By: posthumous [2002-06-02]


yer Sunday comix

Most plants [2002-06-02 12:03:35] Jacques Kitsch
are phototropic; 'cept 'shrooms!
oh i get it [2002-06-02 15:01:49] pithymood
sunday comic
Whaddya? [2002-06-02 16:20:10] Jacques Kitsch
Think it was a big flower yelling at a little flower?
no no no [2002-06-02 19:14:42] pithymood
just offering some phototemporaneousness.
That's one finely drawn sun. [2002-06-02 20:05:35] Jonas
Nice work.
Well... [2002-06-02 20:15:56] Jacques Kitsch
It could have been a giant flower without a stem. Maybe a sunflower.
Re: Sunflower [2002-06-02 20:41:07] Jonas
Actually.. [2002-06-02 21:00:14] pithymood
this comic reminds me of something I saw on Electric Company or some such... it was the Wind (male) and the Sun (female) competing to see who could make a woman remove her coat. The Wind thought he could blow it off of her, so he tried, fiercely, but all the woman did was to draw her coat around her tighter as she felt the chill. Thus, the Wind failed. The Sun smiled knowingly, and beamed at the woman, who, of course, removed her coat as soon as she felt the warmth.

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Marin County [2002-06-02 21:15:28] Jacques Kitsch
How many residents of Marin County does it take to screw in a light bulb? I've been corrupted by that gawd-awful smiling sun from the Telebubbies. There should be a Sun that eats planets, there likely is. Also, how many angels can dance on a pinhead?
This reminds me [2002-06-02 23:47:22] Annna
of a Frog and Toad book where Toad tried to start a garden.
Now, seeds, START GROWING!
Besides the Dangerous Brothers, Frog and Toad are the best gay role models in the media today.
Bumpersticker [2002-06-03 00:30:37] Jacques Kitsch
"Kiss a Toad for Breakfast"
(and nothing worse can happen all day)
punchline for the first comment [2002-06-03 01:15:51] alptraum
"Most plants are phototropic; 'cept 'shrooms" -- they're psychotropic.

phew [2002-06-03 07:09:14] posthumous
I've never heard of Frog and Toad, but I for one am glad that the media is finally being used to promote knowledge as esoteric as the distinction between frogs and toads.
hey [2002-06-03 07:16:45] sally
mushrooms arent plants! what kind of trick are you trying to pull?
mushrooms [2002-06-03 07:31:45] posthumous
are not animals, either. Nor are they mineral... whoa... I'm tripping on mushrooms!
true... [2002-06-03 07:32:48] alptraum
(in 40s movie voice: ) well i'll be, mushrooms made up to be plants, don't that beat all... and saaaay, the sun doesn't have a face either... wait a minute by golly, it's all lies, lies, a dirty damn pack of filthy rotten lies! well, here's one chump who isn't sticking around for the curtain call of this lousy sick vaudeville carnival show! *jumps from office window*
Ok. fungus or something [2002-06-03 08:47:12] Jacques Kitsch
I have difficulty thinking of 'shrooms as being the largest living thing, bigger than redwoods; but they think that some cover hundreds of square miles with a common root system because they are genetically identical. I think that there are some plants that are sort of between plants and animals, a continuum is ok if you don't have to pigeon hole things. It used to be said that man uses tools, but I just read that some chimps use certain stones collected from a knapping pit some distance, teach their young about the stones, and there are heirloom stones. The mushroom that is seen is not the main part of the plant. It's OK that mushrooms aren't plants. A chemist told me that anything with the seeds inside is fruit, so I have to reclassify a lot of things that I think are vegetables. If I ate fewer mushrooms, it would be easier to consider these things.
don't be a tool [2002-06-03 09:04:47] posthumous
plants and animals are two different categories. humans and animals are not in different categories. future comics will explore this issue further.
Future comics [2002-06-03 09:09:37] Mikey
Will they feature monkeys? Cause monkeys = funny.
Yeah, and music [2002-06-03 09:33:22] Jacques Kitsch
The Rainbow Butt Monkeys
Frog and Toad [2002-06-03 10:05:24] Jacques Kitsch
I guess that this is Frog and Toad, but I'm not certain what this, maybe a badger or a groundhog.
plants, animals, other [2002-06-03 10:37:58] sally
there are several things considered when classifying organisms into the five kingdoms (monera, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia): method of eating (make its own, absorb it or injest it), prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells (eukaryotic cells have a membrane around the nucleus), single celled or multi-cellular, and motile or sessile (sp? been a long time since I was in SKOOL). it may SEEM like there are things that could be one or the other but when you look close enough, a sponge eats and poops and isn't much like a plant at all.
ALSO [2002-06-03 10:48:44] sally
not everything with seeds in it is a fruit. a fruit is really a fertilized flower ovary. pine cones have seeds and are not fruit. this is a good site for flowering plant anatomy.
Fire Futon Torpedoes! [2002-06-03 11:10:02] Jacques Kitsch
I like the sodium ion transport between cell walls. I sort of pay attention to classificatory systems, but less since I got into a discussion about communicating faster than light. Many current physics students tell me that it can't be done, but Bose, the Hindu guy, designed how with a prism in 1893. Now, a physics guy in Germany is sending Mozart 30x faster than light (FTL). The speed of light is variable, anyway. Nimtz first FTL Mozart was with an electromagnetic lens and opend what they call Higgs' Portal, but the Bose prism takes less energy with a faster result. What does this have to do with plants, you might well ask. FTL also occurs in nature, just before an occurence of the Northern Lights, there is a faster than light emmision from the North Pole. It's important to send faster signals because just to Jupiter takes a half an hour by normal means. If plants had faster light they could grow faster.
Faster Than Lite! [2002-06-05 01:54:07] Telemachus
Interestingly enough they have got light to travel slower than light usually does, by making it travel through a more dense medium, light for instance slows down in glass, and they've managed to slow it down real slow, in large vats of jelly, I think, which is why c is the speed of light in a vacuum.

Light can't travel faster than the speed of light, think about it, but the problem is because we can't detect things travelling faster than light we don't think they exist. By that same rational, then atoms and electrons don't exist, I mean has anyone actually seen one?

I think this is just one of the massive hypocracys of science, its too willing to stick with its old ways, and dismiss new ideas as impossible.

Truth is there are plenty of particles travelling faster than light, tho it really gets too hazy to call them particles, and its not until you slow them below the speed of light do they get mass, and then they tend to come to a stop rather quickly turning all its momentum into energy which is a bad bad thing.

that, dear sir [2002-06-07 21:47:49] staniel
is why we need LAWSONOMY. It has an awesome power. And a terrible secret.
Interesting... [2002-06-18 12:16:10] hayden a. james
that's neat! :)
sinnerz [2002-11-23 09:50:26] god
You scientific people must leave and download AIM or go to a science chat room. g0d has spoken!

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