By: staniel
Project: Always Room, Part 3
worst... gelatine... ever
Part the Third was actually the least successful. I discovered all too late that my cousin Lisa hates the texture of gelatine. Her sister Sherry described the cider-based glop as tasting "like biting into the rotten part of an apple" and her son Andrew more succinctly phrased his review "it truly tastes like snot."
Sherry is the person who introduced me to the wonders of Douglas Adams, and is the infamous cousin who, when employed as a postal worker, bit the end off a cookie an old man was holding in his hand when he answered the door to receive whatever it was she was delivering. Lisa is a punk rocker! (Sing along if you like). [EDITED 9/28/2002]
I think that "duck butter" is an expression for something, but I was going to comment on ducks being fat. Chinese Ducks, I can usually eat
two or three pieces, it is so rich. There were ducks for sale to have and/or turkey. But there was leg o' lamb for $2.29, which is a good price. That's unfortunate your cidra gel was not better recieved. I think that I once had 7-Up Jello that had a bit of a fizz; cider or champers gel might be good. There might be a use for beer Jello, but I haven't heard of it yet. There are many geese, goose hunting in Maryland has started again after a six-year moratorium. So, a Christmas Goose is not out of the question, bless us one and all.
This may well be way off topic, but it's fodder for the search engines! You might have seen people put their hands cupped in their armpits and make fart noises, or maybe even tried that yourself. OK, OK. So, I'm in bed with this girl, and like afterwards, she starts crawling all over my body like a ferret and putting her armpits against me to make armpit farts! That was a first.
I didn't like it too much myself, honestly. Might try chamomille tomorrow. If not, this is the end of the Project. Also, out of referrers!
If memory serves, a man named Cyrus Gold was murdered in Slaughter Swamp, outside Gotham City. But the EEEEEEERIE properties of the swamp brought him back to life, albeit as an idiot zombie with an irrational hatred of Green Lantern (Alan Scott). He somehow picked up the new name Solomon Grundy. Superman never made any money for saving the world from him, BTW.
Anyway, the "worst fantasy story ever" is The Eye of Argon, right?
I think that Solomon Grundy got his name from the rhyme: Solomon Grunday slept late on a Sunday...I think that hibiscus would be a good flavor for the tea Jellos. In Mexico, they call it "Jamaica" and hibiscus make a nice flavored tart tea, sugar the tea before adding it to get it to proper taste. Fresh chamomille is a lot stronger than dried, it tastes a little sweeter, and has a very calming effect, almost like lotus to me. Hibiscus is bright red and tastey!
The search engine referrers were funny at first, but adding them to the end of every post really wears them out. I'm going to say something that may sound a little insensitive, but once you've seen 142 insane search engine referrers, you've seen them all.
Well, that might be true for many things. Women, for example. After the old in-and-out with variations, why bother? Or rock bands, a lot of noise with a funny name? Or food, "Oh! I ate one time. It was OK."
Some things require an appetite, I suppose. There's always room for Jello! Or ask a junkie if he wants a fix, he'll probably say, "Oh, no thanks! I whacked-up yesterday!" Or like the compulsive need to try to explain differences in personal styles and preferences.
"One man's poison ivy is another man's spinach" --George Ade
I've seen at least 142 entries by now, and I can tell you right off that never before have I seen "paranormal faggot." And I don't think anyone could doubt that seeing this has made me a better person. I feel that something needs to be said about this one, yet I know that nothing does. The flipside of www.naked+ghouls (in terms of not understanding the differences between a search engine and the address bar).
"human+meat"+-insulin+-chop+-tapeworm God only knows what horror befell this poor surfer, who was only trying to find a nice, decent site featuring human meat, and only human meat, thank you very much.
who+the+fuck+is+elvis Well, now you know. Uh, but bear in mind the discerning researcher will probably check a number of references. It might be in your better interest to do so as well. To make sure you got the right Elvis ("Anne Sofie von Otter made an album with this guy?").
Can+I+have+A+picture+of+The+Human+Penis Your politeness is appreciated, but I can't abide that irregular capitalization. So no.
I like the idea of adding search engine referrers to the end of an article, since having so many more instances of these words will certainly lead to more unusual referrers. And isn't that just what the world needs?
Strange... a search of should+my+daughter+shave+her+public+hair in google shows "the vulva monologues" link from down fourth or fifth... nice coincidence! :)
I sure need some coffee to wake me up...