By: Mom [2002-01-07]

True Adventure Tales of Nursing!

numbah three!


Nude Celebrities!

Back when I was a young nurse, just out of school, I worked in Vegas. Showbiz! There was always the chance of taking care of someone famous, and I'm not just talking about mobsters. That's another story. One night, however, we got the call in ICU. They were admitting someone famous, someone big, Mr. Las Vegas himself...


I know. I was hoping Elvis too, but that's beside the point. Liberace was having chest pains and we were to take care of him.

Not in the ICU, mind. In a private room on the medical floor, with portable monitors and one-to-one nursing care from ICU nurses round-the-clock. You know how they say there's a bullet with your name on it? Well, there's also celebrity and my number was up. Being young and resourceful, I decided to make the most of it.

The hospital had in its employ an elderly orderly (say that ten times (fast), soon to retire and as queer as a clockwork orange, named Maurice. His mother must have known. On my way down to the medical floor, I grabbed Maurice.

"Hey, can you do me a favor? Can you help the new admit into his gown while I get my equipment together?"

I nearly had two men with chest pain in that room. I honestly had to take Maurice out of the room to breathe into a paper bag. It made my night, and, come to think of it, the nights of everyone else involved.

Liberace was out the next day, much improved.

Seizures for Drugs and Attention

It was a quiet day in ICU when we got the call from ER. They had a patient seizing nearly nonstop. She was allergic to the two most usual drugs given to stop seizure, and she was going to be my patient.

They rolled her into ICU, where she was talking coherently with me.
Pretty damn unusual for someone who's just been seizing. Not just the seizing, but the massive doses of other drugs they'd given her should have made her at least spacey, if not unconscious. We pulled her over to the ICU bed, and as the ER nurse described her seizure activity to me, the patient decided to give me a demonstration.

I don't know. Call me a skeptic, but something wasn't right. While the ER nurse ran off to get medication, I just stared at her. Twitch, twitch, twitch. Arch that back! Hmmm. I took the medication from the ER nurse but didn't give it to the patient. I just stood and watched. She stopped "seizing," looked up at me and said, "Are you an angel?" in her most innocent voice. What a giveaway.

"No, I'm a nurse, and you're in the hospital." She read my name off my nametag, and told me she had a good friend with the same name. Dear reader, look up postictal in your dictionary. If she's just finished seizing, she shouldn't be able to speak, let alone focus enough to read my nametag.

While waiting for the neurologist to look her over, I'm afraid I didn't treat any more of her seizure activity. And, you know, they didn't last very long. The neurologist came in to see her and got to do all the fun tests. As soon as he introduced himself, she started seizing.

Turning one's head to the side, arching one's back rigidly and twitching is pretty much the classic fake seizure. When she went limp afterwards, he picked up her arm and dropped it so her hand would hit her face. It didn't. Every time it managed to veer away.

Even a neurologist could figure this one out, but he wanted to be absolutely certain. So, it was the ice water test. This would be one of my favorites, if I didn't have to clean up the bed afterwards. You fling a glassful of ice water in the face of someone having a pseudo-seizure (be damn sure you know it's fake). Then you stand back and watch the fun! Try to be sure there's nothing between you and the door.

90% of the time they sign themselves out as soon as possible. It's a miracle cure.

Dog Spit Woman

I was admitting a debilitated elderly woman with chronic lung disease and a severe pneumonia. She had a non-rebreather mask on, feeding her 100% O2.

Medically speaking, she looked like shit. In spite of the 100% oxygen, her saturation was subnormal. I couldn't ask her the medical history questions I needed, so I was forced to converse with her loony relatives.

Now, perhaps I should explain what makes someone a "loony relative."

You're a loony relative if your oxygen-using mother rooms with a smoker who smokes leaning against the tank, and you think everything is peachy keen. You're a loony relative if you know your oxygen-using mother's dog chews on her oxygen tubing, and you don't even come over with some duct tape and Dog-B-Gone spray. You're a loony relative if your mother gets so short of breath and incoherent on the phone that you can't hold a conversation with her, yet you wait a couple of days to check on her.

So basically, I'm taking care of a dehydrated old lady with dog spit in her lungs. Eurgh. Doesn't seem to bother her family though! They want everything done to make Mom well.

She hasn't been well for years. She wants them all to hover around her sickbed, and she wants to talk to them, meanwhile her breathing gets worse and her saturation drops.

Did I mention the whole family reeks of alcohol and tobacco themselves? Did I mention that when I put a catheter in her bladder to drain her urine it came oozing out like caramel sauce? (I played "Guess Where These Secretions Came From" with her physician. He was suitably grossed out.)

She survived to go home to her smoking roommate and the chewingest dog west of the Mississippi. Your tax dollars at work. Keep your eye out for a fireball on the west side of town.
Eww! [2002-01-07 03:09:32] Lou Duchez
I really, REALLY don't want caramel on my ice cream at this moment ...
Medical Terms [2002-01-07 03:29:49] Jacques Kitsch
I liked the "medically speaking, she looked like shit" part; I frequently describe myself as clinically bonkers. A damned chiropractor broke my sister's sternum! So, she'd been nibbling oxycontin (hillbilly heroin) for a couple of years, and even lobbied to keep oxy as a painkiller, but they split her from gizzard to gullet and repaired her sternum with rubber bands or something. She now gets some kind of a nerve-block shot about every 4-5 days, which I dunno what it is but it must be way better than demerol. I don't know how it is where you are, but here, all of the doctors are either from Pakistan, or from South America and were personal friends of Dr. Mengele. A little while back they arrested a local fertility doctor who'd been using his own seeds; they figure that he's got more than 350 kids! I think that Dr. Mengele would have been proud of him.
Liberace [2002-01-07 04:16:11] Sean
Wow, that's cool that you were assigned to Liberace. Every time I'm in Vegas I go to the Liberace museum. That man had style. His mirror-covered pianos, his mirror-covered cars, his mirror-covered suits... Last time I was there I had a nice long chat with the old ladies that work there. They love him too. "He certainly had style," I said to one of them. "That's exactly it," she said. "That's exactly what he had: style."

Did you know that both Vegas and LA have a Liberace day? I wonder if every day of the year has been dedicated to one celeb. or another in large cities like LA. I wonder if LA school children get Liberace day off.
In and Out [2002-01-07 04:22:22] Jacques Kitsch
I laffed when Liberace was out the next day; he was out when he came in! Nyuk, nyuk.
We all love Marmite [2002-01-07 04:26:09] Dunc
You should put marmite on your icecream today. Marmite is 100 years old!
Marmite [2002-01-07 04:30:38] Jacques Kitsch
I think that I HAVE a hundred year old jar of Marmite!
from the planet Marm [2002-01-07 05:57:40] Lou Duchez
I actually threw out my Marmite in my recent move; I'd never worked up the courage to try it, in the couple years that I owned it.

I do have some Vegemite that's about four months old. Recommendations, other than putting it on ice cream?
Texas Toast [2002-01-07 06:37:04] Jacques Kitsch
Make some Texas Toast, lightly butter, then Marmite. Lots of times, I want something salty instead of jam in the AM
Bovril [2002-01-07 06:41:51] Dunc
Lightly butter is important, by the way. Too much butter and the knife will be stickier than the toast, so the marmite (or gankamite) won't come off it and you have to alternately eat toast and lick your knife.
alternate timelines [2002-01-07 07:07:56] Lou Duchez
What If ...

Petey had been raised in Australia and developed an affinity for Vegemite?

Or Petey had been raised in rural England and his passion were Marmite?

Would he have developed frightening rabbit / yeast combinations? Would he have taken to poisoning the local rabbit population with Marmite, and grown up to be a supervillain?

Holy crap, now I'm going to obsess about this all day.
Then Ponder This Instead [2002-01-07 09:13:00] Jacques Kitsch
how not to use a toothbrush [2002-01-07 10:45:30] Lou Duchez
Here's the irony. As soon I saw the article title ("How not to use a toothbrush"), I was already mentally working on my response. I was prepared to post that the article was incomplete, because it did NOT clarify that one should not try to clean one's rectal cavity with a toothbrush.

But, no, they covered that point pretty clearly. I'm flummoxed.
Yep [2002-01-07 11:01:27] Jacques Kitsch
Yep, you could only brush your teeth like that if the toothbrush had a verrrrry long handle. One local hospital admin was telling me about people who come in with all kinda different stuff up their butts. I still think that medical/cosmetic tattooing would be fun. The parts of medicine that interest me most are the new nanotech stuff, and pharmacy and plastic/reconstructive. Death to the prions!
!!!! [2002-01-07 12:48:55] prions
more Vegas [2002-01-07 17:51:30] bean
when in Vegas over the summer we made a point to hit both Elvis-A-Rama and the Liberace museum as well. It was quite overwhelming, but most entertaining.. the highlight was the small family (parents + 12-ish son + grandmother) speaking with one of the volunteers at the car-and-piano half of the two-site Liberace place. The NASCAR-clad father was twangily expounding to his compatriots about what a genteel and elegant entertainer Liberace was, and how much he had loved his mother. The son was wearing a Goldberg tshirt and hanging on every word. Ah, Vegas.

I was most impressed by the mirrored car. I still have entrance stickers to both places on my camera. Viva! etc.
the goo lady [2002-01-08 02:43:40] Lou Duchez
Out of curiosity, did pudding come out of her elbows?
Pahrump [2002-01-08 05:11:49] Jacques Kitsch
Two of my favorite Nevada books are "Desert Rose" by Larry McMurtry, the guy who wrote "Hud" (one of Paul Newman's first movies,) and also wrote "Lonesome Dove." The other book is "The Nye County Brothel Wars : A Tale of the New West," by Jeanie Kasindorf. I think that one of Jeanie's elbows looks like Wayne Newton.
pahrump [2002-01-08 17:15:33] noisia
home of famed late night radio show host art bell
Jaskass [2002-01-08 18:08:40] Jacques Kitsch
The word Pahrump is an Indian expression interpreted by some to mean "jackass" or "the rump of an ass". I got lost in the desert and a bunch of Army guys drove up in a bus; they all had hats on that said "Test" on them, so I thought it expedient to drive out of the area. Both me and my friend had gotten kind of sick in Tijuana, so we went to the hospital in Vegas to get medicine. Then I played dice and won $5 g's! "Ranches"
Looney Relatives [2002-01-08 19:08:59] Susan Leon
Damn, that one hit close to home. I thought you were describing my mother to a tee, who walked around an Arizona Walmart during the post Christmas sales while visiting from New York telling me in her ten yard voice, "Oh my Gawd! They sell black angels here. They should sell those in New York. They have much more black people there." Maybe I was adopted?
Rabbits [2002-01-08 20:30:31] Jacques Kitsch
Here, they sell chocolate rabbits for Easter
Pahrump [2002-01-09 11:35:55] Pop
"Pahrump" comes from the Paiute. "Pah" is a common part of place names in the arid Great Basin, since it's Paiute for "water": Tonopah, Ivanpah. I forget exactly what the "rump" means. "Rocky," I think.
O Wednesday update, Wednesday update! [2002-01-09 11:40:53] Jonas
Wherefore art thou Wednesday update?
Wow [2002-01-09 11:41:50] Jonas
It went up in the time it took me to post that commet.
wherefore [2002-01-10 09:51:09] grammar nazi
means "why"
wednesday update [2002-01-10 22:40:20] english nazi
there was nobody in romeo & juliet of that name
Linguistics [2002-01-11 13:47:14] Jacques Kitsch
I like this explanation of Pahrump better because is seems more linguistic if less colorful. I'll search it more.
Uto-Aztec [2002-01-11 14:09:45] Jacques Kitsch
OK, after searching Paiute and Uto-Aztec language sites, I settled for the Pahrump city site. They say: Pahrump is a Paiute word which means "water rock" or "place where big waters flow." Pah standing for water and Rimpi meaning stone or rock. In recent years reports have shown that the entire valley sits on a huge aquifer of about 22 million acre-feet of water.
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