By: Annna [2002-06-12]

Guest Bathroom Toilet Salad Attack

a dream, not disgusting but unpleasant

I was at a friend's house. Not just a friend; someone I was a little nervous around and wanted to impress. Not so much "impress," either, as much as "not embarrass myself around."

I did my best to be witty and charming and didn't spill anything on my shirt. Then I excused myself to use the bathroom.

The bathroom was a nice one, with color-coordinated walls and tiles and most of the residents' HABA items hidden in cupboards and drawers. The towels were matched and unrumpled. I was clearly outclassed.

In that frame of mind, it took me a moment to find the toilet. All the fixtures were brushed aluminum, and the toilet was no exception. The part that threw me off was that it was a four foot tall square pillar of brushed aluminum. It looked like a high-end filing cabinet enshrined in the corner of the bathroom.

I really had to use the toilet, though. I didn't just have to change the Water of Life; I had to drown the Little Maker. With a growing urgency, I inspected the obelisk.

As it turned out, the resemblance to a filing cabinet was not superficial; there were two drawers on the front, ready to be pulled out. I opened the lower one - about toilet seat high - and was relieved to find a thick drawer containing a brushed aluminum toilet seat. As I pulled it all the way out, it locked into place and filled with water.


I used the facilities and experienced no abnormality, at least until I got up to flush.

There, floating in the bowl, was what looked like a two-pound bag of precut salad greens. Shredded carrots and all.

That's not the kind of thing that usually comes out of my anus. Still, I figured I had better just flush it and get back to civilization. I could investigate later.

So I flushed the toilet, via a small metal button on the side of the case. A little red light burned on the front and the water whirlpooled, but the salad fixings did not go anywhere. Too buoyant. I have in the past tried to flush bags of pre-washed salad greens (with carrot shreds), or at least parts of those bags, after they have gone off, and encountered the same difficulty. This, however, was not the privacy of my own living unit, and these salad greens did not come from a bag.

What to do? I couldn't flush again. There's nothing like leaving a nervous gathering for the bathroom, then having the toilet ring out once, again, three times, four times - Jesus, five flushes? - while everyone else tries to ignore your absence.

So I decided to pull out the other drawer. If it was also a toilet bowl, I could claim to have used the top one, and not know anything about the rogue salad.

I pulled out the top drawer and did, indeed, find a toilet bowl. As it locked out and started to make filling sounds, the other drawer retracted back into the tower and flushed again. I was a little relieved when I realized I could make some joke about being confused by the indoor privy and how I reckon it done flushed itself. I do that about modern car fixtures (post-1972) enough anyway.

That's when the top bowl started filling up, not with water, but with more salad. It was dry, as dry as lettuce gets, and filled the bowl solidly then started falling off the sides. As more and more lettuce mounded the bowl, the pace picked up and it began to fly out, not violently but certainly with enthusiasm.

I slammed the top drawer closed.

It started to push open again, apparently through force of salad. I grabbed a towel bar and jammed it through both of the handles on the drawers, but that just meant that the top drawer brought the bottom one out with it, both spewing salad. It looked like an early, green and carrot-including autumn in the bathroom.

Attempting to do something, I found the plunger. Then I realized that I had no idea what to do, so I started hitting the toilet with it. Hitting and hitting and hitting. Oddly enough, the brushed aluminum toilet seemed to be taking damage from the rubber and plastic (it was one of the fancy ones) plunger. Big welts and dents were appearing in the top of the cabinet.

I kept hitting it as the lettuce spray slowed to a trickle. I think it was because the drawers were too dented and deformed to let any out. I kept hitting it, though. Hitting and hitting and hitting. After a while the toilet was just a hunk of metal, looking like a garbage can that had had a run-in with a trash compactor.

I stopped, feeling the burn in my palms where I'd been holding the plunger. Forget excessive flushing, the bathroom was covered in salad, I'd been gone for at least ten minutes and my host's toilet was now a useless lump of metal.

Using the plunger, I broke the glass out of the bathroom window and squeezed myself out into the night.

I was the best thing I could do, given the circumstances.
you know, that'd make one helluva comic [2002-06-12 04:26:04] twins

I'm...speechless. I just don't know what to say. I literally have no speech.
[2002-06-12 05:00:26] Strega
Umm.... Ok.
Fair enough.
Possible Title [2002-06-12 06:29:11] Jacques Kitsch
"You know you're a vegetarian when..." I had a book called "Magic and Schizophrenia" which I'd gotten in hopes that it was a "How-To" book, but it was just stories of how these were related through history. There was one section about some people dreaming that they crap gold coins, which I thought might be worth trying, but with my luck the coins would be the chocolate ones wrapped in gold foil. The other night, I had thought of Louis XIV before going to sleep, and then dreamed of being at a party at the Versailles palace. I was dressed in lace and brocade. The party was winding-down, so I went walking and found a smallish room with a table and two Chinese pipes of the sort called a "Leper's Paw." I sat down, and a servant prepared a pipe for me. I awoke laughing and quite happy!
well look on the bright side [2002-06-12 07:09:49] alptraum
it coulda been coleslaw.
kohl is german for cabbage by the way. the "slaw" part is a mystery tho
5 minutes later... [2002-06-12 07:16:15] alptraum
"Etymology: Dutch koolsla, from kool cabbage + sla salad"
yeah that makes sense, i could see how if you said german "saLAT" quickly it could devolve into "sla". now to figure out why there is a bavarian meat product called leberkäse that is neither liver nor cheese.
Sausage [2002-06-12 07:33:14] Jacques Kitsch
I like blutwurst, landjager, and Thuringer. I think that headcheese actually does have head parts in it. Haggis is reputed to have lights and orts; I'm not sure what they are, but I like the sound of it, and it's tastey.
Interpretation of Dreams [2002-06-12 08:42:23] posthumous
To me the most disturbing aspect is that you actually went to the bathroom. I have had weird dreams about hidden toilets, but I am never able to actually go. I have always connected this to Freud's theory of dreams, in which the main purpose of dreaming is to keep you asleep. You do this not by escaping your worries (in this case, the need to go to the bathroom) but by pretending to face them. In the case of bathrooms, we are (most of us) trained not to do it in our beds, so the dream must keep stringing us along or we will wake up to fulfill our need. Therefore, the dream keeps hiding the toilet, because as long as we're *seeking* a toilet we feel like we're doing something towards fulfilling our need. Maybe that's why your poop didn't come out right, because you weren't really fulfilling your need. But I'm not sure. Did you check the bed when you woke up?
slaw [2002-06-12 08:52:31] sally
there is a bumper sticker i see around here that just says whose meaning I dont know but I always miss read it as jake slaw as if cole slaw isn't good enough. I guess i could visit the site and find out what the hell its about.
Wow! [2002-06-12 09:21:06] Telemachus

Its why I like this site, because if I didn't come here I would never have learnt those obscure dune references to defecating.
superior [2002-06-12 10:17:44] staniel
I didn't just have to change the Water of Life; I had to drown the Little Maker.

Once again, Annna, you have laid your eggs in my heart.

What are HABA items?
A dream I had a few months ago [2002-06-12 10:26:36] staniel
involved a house-shaped apartment building populated by fictional and real cousins of mine. All the bathroom equipment was in a long, wide hallway which had doors to several of the apartments. I had one instance of walking past a sink and accidentally brushing the faucet with my hand, which turned it on. It took much effort to turn it back off again; I think dreams have a sort of flow to them that's difficult to interrupt. This dream concluced with a voiceover by Annna about her friend Sue coming back from Bible School. There was a sort of montage to accompany this, but whether it had anything to do with the subject I do not recall.

Oh, and Jacques, I am glad to note that you actually do sleep.
HABA [2002-06-12 10:53:42] sally
Health and Beauty Aids.
Haba the Judd [2002-06-12 12:04:40] Jacques Kitsch
It was more interesting as HABA!
Guest Bathroom Toilet Salad Attack [2002-06-12 13:36:02] Jonas
Best title EVER.
Dream Dorm [2002-06-12 14:18:19] posthumous
At Drew University, there was a dormitory that had bathrooms in the hallway, i.e. the bathroom was in the middle of the floor and you had to go through it to get to other rooms on your floor. Visiting this dorm was like entering a dream....
Title [2002-06-12 14:21:36] Jacques Kitsch
The title is exacly what happened, entirely remarkable! Were there radishes?
Funnier! [2002-06-12 22:13:23] Jacques Kitsch
The more I think about this, the funnier it gets! I can see Ron Popeil played by Vincent Price.
The Telltale Turd [2002-06-13 06:48:38] pithymood
Much enjoyed. The phrase "rogue salad" made it for me.

This dream seems like the result of indigestion. Perhaps you oughta stick to hamburger for a while (but be sure to chew your food more completely). Moo.
dorms [2002-06-13 07:33:38] sally
we had dorms like that at MU, a girl I really hated from high school (who discovered my dream diary by doing a google search on her name and sent me a retarded angry letter about the DREAM I had about her) lived in one.
ALSO [2002-06-13 07:38:51] sally
I only just now read all of the comments. my dad calls the liverwurst that comes in a lunchmeat package with the fat around it "livercheese."
Cheese [2002-06-13 08:20:54] Jacques Kitsch
In Colima, Mexico, they make sea salt by evaporating water; they call the resulting white blocks of salt "Queso de Colima." The local German shop has a big sign out front that says "Hot Brats." I like gjetost.
Porn food [2002-06-13 11:02:05] Oscccar
I think I saw "Hot Brats" on the Spice Channel once.
Hot Brats [2002-06-13 11:07:17] Jacques Kitsch
Me, too! Either that, or the witch in the gingerbread house is cooking again.
[2002-06-13 20:27:27] twins
Just last night I dreampt that myself and a friend, who existed only in the dream, were at this big scary mansion place trying to book a room to stay a few days. I don't think it was haunted. It was really gothic, with stained glass windows; the ancient rock, the marble walls, like a cathedral. Everything was made of either stone, glass or metal. There was lots of red and blue, and it was disconcerting that the light kept changing colour.
This haughty french woman was showing us both around the whole place, and was quite adamant about what we could touch, and what we couldn't touch.
We came to the bathroom, which was the whole focus of the dream.
She showed us to the toilet, the most important feature in this establishment. She was quite proud of it, actually.
You see, this toilet was special. It was very old and expensive. It was made of stone, and was lined with what appeared to be pool tiles, little ones. It had three lids, the top being a beautiful mosaic pattern, again featuring lots of blue and red. This tiolet was the brightest thing in the dream.
The french woman lifted the first lid, which uncovered the actual bowl, saying "This, you can touch."
She then ran her hand over the mosaic, shook her finger at me, and said "this, you can't touch."
Also, there were LOTS of cats, cats everywhere, and all of them were fighting. The three of us paid them no attention. But they all looked like copies of the two cats I own, strangely.

Lights are lungs. I think I heard wha orts are somewhere, but I forget.
ominous [2002-06-13 20:43:03] Jacques Kitsch
What would happen if you touched the tiles? Or was it just an ominous warning? You should have touched them; maybe it activated the salad dispenser!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! [2002-07-01 13:40:56] If you don't know where this is from...
Zat iz ain wery intterezzting dream .. [2002-07-12 06:31:01] Karl Rosenqvist
I believe the Freudian explanation is that you have not been properly potty-trained as a youth. Perhaps you had a dominant mother and repressed birth memories. The sallad could be an invisionment of the inners of your mothers womb. I think I've had that one to.
The dreams... [2003-01-27 17:16:00] Jane
I'm just a casual reader of this site, and I usually really like the dreams. This one kind of freaked me out, though, because I skipped the heading that said it was a dream, and I thought this shit actually happened. It was weird.

It's fun being stoned at work on a monday night.
Subliminal inducements to break the law?! [2003-07-14 14:48:00] Trustnot Government
I have heard rumours that to boost arrests and to build support for more law enforcement funding that subliminal messages have been built into many sites with adult porn, encouraging viewers to go view illicit material (e.g., child porn), leading such viewers into some illegal behaviours that they find hard to stop and do not really know why (because it is unconsciously fed/reinforced). If this is true, then we can see why arrests are up and many lives are ruined. The whole business stinks!
Selber Leberkas [2005-10-12 15:40:31] Leberkas
hehe, have a look at
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