By: posthumous
yer Sunday comix
But there is nothing....oh, I get it, the speech bubble. Hmmm. He has no neck either. Odd.
I can't believe it took you more than two seconds to "get" it. Why the hell would you point out that he has no neck? It's pretty fucking apparent. His mouth is U shaped and his body is one rough block with feet dangling out. NEWSFLASH: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE ART, IT'S ABOUT WHAT HE'S SAYING.
All things considered, he DOES have a tumor bulging out of the back of his head. You are _not_ going to tell me that's an ear.
The Huichole tribe in Mexico have many ancient stone carvings of people with speech balloons, but not any writing; they were facinated by speech.
I was hoping that was a giant nose hair cutting device like the niftey kind that Staniel has. He has very tidey nose hair grooming abilities.
Staniel has giant nose hairs?
He is much too good at nose hair grooming for that.
Staniel has bonsai nosehairs?
I have Rapunzel-like threads depending from my nostrils most unappealingly, since I left the little electric razor-on-a-stick deal in the downstairs bathroom's medicine cabinet in my parents' house in NJ.
You could braid your nosehairs and put beads and bells on them.
dude it happens to you to!
Me? If I had braids with beads and whatnot suspended from my nostrils, surely I would notice; I do, however, have ample ear folicles to compensate for having only one eyebrow. No, my nostril plumage has long since departed, burned away by caustic powders and singed to the stump by attempts at firebreathing.
I like the steel! it is the good! do your homework and the steel. Stay true to the steel. it is the good lioke the michael jackson!
The the steel is like the spain. it is the country.The steel is like the me! I like the steel and the Jimi jackson. The harry potter is the gay! good the bye
there should be a second panel, where the balloon comes loose, falls a bit and stabs him in the (nonexistent) neck
although i have to say i am warming up to the meta-comic approach or whatever you might call these... and there has been considerable stylistic variation over the weeks so far. kudos my good man. or whatever. as if i knew what kudos were