By: Annna [2002-01-04]

(Pleasant) Memories of Junior High

filler theater presents


I had a male teacher in junior high school who wore pantyhose.

He was pretty darn cool. In his 60s and still skiing every weekend, weather permitting, he wore it under his thermals and snow pants to keep his leg hair from chafing.

This was the guy who claimed he could assemble a machine gun in complete darkness and on several occasions rode down the hall on his Harley, though, so nobody wanted to hassle him too much about the pantyhose thing.

He'd jump when the fire alarm rang, drop his books where he stood and then take the stairs two at a time, never looking back to see if the class was following him or not. The school bell made him flinch a little, too.

I was had fun being the teacher's pet in that class - there's nothing like trying to teach History to students who ask, right before the final, which side won the Civil War. I sat in the front row taking notes and laughing at his jokes, so I think I was pretty squarely on the list of Students Not to Use as Human Shields Should the Occasion Arise.

The closest he ever came to snapping was when he tried to kill a wasp with one of those long poles for closing the windows.

As someone shrieked that we had a wasp, he told the class not to panic, but the girls were squealing, getting up from their desks and waving their hands. I froze and remained completely still so not to draw its ire, because I am a big coward when dealing with hunter-seekers bees and wasps and in my experience that's the only thing that's guaranteed not to get you stung.

Anyway, the teacher saw that class could not continue with a wasp in the room, so he grabbed the pole and started laying about him in mad swipes, scaring the class more and making the boys start running, too.

He knocked down a wall map, sent some books flying and tipped a few desks over before he accidentally hit the American flag bolted over the blackboard and knocked it down. Seeing a threat to the fate of the free world, he cast the pole away and dove under it, catching it before it hit the ground. Meanwhile, the wasp went obliviously back out the window.

The next year my History teacher was a guy whose main distinguishing characteristic was that you could literally tell time by his sweat stains. Once his neck stain reached his third button, the bell would ring. A kid in his next class told me that when his pit stains met in back, that meant ten minutes until their class was out.

I suppose he was more useful, as a timepiece if nothing else, but he was nowhere near as much fun.
You can't fool me [2002-01-04 01:17:38] Jonas
For I know that it is, in fact, Patrick Stewart who wears pantyhose.
What I Know About Pantyhose [2002-01-04 03:41:28] Jacques Kitsch
1. Don't wear them! They cause yeast.
2. You can't do a really good stem christie unless you wear panty hose.
3. You can trade them for Hershey Bars on the black market.
4. They are good for straining paint.
5. You can use eyeliner to make it appear as if they have seams.
6. They ALMOST led to the demise of the garter belt.
nut-e-koo-koo school experiences [2002-01-04 04:08:06] Lou Duchez
Nothing to compare to yours, except in high school, a WWII vet history teacher (rumored to have a steel plate in his head) made his class perform a play he wrote about the Reagans. Lots of none-too-subtle political commentary, mostly about Nancy buying new kitchenwares ...
in 11th grade [2002-01-04 06:54:39] guest
my history teacher was nutty enough that he introduced a 'personal segment,' presumably to let us get to know our classmates better (mind you we had all been in classes with one another since at least 9th grade). Every week he would choose a different student and ask them a series of questions about their interests, who living or dead they would like to have dinner with, etc. To indicate which student would be put on the spot he would say 'John John John Smith, king of the wild frontier.' if you weren't paying attention and didn't say 'stop!' before he finished, he would call you a butthead and choose someone else.

The year after our class had him he left to go back to his old school, apparently they had missed him a lot and needed him to coach field hockey or something. Ah, Jim Mogge, what an oddball.
teachers [2002-01-04 13:18:51] staniel
I had a high school health teacher who fancied himself more of a Disney teacher than anything. He taught us that one should never point at anything, which is rude. The preferred, Disney-approved method (used by their emotionally shattered zombie-like employees) is done more slowly and with all the fingers extended instead of just the index. He could perform this manouver with surpassing grace and utter creepiness. The legend was he had sustained a sports-related injury and gotten hooked on morphine.

There was also an obese gym teacher who had been a roid-raging weightlifter til he broke his leg and failed to discontinue his regimen of anabolics when he could no longer exercise.

Then there's the music theory teacher who caught the vice principal in charge of finance and athletics misappropriating the former in favor of the latter to such a degree that the football team had a digital scoreboard and the marching band was still wearing uniforms from the '70s. After he presented his evidence and made whatever demands were made in a private meeting, I was fortunate to witness the vice principal leave his office in a huff. I was about to knock on the door (I had a late assignment to drop off) when the music instructor emerged, looked around and upon finding the coast clear, shouted "Frank [last name deleted], bend over and feel my girth!" He was also fond of taking cigarette breaks that lasted 40 minutes of a 45 minute class, and told us he had been banned from the Harwan theater for bringing a blowtorch to the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the lighter scene.
Oh, yeah... [2002-01-04 14:51:15] Jacques Kitsch
If I had to gripe about one particular, I'd choose Mr. Russell. We had
four half-hour shifts for lunch. So, you'd just be getting seated, set, and lifting fork to mouth, when at random times Mr. Russell in full Highland drag would march forth into the cafeteria laying into the bagpipes at about 140 decibels, which diversion would continue up and down all aisles and for several laps to be sure that each and all got the full effect.
THE BRAIN CLAW! [2002-01-06 02:17:36] NathanTR
In 9th grade I had none other then WWA superstar Baron Von Raschke, AKA Keeper of "THE CLAW!" (RAWR!)!

Actually he might not have been a superstar since I know little about wrestling, but he did have the worse case of cauliflower ears I have ever seen in person and that makes him a superstar in my heart.
AS A SUBSTITUTE TEACHER [2002-01-06 02:23:20] NathanTR
Sorry, but I felt it was essential to note that he wasn?t a full time teacher and I forgot to add it to my last post. Which is why I don?t usually post to places where I can?t erase my horrible 4 am mistakes!
Cauliflower Ears [2002-01-06 07:19:53] Jacques Kitsch
This gave me an idea for a song set to the tune of "Honeysuckle Rose"
Wrastlin' teachers [2002-01-06 13:05:06] Jonas
I had a substitute teacher in high school once who was a wrestler in some Canadian wrestling league. His name had something to do with robots. He was also short, and a bit of a pushover. Maybe if he had worn his mask to school...
Teachers [2002-01-08 09:44:42] Ruth
What I know about teachers:
The best teachers let you have fun but you know when not to push them any further
The worst teachers are push overs who don't MAKE me do my homework, therefore I don't
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