Undersea Nightmare - Part Eight
Maybe it's time we got some answers.
Nicky peered into the darkened holding cell where Beat Poet Bizarro Jesus #190 was being held. "Oh look," he gushed, "this Jesus found a couple bolts sticking out of the wall, and is using them to sleep like a bat!"
Dane scowled at the youngest member of the Sea Devils and tried to steer the conversation away from Nicky's juvenile observations.
"These Jesii seem to have been created with a technology akin to Professor Potter's duplication ray, once used on Superman to create Bizarro and then Bizarro World. But the duplication process requires an initial subject for duplication; how would they manage to duplicate Jesus, and into so many different forms?"
Nicky, barely paying attention to Dane's monologue, continued to study the captive Jesus. "It's kind of neat how his beret stays on even when he's hanging upside down, isn't it?"
Dane's eyes narrowed to slits for a moment as he unfolded a rubber mat and laid it on the floor. "Maybe it's time we got some answers. I'm going to wake the subject up," he announced. Dane quietly stepped on the mat, and electrified the interior surfaces of the ship.
"YOINK!" squealed Nicky as he jumped a couple of feet into the air. "Dane, would you WARN me next time you do that?"
"Sorry, Nicky, it won't happen again," promised Dane somewhat implausibly (as was his habit under these circumstances).
The Beat Poet Bizarro Jesus began to show signs of consciousness, and Dane activated the intercom to better talk with their guest.
"Attention Jesus, you are our undersea prisoner. Do not attempt to escape. We have taken your bride hostage and are not afraid to torture her to get what we want." Nicky's eyes widened with surprise as he turned to Dane, whose expression would not betray what degree of truth there was to his words.
BPBJ #190 squinted under the harsh lights and said, "Me am thirsty daddy-o." The ever-helpful Nicky slid open a small entrance to the cell and pushed in a bucket of wine. "This comes right from the sea we're floating in, so it should be what you're used to." BPBJ #190 stared intently into the bucket, and Nicky watched in amazement as the fluid turned from its red color to a completely transparent state. Almost like... water?
As the BPBJ slowly poured the bucket into one cupped hand and drank through the hole, Dane started in with his litany of questions. "Where is the genetic template for you and your people?" A puzzled look crossed BPBJ #190's face for a moment, then he resumed drinking. "Do you know the location of the duplication ray?" Again, no answer. "Were the assorted classes of Jesii the result of genetic mutation or were multiple templates involved?" BPBJ #190 finally finished drinking and simply said, "Who want help Jesus shoot up between toes?"
"Well, Nicky, if he were female I think he'd be your perfect date," concluded Dane as he flooded the holding cell with poison gas. "Looks like we'll have to get our answers elsewhere."