By: Noser the Fishless [2002-04-03]

Petey vs. the Lagomorphia Ray, Chapter 9

as told by the sinister Baron Medusa, possibly while drunk


I ordered the henchmen to stand down. They would only delay him. Sooner or later, Petey would penetrate my lair. I had no chance against his lethal techniques, I knew that. My only hope was that, just maybe, he would be hungry enough to listen.

I paced back and forth across the carpet, chewing on my nails and watching the giant radarscope track the inexorable progress of the antennaed mutant-boy. I sighed and thought over, once more, what I would say to him when he entered.

I heard rabbit bones cracking outside my steel vault door, and then a belch as Petey finished his between-snack meal.

There was no point in adding any delay. I unbarred and opened the door and stared my curiously-shaped adversary in the eyes. He stared back, twitching his strange cyborg-like antennae. I knew his face well.
Bolivia, Morocco, Antarctica... that face had followed me even to Warp
Station V high above Jupiter. All the words I had planned to say fell apart in my mind for a moment.

Petey chuckled, and then said in his coldest tone, "Give me one reason not to kill you."

I nodded solemnly and replied, mentally crossing my fingers,

"Rabbit meat?" I had his interest.

"The Department sent you back in to the farm. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself just how they knew there was a second hutch?"

"Rabbits..." He seemed genuinely struck by the question. As I had hoped.

"They lied to you, boy. That wasn't the only time, either."

"And you're telling the truth? Why should I believe a word out of your mouth?"

"Because you're no fool. They blindered you, but you can still think for yourself. If you want to." I felt a brief, very brief, moment of sympathy for him. "The freighter was never destroyed. Think about that."

"You mean..." He paused expectantly.

"All the cargo is still frozen and intact. Leave me in peace and it's yours, all fourteen tons. That's at least enough rabbit meat for a year."

He was visibly torn... he came here to do a job, but I had made an offer he could ill afford to refuse. "You still haven't said one word in your defense, Baron." So he wanted his conscience clear before he would take a bribe; fine. I had a card to play there as well.

"One word? Okay, how about this one: Patty."

A gurgle of surprise. I could nearly read his thoughts. He despised
Patty, but solely because she came between him and his beloved rabbit meat. He had probably never stopped to think about the possibility that
Patty had anything other than the Department's best interests at heart.

I continued with a couple more words. "Good Housekeeping."

He cocked his head and muttered, "Go on." Despite it all, from the jungles to the lunar mines to the heart of the sun, he was still just a boy. I nearly patted him on the head before I remembered that terrible appetite and what he had done to my war-steed Flopsy.

"When you destroyed my volcano, I rebuilt, yes. But it took time, very much time. How could I have continued development of the Lagomorphia
Ray? I had no resources, no manpower."

"You're saying Patty..."

"Yes. There is only one Lagomorphia Ray in the world, and it's in
Washington, behind a door marked Good Housekeeping. That's why Patty was on the docks, that's why she declined sixths on the you-know-what, and that's why she sent you here."

"To get me out of the way." His voice was full of scorn, as far from the usual boyish chirp as I had ever heard it. Scorn for Patty, or for me? Did he believe my story?

"Kill me if you're going to, I've said my piece."

He pulled a hunk of cold rabbit from his pocket and gnawed on it. He closed his eyes... he was thinking, thinking hard. After a surprisingly short time, he finished his snack and gave his answer.

As he walked out the door, I reflected on everything I'd said. Despite all the deception, I hadn't lied once. The Department of Agriculture had done that job for me.
fishless [2002-04-03 00:24:10] aspcp
another piece of fishless glory.
and such.

was there perhaps a place for knifekitten in this one?
curses, broiled again [2002-04-03 01:07:21] alptraum
there should be a scene where petey realizes he has been tricked into the lair of his dreaded nemesis: El Conejo del Muerte.
...or Das Kaninchen des Todes, as he was known by his creator, the three-legged albino cannibal pirate Nazi mastermind Doktor Arschfuss.
El Conejo de Muerte [2002-04-03 03:36:29] Jacques Kitsch
I can see such a beast wearing a Mexican wrestling mask emblazoned with what I first thought were lightning bolts but which upon closer inspection turn out to be carrots!
Das Kaninchen des Todes [2002-04-03 04:08:22] Jacques Kitsch
Das Kaninchen des Todes gave me pause for the reason that a cannibal could damn near starve due to the scarcity of three-legged albinos, although I now realize that was not the intent. I must find a reliable source of wolframite.
[2002-04-03 04:47:26] alptraum
"Another characteristic of lagomorphs is the location of the testes in males, which lie in front of the penis as in marsupials."

petey will deny it if confronted, but rumor has it his favorite part of any pel-freez meal are the tender "front mounted easter eggs".
Too much information [2002-04-04 01:16:24] Wakboth
Thank you, alptraum; you are living up to your name. I definetely didn't want that image in my head...

Didja know, by the way, that the Easter Bunny comes from the Indoeuropean goddess of Spring, Eostra, who represented among other things fertility? And we all know what rabbits do... (Besides eating lots of carrots and rooting for El Conejo del Muerte in the televised matches against Zorro Desenmascarado)

(Grammatician General's Warning: All Spanish in this post is Babelfish Spanish.)
Poodles&St. Bernards [2002-04-04 04:42:21] Jacques Kitsch
Jack rabbits are large, bigger than poodles but smaller than St. Bernards. While walking through thick sagebrush, the jack rabbits can hear you coming, but can't see you, so they will jump straight up to look around, and I've been startled more than a few times by these pop-up jack rabbits. Also, their ears are remarkably long, about half the length of their bodies. The Dromedary Rabbit of the Gobi Desert has a large hump wherein it stores water, vegetable matter, and various odds and ends.
jackrabbit question [2002-04-04 06:34:34] winchester
What is the maximum hopping distance of an unladen jackrabbit?
[2002-04-04 06:55:27] alptraum
i just saw an animal documentary where a weasel hypnotized a rabbit by jumping around like it was having a seizure and then slowly flopping close enough to strike. but can't find any web info on this.

so here are the fainting goats instead
Altitude [2002-04-04 07:21:40] Jacques Kitsch
I don't know about on the horizontal, but those jack rabbits can hop as high as your head, and I've found myself nose-to-nose with them, of them seemed to be 3 or four feet long, too. Here's a good picture of the ears. Technically, these are hares.
whoa [2002-04-04 07:27:43] Lou Duchez
Whoa. Pel-Freez should produce a 90-second commercial based on this very script. I know I'd be baffled into a purchase.

Nicely done!!
hyponitic weasels [2002-04-04 10:17:25] staniel
That was in Watership Down.
Rabbit Meat [2002-04-04 10:21:33] Festerius
I reckon' rabbit goes good with corn pone and gravey. My mamma used to cook a good rabbit stew, I reackon'. Rabbits will scream reall loud if you sneak up on them and grab them by their testicles. Put two male rabbits of breading age in a cage, I reackon' one of 'em will bit off the other's testicles. Seen it more than once, let me tell you. Ain't no pretty sight at all. Fun though. I reckon' I like rabbit nards deep fried with katsup and a warm glass of Mountain Dew on the side. That's good eaten'.
hyponitic weasel [2002-04-04 11:35:55] Jacques Kitsch
I have a hypnotic weasel
He loves to sing and dance
He's only got one eye
And I keep him in my pants
screaming testicle grabbed rabbits [2002-04-04 13:28:30] winchester
Country music singers behave the exact same way.
So do male basketball coaches.
screaming testicle grabbed rabbits, claim police [2002-04-04 17:50:26] aspcp
Cincinatti residents witnessed an unusual crime this morning. At approximately 6am, auto mechanic Karlheinz Alptraum awoke to find that the rabbit farm in his backyard had been ransacked. When he asked neighbors if they had seen anything, several confirmed that they had heard a high-pitched shriek coming from the rabbit cages at around 4:30. Alptraum's nearest neighbor, Earl Winchester, had gone to his window to investigate but seen nothing.

Said Winchester, "I just didn't think anything more about it. I went back to sleep. Now that I think about it, though, there *could* have been a testicle making all that noise. And that would explain the rabbits."

At 8:30, detective Jacques Kitsch responded to Alptraum's call and discovered the testicle dead, in a pile of bloody fur, just off the north perimeter of Winchester's property. The testicle was carrying no identification, but according to Police Chief Staniel Lee, police are investigating a possible connection to other recent rabbit disappearances.

Said Lee, "We are now looking more closely at some possible testicle prints at those crime scenes."
Case [2002-04-04 18:54:55] Jacques Kitsch
Jacques Kitch, Private Eye here; I call it "The Case of the Noisy Nard"
god damn [2002-04-04 19:56:41] noisia
i currently have gas, indigestion, and cramps thanks to this article and corresponding comments.
C'mon, Noser... [2002-04-04 19:58:24] DeWalt Russ
What's with the Mad Lib mentality here? At least make up a new story for Petey.
screw you all [2002-04-04 20:05:59] casey
quite frankly, the petey universe has been explored thoroughly and humorously in past thingsihate articles. any further analysis, including fan fiction is totally gay.
Wakboth [2002-04-04 22:36:44] Pop
No, we don't all know what rabbits do. Especially what they do early in the morning, before bunny-lovers are awake.

Hint: Look up "coprophage." It's what ya gotta do if you want to live on grass but only have one stomach.
Again! [2002-04-04 23:28:09] aspcp
Comments always and inevitably drift toward the Japanese. If it ain't dead fish and shrimp-flavored hot fries, it's something else.
an afterthought, days later [2002-04-09 07:42:19] Hooper_X

What would happen if Petey met Oolong?

Oolong? [2002-04-09 12:00:36] Jonas
Isn't that David Bowie's wife?
No. [2002-04-09 12:44:19] Hooper_X
See? Oolong loves you.
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