By: staniel [2001-11-27]

More Hate

hate week but not in the bad college way

There is something out there, kids. Something bad. Something maybe even worse than wicker, or at least in cahoots with it. What is this something? None other than Discordianism.

Many people think Robert Anton Wilson is a clever man and a good writer. He may well be; I took The Illuminatus! Trilogy back to the store a hundred pages into it, but I'm not about to start arguing a matter as subjective as literary taste. My issue is with people banding together solely for the purpose of participating in a crappy in-joke.

Now, there are SubGenii who are like that, and I can't stand them, either. But the SubGs have a much higher incidence of smart, interesting, and sometimes nice people. Discordians tend to attract more loons who think it's all real, and SubGenii of that persuasion tend to also be Discordians.

The crazies aside, though, it's the utterly boring, uncreative people who see a stupid theme and latch on then run it into the ground that are the worst. OMG THAT LICENSE PLATE HAS A 23 IN IT! HAIL ERIS! I remember Crosley Bendix talking about how if you concentrate on a certain number hard enough, you'll start to notice it everywhere. As a side note, he said "Try it with your favorite number. If you don't have a favorite number, you can use mine - 17." And 17 is my favorite number, which caused me to be surprised and tingly. But I have yet to say HAIL CROSLEY BENDIX or otherwise engage in jackassery. Well, jackassery related to that event, at least.

So, the next time you see a mall rat with a henna tattoo of a golden apple, give it a punch in the face for me.
Accordianism [2001-11-28 00:52:10] Jacques Kitsch
I myself have come to feel disaffected from cults in general, and have decided to join the Zazu Pitts Memorial Accordian School. Nothing can compare to 120 accordians all playing "Lady of Spain"
the little dot of white in the black half of the yin-yang [2001-11-28 02:51:00] Lou Duchez
Agreed, the whole in-jokey thing about the Discordians is pretty annoying. The character trait that frustrates me the most about them is their smugness: they will cite the disparity between the multipliers used in hot dog buns and hot dogs, and then think it's a clever observation.

On the other hand, there are a few Discordian-themed works out there that are genuinely inspired.
Sure... [2001-11-28 09:05:23] tnreb
Discordians can be annoying... but so can any religious zealot.

I think anyone who smuggly and blatently quotes back without thinking is annoying. In fact, i believe the Discoridan doctrine tells you to never believe anything you read on account of the Fnord!s. If someone is quoting discordian theory from the Principia Discordia, or even Wilson's works, they aren't discordian... they are pretending, or even worse... trying too hard.

As for SubG's... most of the one's I have met are people who have taken one too many hits of thw wacky acid. and were involved in money grubbing techniques ("Salvation, or tripple your money back!"), and were more devout and annoying than any "real" discordian.

In summation... people suck... and people who latch on to silly writings about drug induced talkings with apes and eris suck more. but anyone that says "hail bob" sucks about the same.

Oh yeah... Kallisti.
Lou's tips for l'amour [2001-11-28 09:37:56] Lou Duchez
I once wrote "Kallisti" on a can of Spam and gave it to a beautiful woman.

Surprisingly enough, she was pleased by this.
Just goes to show you... [2001-11-28 10:00:55] tnebr
never underestimate the power of Spam.

(or most processed meat products for that matter)
Yeah [2001-11-28 14:21:28] Sean
I think any person who's into something that they never shut up about is bad. Especially if it's stupid and they think it's cool. Unless it's me, and I'm talking about something I'm into that's stupid but I think it's cool.
Subgenii and Discordage [2001-11-28 15:16:53] Bastard Son of Plato

I prefer the subgenii simply because they don't have that nauseating faux-goth stank about them, it's almost as bad as real goth stank.
yeah [2001-11-28 17:25:11] J Speed
Burning Man people suck too.
sowing the seeds of... yeah [2001-11-28 19:39:26] staniel
I have nothing against Discordianism, it's the Discordians themselves who tend to annoy me. I remember saying about 85% of the mainstream are obnoxious people, and about 85% of most any given subculture will follow the same rule, which explains the acid-addled SubGenii. Discordianism is lately appealing to hyperactive geeks and mall goths, which raises their idiot likeliness to 95%. The other 5% is fine; my friend Jen went through a Discordian phase, and that thing to which Lou linked isn't entirely bad.
This shall hereforth be known as... [2001-11-28 19:43:16] rtneb
the 85% rule.
Melons [2001-11-28 20:15:38] Jacques Kitsch
I prefer Crenshaw melons 85% of the time.
News Flash! [2001-11-28 20:55:02] Jacques Kitsch
Dwarf Tossing!

"Dwarf Tossing"
"isn't entirely bad" [2001-11-28 23:54:20] Lou Duchez
High praise, Staniel. But that Discordian site actually contains several key secrets of the universe. Don't be fooled by the odd reference to hot dog buns and Fnord ...
anti anton wilson [2001-11-29 02:01:52] Alptraum
i tried to read one of those godawful books once. the attempt was unsuccessful. i can't recall the last book i looked at that was that idiotic while at the same time so absurdly confident of its (nonexistent) profundity. maybe something by l. ron hubbard. what a mess.

and i agree wholeheartedly; burning man people do suck.
Dwarf Tossing. [2001-11-29 07:06:50] ertnb
Man I love Florida. That almost makes up for the voting debaucle. I think living here with dwarf tossing will make up for the shame of the other things we have here (Like a Bush for governor and being shaped like a penis peeing on Cuba).

Or maybe not.
The Sacred Chao [2003-01-29 18:54:00] Sven Gali
Robert Anton Wilson's works are riots on paper. Come on people. If you don't find at least some of Wilson's writings to be entertaining you just aren't human. Compare Wilson to Hubbard? Forget it. The only true talent Hubbard had was in tricking complete idiots into giving his organization money. Now Wilson (together with Thornley and Hill) have done it while saying they aren't...and suggesting it not be done anyway... NOW THAT IS TALENT!

I can understand that some of the insight that Wilson says may seem dated now but Illuminatus! was written about a quarter of a century ago (and don't forget Shea). Now I do agree that MANY people who read his works go off spouting them as if they are gospel however he himself says not to take them seriously. At the very least he damaged Objectivism (and that was a good thing)...the silly left (good again)...the lazy center (good again) ... the mystics (good again) ... the conservatives (good again)... dogma (good again)...

For those of you who have never taken a joke seriously through your naievte... congratulations - you are perfect. Now go kill yourself there is nothing here for you to do. As you have never learned any lessons there is absolutely no way you could possibly teach the naieve.

I read voraciously. Mostly nonfiction (or at least supposedly nonfiction, haha) Philosophy, History, Religious texts, technical manuals, Psychology, etc..etc..etc.. I have to tell you that MOST fiction is just BORING.

If you want to fuck with Discordians I am here to help you out. They will enjoy it so don't worry. Suggest they read Reason and Existenz by Karl Jaspers. It's deceptively short and will keep their minds occupied for years to come. True Believer by Hoffer is another short classic that will make them realized they are the DUPES. But don't hate them... YOU HAVE BEEN THERE... unless you are perfect of which case... as stated above, you should go kill yourself now... there is nothing here for you... nothing at all...
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