who I'm having lunch with ..."
Victoria Jackson [2001-08-17 21:20:40] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I love Victoria Jackson singing "I'm No Bimbo" Cracks me up everytime!
woo! [2001-08-17 21:45:31] staniel
irc! yay!
also Melvins, coming to your town soon! I don't know when they'll be in my area, but the Portland folks can go to Satyricon on 9/1.
Lou [2001-08-17 22:59:51] staniel
are you a neccophiliac?
I like that your stay-well advice is, essentially, "be cool."
melvis [2001-08-18 00:39:48] Sean
damn, that would be so cool to see them at satyricon. last time they were in town i had a ticket, but couldn't go because i was sick.
melvis [2001-08-18 01:25:43] Jonas
I can only imagine what an offsprung band named Melvis would sound like... or maybe I can't.
answers [2001-08-18 03:00:40] Lou Duchez
1) I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a Neccophiliac -- did you ever try to drill, ahem, an "entry point" into a Necco wafer? Harder than it sounds.

2) "Staying cool" is the key, yes. The trick is knowing how to stay cool. I should also mention that, if you refuse to get enough sleep, or you don't listen when your body is begging for nutritious food, no amount of breathing or mental-centering is going to help.
Tautology [2001-08-18 06:28:37] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I agree about not getting overheated, and also cold climates are much better, healthwise. But it does sound like a tautological argument, "The best way to keep from getting sick is not to get a fever."
tautological diversion [2001-08-18 06:41:15] Lou Duchez
A distinction is worth making: fever is NOT equivalent to disease; rather, it is a warning sign that conditions are ripe for disease.

Again, the medical community would disagree with me on this point; but then again it's not like they've cured the common cold, whereas I have.
Fever [2001-08-18 07:01:40] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Fever might indicate that one is getting ripe and requires refrigeration or sulphites. If temperature is less than 70°F, it may indicate that the mammalian diving reflex has kicked-in, and you've gone into hibernation for the Winter. Be sure to store adequate layers of body fat.
[2001-08-18 10:37:56] Halcyon
It's a good idea to disagree with the medical and scientific communities at large... Primarily because they really havn't done any research or studies whatsoever. And also, it gives me someone to laugh at. Have you ever considered that you might just not have any friends to infect you because you're a goddamn nutjob? this is thingsihate goddamnit.. you WILL HATE.

things I hate [2001-08-18 11:40:05] Lou Duchez
What can I say, I hate being sick.
[2001-08-18 14:56:39] Not Marilyn Manson
We love hate
We hate love

Is Jack T. Chick in the house?
... [2001-08-18 16:13:22] Jack Chick
all up in yo shit, mofo.
My Location in the Next Few Days [2001-08-18 16:18:01] Annna
Hey. I just graduated. I know I'll still have my university mail account for another semester, but I don't know how long before they cut off my dial-up access. Qwest and I are having a fun time trying to get my DSL hooked up and have been trying for a month, so that's iffy too.

Basically, if anyone comes looking for me, let them know I'm not dead but dreaming. And I might be a mite late with the Monday update.
Major congrats!!! [2001-08-18 16:26:07] Lou Duchez
Way to go Annna!

Are you going to have any particular period of down time, just kind of doing things for fun?
congraduations! [2001-08-18 16:35:09] staniel
shame about the Qwest thing, but don't let it poison you on their long distance service, which apparently is not illegal. I had it for a year when I didn't live with my parents and it was cheap and reliable.
I love HATE... [2001-08-18 16:50:25] Not Buddy Bradley
...and I HATE everything else!!!
Qwest [2001-08-18 17:29:05] König Prüß, GfbAEV
I've never tried Qwest. When I get the crabs, I usually use Quell or A-200
Qwest [2001-08-18 19:24:17] Jonas
Is it ironic that a major communications company's name is misspelled, or just stupid?
The Qwest Vision [2001-08-18 19:33:02] Jonas
Looking around on the aforementioned communications company's website, from their corporate profile:

"To build shareholder value by becoming the customer-focused market leader for worldwide broadband communications and applications services."

They're talking a lot, but they aren't saying anything.
Qeast [2001-08-18 19:41:44] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Maybe they are Qwest because they're in the West. Their vagueness reminds me of an olnline generic company prospectus generator that I saw; glowing and glittering corporate generalities.
yeah... [2001-08-18 23:27:24] staniel
Qwest's data service is lame. but I will not retract that they were excellent about LD. it is the damn truth.
you should see Ghost World, all of you.
Qwest [2001-08-18 23:43:01] Lou Duchez
Rule #1 that major telecommunications companies should follow: don't pick a name that makes the consumer think you're a breakfast cereal.
Loosener's Breakfast Cereal! [2001-08-19 00:18:08] König Prüß, GfbAEV
It ain't no use
If you ain't got the boost
The boost you get from Loosener's

With 100% Pure Glycerin Vibrafoam
loose eh? [2001-08-19 00:21:09] staniel
WL sauce has synthetic glycerin (propylene glycol) in it.
no peanuts &/or beeef though.
and... [2001-08-19 00:24:18] staniel
Qwest is saying one thing: "we listen to our shareholders more than our customers." maybe the LD thing will go sour in the future, now that they've 1. discovered the stock market but 2. not discovered that technology + stock market = monetary apocalypse.
woopho!!!! [2001-08-19 02:12:00] sean
one of those nights where you can't even read because their "when pigs fly!!!" headlines is just too much..

saw the beautys tonight, the best band ever!!! i will have teh updates on san francisco night life for you folks soon.. .perhaps wendesday
Firesign [2001-08-19 15:04:03] Riff
Try Ma Rainey's Moleskin Cookies!
Each cookie is a whole mole, in an oilskin bag!
Eat 'em, wipe 'em off, eat 'em again!
Your first bag will be your last!
That's Ma Rainey's - for a rainy day!
In other news: [2001-08-19 15:05:40] Riff
I saw 'Rat Race' last night, and it's actually about 600% better than it looks in the previews and commercials. I heartily neccomend it.
Rat Race [2001-08-19 15:48:27] Jonas
Katherine Monk of the Vancouver Sun gave it five stars, saying it was really funny without resorting to bathroom humour -- despite the guy getting a face full of udder-squeezed milk in the trailer. But could it be as good as It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World? I think Rowan Atkinson would do well to resurrect his Blackadder character.
still online, apparently [2001-08-19 18:22:24] Annna
Rat Race - much better than I had hoped. The night before graduation, my sister stayed at my place while my parents and grandparents went to a motel. "Thank God they're gone!" Matie said, "Let's go see a movie or something." It had Nazis, and man, there's no better punchline than one involving Nazis. Also Jon Lovitz. There were only a few painfully stupid moments. The ending was pretty dumb, too, but it was dumb enough to laugh at.

Yeah, I don't approve of Rowan Atkinson's embracing of physical comedy. I liked Blackadder much, much better.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - was also pretty good, considering. I guess I'm a sucker for gay jokes and orangutans.
movies [2001-08-19 19:16:57] staniel
Jay and Silent Bob have been my least favorite parts of every Kevin Smith movie except Clerks. discount theater, maybe. Blackadder was really Rowan Atkinson's best work - Mr. Bean is good, but it seems a waste of his evil voice to have him not speak.
So, rhen... [2001-08-19 19:29:19] König Prüß, GfbAEV
A comedy about gay miskatonic Nazi orangutan zombies would be optimal?
So, THEN... [2001-08-19 19:44:35] König Prüß, GfbAEV
It only seems a little while ago that Annna mentioned going on her senior high school trip, now graduating college. All these rites of passage...I gues that means, "No more Barbie dolls!" Boy howdy! Mijn glas loopt ras!
hmm [2001-08-19 20:22:53] staniel
I think the high school stuff is leftover, due to the fact that this site is only what, 2 years old?
Blackadder [2001-08-19 20:45:51] Riff
My roommate and I were talking the other day, about how great it would be to see another Blackadder series. "A Fifth of Blackadder", they might call it. Possibly set in the corporate world, with Blackadder as a company VP, Percy and Baldrick as his assistant VPs, and Melchitt as the CEO. Sort of a british Dilbert. Hmm.

Okay, on the surface it doesn't sound that great, but you know, Rowan Atkinson. He could pull it off.
Before X-Day [2001-08-19 21:08:24] König Prüß, GfbAEV
Annna's been posting since before the first X-Day, so that's more than four years that I know of; I'm not sure how long thingsihate has been running. Yep, Blackadder's still running on PBS here, too.
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