By: posthumous
yer Sunday comix
You mean funny like a clown? Funny ha-ha?
funny funny or gay funny.....
Biting satire is good, and believe me, this bites! There are lots of 'toons and comix that aren't funny, yet they are amusing and/or insightful. To me, sometimes the line between humorous comics and art is blurred, like Escher's drawing of a hand drawing another hand drawing the first hand. While the previous comic had some funny aspects, it also had implicit the whole dead pet thing, which is something else that many have dealt with in one way or another, at one time or another. Actually, a comic asking why it has to be funny is sort of funny.
Ray J funny or OJ funny? (ok, bad humour people, just trying to blend in...)
if you look at the guy as a trained merman with the head of Jerry Seinfeld leaping up into the frame to talk to us, it's funny.
and if this is a cry for understanding on the part of the cartoonist, just change the subtitle to "yer Sunday tragix" and that should clear things up. peace out, dog.
I think he's merely lamenting the fact that he _is_, in fact, funny - tragically funny - and would have this Job-like torment lifted.
I bet that posthumous is getting plenty of laffs out of our interpretations and impressions. I'l give 13 to 3.1417 odds.
and already burnt out? Kids today...
i had one in my college paper. i quickly realized that if i wrote jokes i personally would think were funny nobody would get them aside from my roommate, and if i tried to write jokes for a broader audience they would just plain suck. the classic dilemma of great art. except that the art sucked too, i was such a lazy fuck that i always wrote all five of the week's strips at once, in class, right before the deadline.
Did someone mention pie? mmmmmmmmmmmm
One thing that the supposedly broad audience will never ever get, according to those who distribute to this audience, is conceptual art. In other words, any comics that make you question how comics work, or make you think of anything beyond the events and characters that are being portrayed, is verboten.
This is certainly not a problem at thingsihate. Whether or not they like my comics, they talk intelligently about them and have no trouble engaging in a metadiscussion about what it means to be a comic (and I don't mean playing a fiddle after your one-liner).
But best of all, if you think I'm full of shit, you can take advantage of this free forum to post a comment that links to your own comic. It would be the thingsihate underground comic! I would be left looking like an establishment clone!
Go Anarchy!!!
I think that I've already recommended
The Dark Hotel, but I will again for those who've missed it. It appears that the story is told, for the time being, but there are enough strips to keep one busy in between this comic and next Zunday's "Zirealism"
For some very sharp-toothed biting satire on the subject of September 11th and the War on Terror, I highly recommend "Get Your War On":
People, people. Have we so quickly forgotten our post-modernist tendancies toward deconstructionism. By drawing a "comic" (the very name of which anticipates humor in its content) that is decidedly un-funny, posthumous necessarily forces us to search for the humour. In its very absence, humor states its presence. Like David Letterman screaming "Clams!" over and over to raucous laughter, posthumous' drawing forces our brains to find the funny in the un-funny, the jocular in the pedestrian. Today's post is as groundbreaking as Steven Wright's early work or John Cage's seminal "4 minutes 33 seconds."
Genius, sheer genius.
Hey Oscccar, could you write my manifesto so these dumbasses will finally understand me???
i would still rather see a drawing of a man getting kicked in the nuts, any day
speaking of day, i just realized today that the last four months of the year were just named by lazy Romans who ran out of good month names. Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, sound like any numbers you know? i'm 26 and never even fucking thought of it before... a lil research bore this out... the reason september, "seven month", is the ninth month is that julius and augustus caesar shoehorned july and august in for their own benefit. did everybody know this month stuff but me?
...that seemed unduly harsh. Then, I suppose, that which we fail to understand makes good fodder for ridicule.
was that a John Cage reference?
pissoir prison
crapper confinement
lavatory lockdown
potty penitentiary
manifesto: that is to say, i think "john cage" is a funny name.
I'd thought about the months before, I think that the Romans had sme leftover time for festivals and orgies, too. I think that the months that sound like numbers were named for some other Carsars, like
Septimus. But I hink that the number part is right. I like the names of the days of the week, also; Saturnday, Sunday, Moonday, (I forget get what Tuesday is), Wotansday, Thorsday, and Freia'sday. One woman that I now named her son Jason because she spent a lot of time looking at the calendar while pregnant during July, August, September, October, and November. For some reason, I think that I recall that the Romans might have only had ten months. But there was a Septimus, Octavius, Novembrius, and Decembrius, as well as Dildonious and Herpecles.
I have to get a oofreader
I was thinking when this first went up, maybe the character was wondering why his creator had cruelly endowed him with funniness, not why someone was trying to force him to perform for an audience.
I think I've lost any taste for self-aware humor since the past three seasons or so of the Simpsons have been doing it constantly and badly.
why do you all post long, boring, serious comments? stop it, all of you. I'm tired of not reading them.
My comments are certainly not serious, it's just that my sense of humor is so dry that it might be entirely imperceptible.
It was kind of an allusion to Cage, as well as furthering the self-aware humour, as in: wouldn't it be funny if posthumous' manifesto was on a meta-level and required of the reader interpretation that manifestos typically do not, according to their nature as manifestos, and ha-ha, I get it, boy that is funny.
Maybe it wouldn't have seemed so harsh if I hadn't held the Enter button down for so long. OR IF YOU WEREN'T AN IDIOT. (That was a joke.)
That he is upset that his body does not conform to the socially acceptable standard that is proliferated by the media.
What with his funny fingers, triangular body and shrunken legs, he is asking a god he doesn't believe in.
"why do I have to be funny[ looking]? why?"
Maybe posthumous should look deeply into his creations eyes and answer him why does he have to be funny?
I've just noticed he's wearing a V-Neck so maybe he should be off playing tennis instead. But he's been removed from his enviroment of the country club and forced to perform. A prisoner between the grey borders of his prison he shouts out in definance and agony.
"why do I have to be funny? why?"
Either way it says to me that posthumous is clearly tormenting his cartoons, forcing them to do things they would rather not, don't be suprised if you get an email from the RSPCC.
like Hamlet?
I have looked deeply into my creation's eyes and the rest is too personal to go into. As to my manifesto, I like it, indeed I like it, but a little more about the failure of confessionalism. And the ending should be more snappy, I think. Leave the reader with a strong impression. After all, the point of a Manifesto is to incite a reaction. We want the media-fattened corporate-sucking critics of pop culture to flop out of their couches and disseminate their oppressive venom, precisely to reveal what snakes they really are! Yes, I'm talking about you, Norman Mailer! Yes, you, Mary Hart!!
that's what i thought.
"why do i have to be funny? that is the question. whether 'tis nobler for the cartoon seinfeld-merman to suffer the slings and arrows of bitchy message board comments, or first whine about his troubles and by irony defuse them..."
Edward Funnyfingers
No, I like the cartooning, and it's just too much fun to get so much milage out of a comic.
what's with the feet? they look like they have spent too much time in flippers and are now permanently molded in a weird jacques cousteau kind of tailfin. i mean that's funny before he has even opened his mouth.
Where is the exotic, erotic Nandanee Zeall? Surely, she should share our mirth!
Yesterday was my birthday. Today I'm writing a paper about psycho men because I couldn't yesterday. Why must I be funny? Good question. According to a wise old man there is nothing more unfunny than a comedian. Laughter is spontaneous and cannot be controled. Personally I have my moments of wit that are more based on a feeling of comfort and trust with a friend than on something that was said.
Happy Birthday! Happy Hangover! Ba-da-boom! If you got a bunch of drunks in a smokey lounge, you can say anything, then have the drummer do a paradiddle on the tom-tom, hit the bass drum and cymbal, and everyone laffs, a conditioned response. Happy Birthday! Ba-da-boom! If that doesn't work, try more paradiddling.