By: staniel [2001-11-21]

Project: Always Room, Part 2

success, sort of!

l-r Irrelevant, Caius, and yours truly

Tonight's experiment proved to be far more palatable than the previous one. Caius again made an appearance as a reviewer, declaring that coffee jello is much better than its tea equivalent. This is likely fault of my first preparation attempt, as he seems to like tea better than coffee in real life. Irrelevant had been drinking a rather strong Screwdriver out of the bottle of WaWa orange juice that half its components originated in, and his comments can be discarded for that reason, but he found it too weak, if you're interested in his drunken opinions.

A special hello to Rich and Amanda, who we met at the Country Club Diner. [EDITED 9/28/2002]
Grand Marnier [2001-11-21 23:52:02] Jacques Kitsch
Grand Marnier Jell-o seems like it might be good. I saw a bottle of GM at the packy that was $150! But Southern Comfort is really cheap now for some reason and tastes somewhat like oranges. I think, or rather would like to propose, that since you are working with gelatin p'raps you could make gummy bears and wiggly worms. You could even make curry-flavoured jelly grubs! Cardomom jellybeans might even get you into the bad candy site! There was a convention of flavoring manufacturers here, and the list of flavorings was impressive; absinthe flavoring is not available everywhere, and so I would want it solely due to its unavailability. Mmmmmm! Absinthe Jello!
In Real Life?! [2001-11-22 00:29:12] staniel
I was apparently convinced that these experiments took place in JelloMUD. Which, HUR HUR, is what it looked like. </punnery> Also, I forget to mention that Irrelevant thought tonight's offering was too bland and would have benefitted from stronger coffee and more sugar. I did not get to type this in when I wrote the article because he was busy puking it through his nose onto my TV remote.
Grand Marnier [2001-11-22 01:00:16] staniel
Isn't the common variety of it about $40, like Cointreau? They make all the flavorings in Red Bank, as I may have mentioned.
Oranges [2001-11-22 01:55:02] Jacques Kitsch
Yeah, Red Bank. There is a guy in New Jersey named Owens, I think that there is a big Owens-Corning glass works there, in Glassboro would be the right place for it, but I don't think that it's there. I have a few glass balls, a little smaller than pool balls, that are the product of one of the glass factories. They drop the molten glass inside a tower into water, then ship it out in gondola cars full of these pretty marbles to places that make glass things. In Williamsburg, Virginia there are some glass blowers who are fun to watch as they make bottles and wine glasses. Some guy named von Steuben started making glass there.
Steuben [2001-11-22 02:37:29] staniel
Expensive-looking. My mom would drool over that stuff. But I ask you this: do they have Jell-O molds?

You know, they could probably make US-legal absinthe with artificial flavorings. I am sure it would be quite disgusting, but I'm surprised nobody's tried to market it.
Crystal Jello Molds [2001-11-22 02:58:02] Jacques Kitsch
That's one thing about Jello, you could probably pour it into anything. Artemisia absinthium...there seem to be a lot of recipes for absinthe, some using Pernod which used to be made with absinthe, but also there are recipes without anise. I seem to remember one Irish guy who got some overproof Pernod, he'd have a thimble-full each day after work. My premise is generally if a little is good, more is better, which might be true up to a point. Pernod seems like it would be a disgusting thing to get drunk on, like Raki.
raki [2001-11-25 22:18:14] TheChromeMenace
Does raki smell vaguely like peaches, by any chance? because when i was in Europe a few years ago i got sloshed off of something that smelled vaguely like peaches but tasted vaguely like gasoline. Anyway if anyone has any idea what that might be, i'm curious
Sounds like Archers... [2002-05-20 02:09:13] Andrew
.. Its like peach schnaps(sp?).

Girl like to drink it with lemonade, I prefer just a bottle of meths with water.
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