By: Sean [2001-12-08]

The Great Bacon Experiment: The Final Countdown

Periodic updates throughout the day

As you know, results of the experiment throughout the week have been delayed by one day. The first day was Sunday, and was recounted to you on Monday's update.

Another day of bacon. 23 hours left to go.

1:00 a.m. - Preparing for sleep. No bacon has been consumed yet today. I've only had an hour. Breakfast update to come at approximately 12:00 p.m.

11:20 a.m. - Just woke up. Time for bacon.

2:17 p.m. - Stopped by work to finish up a little something something. Exciting Saturday huh?

1:37 a.m. - OK, so I failed. tonight was the comtpany crhistmas party and i went out and got all drunked up;;kl... t hen i wnet to see the grannies and got all drunjked up... aos, with a half hour left to go, i went and let something other than bacon pass my lips... I AM A FAILURE. HA HA GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKERs, I WASN'T EATING BAOCN ANYWAY.. HAH AHAHAH ROCK WOOHOO ROCK AND ROOL!!! (vomit, pass out)

11:56 a.m. - It is as though a thousand monkeys are tap dancing on my head. I apologize for last night, and I promise that stuff about not eating bacon was pure drunken madness. I assure you, I've been eating my bacon. I'll take a blood or urinalysis test to prove it if I have to.

I'm a little bit saddened that, during the final moments, I drank all that bourbon and turned bacon week into a failure. Am I going to take another stab at it? No, no I am not. I've seen a side of myself that no man should see. I've burned all my documents and photographs. Much like when John Lister destroyed his research on the Oregon Vortex, the world is not ready for the information I possess.

What Was The Great Bacon Experiment?
Sean... [2001-12-09 20:58:22] Angelo
I am so proud...
Bacon! [2001-12-09 23:17:41] Jacques Kitsch
It's not just for breakfast anymore!
Bravo [2001-12-11 06:10:21] Duck996
Its nice to see someone taking bacon serouisly. What will happen to the grease? Will you bury it in a jar in your backyard, perhaps draw a map leading to it, marking the spot where its buried as "life savings" or maybe just "treasure"? Oscar Meyer Center Cut is the way to go, if we are talking about supermarket brands. Myself, I like to go with custom cuts, from the butcher shop. They slice it right in front of you, with a MEAT SLICER. "Thicker!", I keep saying, as the lad holds up each piece for my inspection. "Thicker! I want it about a 1/4"." 1/4" inch cuts, thats the ticket. Baconsteak. A group of us once made cake with bacon grease instead of vegtable oil. Strawberry cake. Why, you ask? Because someone thought it smart to store our bacon grease in a vegatable oil bottle. How do you think it tasted? Baconcake. I'll be in touch.
hey guess what... [2001-12-15 18:05:15] josie're gay
BACON [2002-04-04 14:22:34] Matt
I wise man once said, "Bacon is one of the finest cuired salted meats."
I love you.. [2002-04-13 20:04:52] Brooke & Amber
You are the most intelligent person I know..Well..Not "know" but "know of". Bacon is best!! Always the best..
~Keep up the good work! Your site rocks! Keep eatin' that bacon, dude!!
Brooke & Amber
Bacon Week [2003-04-24 11:22:00] Bmommy
Dear Sean,
A friend sent me your site thinking I would enjoy it, which I did enormously. It comes dangerously close to spiritual quests I have seen my own (now adult children) attempt, ah youth.
Despite my enjoyment, and desperate hopes for your success with Bacon Week, I feel compelled to share with you your quest may have been doomed from the onset as it lacked what can only be referred to as Bacon Nirvana, Bacon of the Gods, Bacon to beat any and all bacon...Bum Phillips, thick sliced, peppered (yes, I know...I read all about it) bacon. I realize this may only be available here in Texas, but can assure you, if you are serious in your bacon efforts, it is well worth the trip.
Please don't be discouraged by my comments, I really have been cheering for you as I read through your daily struggles. I am even going to forward your site onto my children, who will also enjoy it immensely.
And really, there is a tremendous amount of work to be done in the areas of many food products...Jell-O, succotash, and the ever mysterious and revered: FRUITCAKE.
I support you in your spiritual journey.
God's Peace,
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