By: staniel
Project: Always Room, Part 1

So. Some ten years ago, when I first learned of Knox Unflavored Gelatine, I was possessed of an urge to create Jell-O of my own devising, of unlikely flavors. Tonight, my dream has been realized. I give you tea gelatine.The package instructed me to use three cups of boiling fruit juice, one cup of cold fruit juice, and two tablespoons of sugar for fruity gelatine. I substituted hot tea and iced tea for their respective juice counterparts, used a little more sugar to compensate for the hoofy taste of the shuddering sludge that resulted, and tossed in a tiny splash of lemon juice. I don't normally put lemon and/or sugar in tea, hot or cold (SO DONT HIT ME SALES) but unsweet Jell-O creations would be scary.I fed a bowl to a friend of mine, which resulted in the following conversation:staniel: This is kind of refreshing.
Caius X: It
is kind of depressing!Later he said he felt like he should be getting super powers from eating it. Tomorrow: coffee. [EDITED 9/28/2002]
Can you make Tor Johnson-flavored gelatin?
When I lived in Montana, I lived in the Gallatin Valley, but I called it the Gelatine Valley. There is some stuff called Certo Liquid Food Gelatine, we used to use it in erotic films. Yous can load a bunch of it into a turkey baster; then at an appropriate time yous can splooge a bunch of it at your favorite actress. But tea is good in lots of recipes, like green tea, and other flavors, too. Also, jello is not to bad to mix up ant drink before it sets.
Maybe you could write about,
"Where the Buffalo Room"
I was trying to remember any good recipes that included gelatin, and I remember Lobster Medallions with Tomato Aspic. Not everyone likes tomato aspic, and some people are allergic to tomatoes, some people don't like seafood or don't eat shellfish. Screw all those people, this recipe is not for them. So when you make tomato aspic, you use gelatin, and you can make it a bit spicy for a surprise. After cooking the lobsters, take the meat out of the tail in one piece and chill it. Then you can find some small cookie cutters of various shapes, or only one shape if you prefer. Slice the lobster tail into rounds about a half inch thick, punch-out the designs and pour in the aspic, and chill. Spiffy appetizers and good with fish eggs, too.
Always good for a laugh, and apparently he's going to be making a relatively big update next Monday. I like the Orphanage of Cast-Off Mascots best... I'm surprised Petey never showed up there.
Odd unsolicited thought of the day: For some reason, he and his site make me think of some kind of parallel universe Prairie Home Companion version of Seanbaby.
Might I suggest tang flavored? Yes, theres already an orange jello, but really.. it's just not the same.
Woah... about five years ago, when Steve and I were in high school, we were going to a party, and Steve decided to make jello. He and a friend had the idea to make some red jello and then float chunks of it inside some clear gelatin... After some experimenting, they figured out how to do this. At the last minute, they realized that unflavored gelatin would be horrible, so they scrambled for something to flavor it with. The result, when he showed up at the party, was a horrible grey jell-o like substance contained in a flower pot. He never could explain why it was in flower pot...
But the reason I say Deja Vu, is the flavor of their gelatin: EARL GRAY.
I just realized that even I can't identify every object in the background of that picture. My room is full of mystery. Also, crap. Please don't turn me in for the illegal milk crate.