By: Annna
I Have Written a Song
rumors of my death, etc.
Image stolen from Carol Lay
The name of this song is
The Lament of the Inter-Net Loser (1.82 MB).
I wrote it myself. I played the musical part on my tenor ukulele, before I left for my vacation/family obligation.
If I had recorded it
after I'd gotten back, I would have played it on
something else entirely.
(The red one.)
Yay! Music is good! I have to get new guitar strings and get the upper register key fixed on my saxophone.
somesongs! You should post this there, it could use some serious uke action.
How grim!
Near here is the
Paul Reed Smith guitar factory. I like his guitars, and I like that he survived on mac&cheese while he was getting started. I saw him play here with his band "The Dragons." Some of his guitars have inlayed dragons on the fretboards. Carlos Santana plays his guitars, and I think that 5 of the top ten bands on MTV use PRS guitars. Also, if you want to, you can go to the factory and build guitars, learn computer jig cutting, fancy wood finishing, and build your own guitar. So, if you can't get a guitar that suits you, it's your own damned fault. PRS guarantees that you will get a guitar that you like. The Risa bass has a nice shape, but I think that rather than multiple strings, I'd like a bass guitar with one string and a very long neck, no frets.
i'd kill for some mac & cheese right now. i would have to either import it here to germany or bribe someone to buy me some from an army base PX. the closest thing they have here is something really vile called "american pasta dream"
Make white sauce, put grated cheddar (or gouda if in germany) in it and any bits of mushroom/tomato/dead pig you fancy, pour it on the macaronis and shove it in the oven for a bit. Tastier than toxic waste out of any barrel or little paper sachet!
I heartily recommend *not* following the links in this song! especially that vision link...
Annna goatse'd posthumous via song. I think that's a first.
Also, triumphant return, hooray, especially since it's too hot to edit here.
fuck that white sauce style macaroni and cheese. god bless the old lady of the midwest style JUST CHEESE MELTED ON MACARONI AND BAKED FOR A BIT SO ITS ALL HARD ON TOP macaroni and cheese.
If you had won
this contest I'd have mailed you a few family-size cartons of Easy Mac.
This practice of recording one track at a time combined with your finely honed "chops" as I'm told they say in the business makes for an impressively precise recording. Can't wait to hear the electric.
First off, Staniel: that term "goatse'd" might be wasted on those who haven't seen it; I didn't believe it the first time that I saw it, and if my girl could do that, I sure as hell wouldn't let her sit on the furniture. Mac&cheese is overrated, I like the term "woggles 'n glop," there are many tastey pasta and cheese dishes that can be made from scratch, some with 5 or six kinds of cheese and costing $30 or more to prepare, but I think that Paul Reed Smith was getting by on 69¢ a day. I have become sort of fond (ue) of microwaving brie and dipping sourdough bread in the resulting glop.
I know what you mean about the toasted cheddar, I like cheddar on broccoli, too, with seasoned bread crumbs in it. I like to make broiler sammitches with onion, cheddar, and tomato w/ mustard; they brown-up nicely on any kind of bread. When I lived in Montana, I had an unlimited supply of salmon loaf, I can live on salmon loaf and oranges. In Montana, there was a steaming thermal stream right by the house for a hot bath anytime. Goatse'd, yaaaarg!
Annna, you have to give us all a demo of what that baby sounds like.
Annna, this is your finest work. I like it a lot.
hey I was goatse'd already. more than once, in fact.
my problem was I got six six five visioned.
The voice is something, it's pro, and unique in a very commanding kind of way. I'd like to hear Annna get a slide electric and kick some cowboy butt!
My grandmother would make a version of macaroni and cheese that was just shredded cheese and ketchup in with the freshly boiled woggles. Not baked or anything that hoity toity, just warmed from the radiant heat of the noodles. Her husband was from Italy. He died young, presumably to escape his wifes butchery of pasta.
There's a thing called a Sicilian Guitar that is a bunch of wires strung taughtly an a frame to cut pasta, it makes good linguini.
Just get a bunch of butter/ margarine, olive oil, /your choice of carbon based oil compound.
stick it in a saucepan, add flower and stir, to make a rue, not sure what that is? well its when all the butter and flour are mixed properly.
Then add your milk or cream or milk/cream substitute/ hybrid a little at a time always mixing. The mixing is important if you don't want lumps.
Once you've added it all and its mixed you should have a nice white sause base, to which you can add stuff. before you add the stuff take it off the heat and add your flavourings, e.g. cheese, etc.
Cooking is so much fun!
Also spelled roux. There's a kind of XXXX (4X) pastry and sauce flour that is good because it makes sauces without lumps. Or I have a flour shaker and add it very slowly, not too hot. I was trying to find something that would relate to ukes by way of recipes, and besides Hawaiian recipes, there was
Martha Stewart Cooks Green Jello and Plays the Ukulele.
I always find sifted flour works best as well, I wonder if cornflower would work well (probably not.), really bleached flour would give a whiter sauce. I always prefer plain flour, then if I need any raising done i'll add baking powder, it can really improve the texture of your cakes because self raising is sort of a best fit baking powder/flour mix.
As for rue being spelt differently, next you'll be telling me shoe pastry is pronounced choux.
Interesting experiment.
Get some cornflower/custard powder, and add a little bit of water at a time and keep mixing it. I mean really small amounts of water, you'll notice that you'll reach a point where you have a sort of liquid with bizarre propertys. Have fun and remember you have to clean up the kitchen afterwards. ohh and chucking custard powder at gas flames doesn't do anything exciting.
To get even whiter you can get white margarine, or something, god knows how they make that stuff, its probably repackaged lard, but your sauce will be even whiter.
One guy that I went to a restaurant with, he ordered the Blackend Steak, then when it came, he complained that it was burned! The waiter had to get the manager to explain that a blackened steak is supposed to be black. I've not had any experience with custard powder, but Italian custard from scratch is good. One local kitchen store has chestnut knives, I hardly ever eat chestnuts, but the little chestnut knives are very nice. Sometimes I get chestnut butter.
Mixed in the right quantitys creates a sort of semi liquid, when put under stress it becomes a solid but when its not it becomes a liquid, for instance if you try and pick it up it becomes a solid then once the stress is no longer on it it turns into a liquid and seeps through your hands, then if you throw it at the wall it'll become hard and bounce off then turn into a puddle.
You can do the same with cornflour but you don't get the lovely yellow/orange colour.
The reason we were chucking custard powder at our gas cooker was the fact that flour when suspended in air is supposed to be explosive, or at least thats what he thought.
I KNOW how to make a white sauce. what im saying is FUCK THAT SHIT when it comes to anything but goddamned GRAVY, motherfuckers. macaroni and cheese just wants macaroni and cheese and flour should stay where it belongs, in the flour canister with the flour beetles.
Potato salad has NO USE FOR FLOUR!
I didn't mean to say that.
What's your position on groats?
I ain't saying you don't know how to make white sauce, I accept the fact that cheese on macaroni is good without the white sauce I just thought that anyone relying on thingsihate for food tips might not know how to make a white sauce and so would have trouble following dunc's recipe
But really using white sauce for gravy, Thats just freaky! Man you get your stock and you thicken it, you might even add some oxo magic if your feeling excitable, or some bisto but white sauce! ;P
As for Groats do you mean the animal or the mineral kind?
I found some in Karstadt, although it was about ?3. I also bought Cambell's cream of mushroom soup.
Evidently one has to be very careful with the
mac&cheese meme around this highly excitable crowd.
But really using white sauce for gravy, Thats just freaky!
You, sir, have obviously not had the pleasure of biscuits and sausage gravy. Also, old Eyetalians call the tomato stuff gravy and the meat stuff sauce. Furthermore, in the South it is not uncommon to hear catsup referred to as sauce, and mayonaisse as dressing. I know this because a southern black lady came into the Burger King where I worked when I was in high school and said, "I want a Whopper, and I don't want no sauce, and I don't want no dressing".
I like aioli. Pasta salads are good. Cold pasta salads and cold white wine in the summertime. And ceviche.
Dee Dee OD'd, dOOd!
pasta salad is okay, except the oven-hardened cheddar cheese tends to get soggy, and the white sauce tends to congeal too much.
Saw that on the wire earlier. They're dying in order from my favorite to least favorite. First Johnny now Dee Dee. Eric is safe, for a while anyway.
I had a Kiss brain fart. I meant Marky.
I had a Kiss brain fart. I meant Marky.
there are as many types of "white" gravy as there are meats that can be fried. my grandma's gravy is always a lovely light brown with bits of meat suspended in it. very good shit, unfortunately you can't get a good "white" gravy in a restaurant that isn't cracker barrel and thank god for them otherwise I would waste away pining for noodle like dumplings like my mom never makes anymore.
I don't know why, but chicken 'n dumplings got me to thinking of strawberry cobbler. They are getting US$4.99 for blueberries and raspberries here now. That's not unusual for raspberries, but at least for a while during the summer blueberries will get down to a dollar. Sometimes there are three different kinds of Jersey blueberries. There are pretty many wild blackberries, and we get canned Oregon blackberries all year. I've never seen $5 blueberries before! They aren't even nice large ones.
Oh shit, I was mourning the wrong Ramone!
Looks like I will have to reconsider my gravy skills, gravy is obviously more complex than I thought.
I guess it shows I'm more of a pastry man myself.
Just don't get me started on stuffing.
Personally, I like loganberries on my waffles!
I like zweibelkuchen, but big, flat, and square for finger food with beer, rather than like a round, deep pie, although that's good sometimes, too. I've found that adding a touch of oil to waffle batter makes it tastey. I like to make crepes if I have a grill and a big spatula. My style is to pour the amount of batter on the grill, smear it away from me, then roll it back toward me with the stuff inside. There was a place in Portland that made a very thin, crispy pizza that they cut into small bite-sized diamond shapes; it's a good idea, but I've not seen anyone here doing that. It reminds me of the pizza cook who asked the guy if he wanted the pizza cut into six pieces or eight pieces; the guy says, "Better cut it into eight pieces, I'm pretty hungry!"
Dammit, I was not having a good day yesterday. Jonas, yes it was Joey, not Johnny.