By: The IRC Community [2002-04-19]

Staniel's Big Parade

DeWalt Russ saved this log and sent it in when editorial absence, laziness, and/or family visits coupled with a lack of queued-up articles to create desperation. We usually try not to post IRC logs, but please do join in the conversations in #thingsihate on two servers, and

December 12, 2001:

Gibbs: I could write a book for you
Gibbs: Staniel's Big Parade, I'd call it
staniel: ooh
staniel: would there be Chinamen?
noisia: if you like oldtimey debauchery george
macdonald fraser is for you
staniel: Chinamen doing their mad Chinaman dances?
Gibbs: Sure, I can write that. It'll be a buddy cop
story with you as a chinese man paired with a black
man, except instead of black the other guy is also
chinese, since this is set in china.
staniel: I hate buddy cop stories.
staniel: And now I hate you.
DeWalt_Russ: Now we're getting somewhere
Gibbs: Fine, it'll be an enemy cop story
noisia: speaking of chink cops the yellowthread
street series is good
staniel: even worse
Gibbs: Is it the relationships or the cops that's the
faulty gear here?
Angelo: BOTH!
staniel: Cops are rarely good as main characters.
Gibbs: Ok, let's get back to square one. We're
talking about the chinese here. Now what's my
setting? I'm thinking victorian england.
staniel: I was thinking '20s San Francisco.
Gibbs: Bingo
DeWalt_Russ: He could be a renowned herbalist who
teams up with Staniel to temporarily cure him of his
debilitating heroin habit long enough to win one last
prize fight
Angelo: No! Vikingland
staniel: In which I am an opium fiend.
Gibbs: Let's compromise here
Gibbs: Victorian Vikingland in the 1920's: The Opium
staniel: Investigating the disappearance of my
opium-supplying Chinaman.
noisia: who is also the queen
staniel: With the help of his semi-retarded nephew!
Speed: Black Chinaman
Gibbs: Who has a TERRIBLE SECRET
DeWalt_Russ: he's really Black Irish
Speed: He was MURDERED before the book even began!
DeWalt_Russ: So his terrible secret is that he's a
Speed: No, he's just dead
DeWalt_Russ: So everyone just figures he's so quiet
because he doesn't know much English?
Gibbs: Also was buried wearing panties
Speed: Dead black chinese irish queen opium dealer
staniel: He's just sitting there at his usual booth
in the tearoom and it's all Weekend At bernies!
staniel: Bernie's!
noisia: bernieces
Gibbs: Staniel organizes a parade
DeWalt_Russ: Only if "Berniece's" is a famous house
of ill repute
noisia: gender bender
Gibbs: The grand marshall of which is the dead
Gibbs: But the grand marshal has to give a speech!
staniel: being used as a puppet by an evil Chinaman!
DeWalt_Russ: Now it's starting to sound like "Cannery
Row" only with dead chinamen...oh, wait
staniel: so that he will not inspire the denizens of
Chinatown to commit wicked deeds!
Gibbs: Because no one is going to ruin the original
spirit of this parade!
DeWalt_Russ: Which celebrates the manly arts of
fisticuffs and smoking high quality Chinese opium
Speed: Suddenly, a Viking raider ship appears on the
staniel: don't you ruin this
staniel: It is not a Viking ship, but an early
battleship, one lost a few decades ago! The crew
mistakenly believes they are attacking the dreaded
DeWalt_Russ: Believing they have finally arrived at
the Ithsmus to liberate Panama, they open fire on
staniel: And only the magical powers of old Mrs. Tang
can save us now!
Gibbs: But she's still bitter about all the jokes
about her name!
DeWalt_Russ: After a hearty bit of cajoling and oral
sex, she finally consents! But not without the oral
noisia: Even though tang hadn't been invented yet!
staniel: The CONSTANT oral sex for the rest of her
Speed: Professor V. N. Carnazzi's Automated Perpetual
Lick-o-motive Tongue!
DeWalt_Russ: the blueprints are telegraphed down from
Chicago, but because nobody but one old Chinaman can
understand morse code, and even then not English,
everyone else must form a cunnilingus brigade while he
deciphers the instructions!
staniel: Too late it is discovered that he
accidentally trebled the power input, and Mrs. Tang is
brought to climax too early and passes out with one
magic word still unsaid!
sugargirl: break the fat
Gibbs: That would be the moral, yes
sean: what are you guys describing? i hope it's a
staniel: IT IS NOW
DeWalt_Russ: Perhaps it's the crucial element to her
secret recipe for hot and sour soup, which will
restore the vigor of all those besieged by the naval
staniel: Sean, start composing MIDIs!
sean: "Cunnilingus Brigade" would make an awesome
Speed: And the dead parade leader!
*** staniel has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
DeWalt_Russ: So the dead parade leader is resurrected
by the miracle soup.
noisia: bed :((((((
*** noisia has left #thingsihate

And so it is left unfinished. Post your endings in the comments; this is not a contest but hey, what the hell.
Captain's Log: Number One takes a Number Two [2002-04-19 02:28:57] alptraum
...musing one evening in the water closet, and after taking all the historical discrepancies into account it became clear to the stout, manly yet sensitive commander riker that this was all taking place on the holodeck, which had apparently become self-aware and was trying to take over the ship for what seemed like the hundredth time, and its first step had been erasing his memory and trapping him in its mad kaleidescope of fictional cliches... as soon as the handsome riker said "computer, end program", the big parade vanished forever... OR DID IT?
IRC'd [2002-04-19 05:58:14] Jacques Kitsch
I'm just not IRC material.
Star Trek Rules [2002-04-19 07:13:25] posthumous
I am like so convinced that Star Trek is just the ultimate ultimate because just anything can turn into a star trek episode, as alptraum just proved. Yeah I even remember once I woke up in sick bay and Picard told me that my entire life was a hallucination brought on by ear-infesting aliens to convince me that I don't need an education, thereby providing my fatty unused brain as a delicious main course. But then there was this big earthquake (shipquake?) and bang! I was back on the couch watching some movie with Keanu Reeves in a trenchcoat.
Keanu Reeves in a Trenchcoat! [2002-04-19 10:12:28] Jacques Kitsch
That's better than Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.
Pogo [2002-04-19 13:07:14] posthumous
That Jacques is so enigmatic. For those of you confused about putting Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, refer to this blueprint.
JC on a stick [2002-04-20 05:35:43] Jacques Kitsch
Here's the online game, and here's the t-shirt
OMG [2002-04-20 12:04:29] sally
you forgot the part where staniel freaks out about having red bumps which the chinaman's pirate sister thinks was caused by eating TOO GODDAMN MUCH CHOCOLATE and keeps whining that he's going to die and why does all the bad shit have to happen to him why why WHYYYYYYYY?????
Staniel's Comportment [2002-04-20 12:22:15] Jacques Kitsch
Staniel doesn't freak out, he comports himself with decorum; he's a manly man, not some kinda damned nelly.
[2002-04-20 15:24:05] Gibbs
Bwahahaha! [2002-04-20 18:14:08] Jacques Kitsch
I just had a vision of Staniel wearing plaid slacks and gold chains and a silk shirt open to the navel, bopping out to the "Shaft" theme song; it was OK until the gold chains part. Heh.
I don't know where you got that impression... [2002-04-20 22:22:25] staniel
I am quite the Nelly.
SHA RIGHT [2002-04-20 22:26:02] sally
you should hear him squealing like a really hairy little girl when he thinks I'm driving recklessly. "EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I MAKE A POOPOO IN MY PANTIES!!!!"
BURGER [2002-04-20 22:46:19] Gibbs
I'm inclined to side with staniel as girls can't do anything and driving a car falls under the context of anything.
[2002-04-20 22:46:53] Gibbs
Muhzooruh [2002-04-20 23:40:50] Jacques Kitsch
'Bout all I know about Missouri is that a friend took me to the Tarkio Road place once, and that East St. Louis sucks. Under the heading of that context. There were some fine wimmins who worked for Hallmark Cards, probably the perverts who make up the rhymes.
nigga please [2002-04-21 16:56:45] sally
east st louis is in ILLINOIS.

also letting staniel drive because girls can't do anything is fucking crazy. he squeals MORE when he is the one behind the wheel.
Opium-Inspired Ad Executive Composes Epic Tums Jingle [2002-04-24 12:18:54] jmfields
An eight-hour opium binge resulted in a towering work of advertising Sunday, when DDB Needham copywriter Brian Lisi gave birth to an epic 400-line radio jingle for Tums. "When Vulcan's fires spout and rage / within a roiling acid sea / let work the soothing tablet Tums / The Hell-sear'd forge within becomes / sweet alkaloid esprit," the jingle begins before detouring into iceberg imagery believed to represent Tums' new "Cool Relief" flavor. The ad, which begins production in June, is expected to run nearly 90 minutes.
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