By: posthumous [2002-07-28]


yer Sunday comix

and bring a bowl of shit for my fly
It be... [2002-07-28 01:35:48] Jacques Kitsch
daddy-o, this is the 'Shaft' of all comics... [2002-07-28 05:46:11] Vicarious
He knows what the fuck he wants, and I like that in a man (fly).

Quite a nice representation of said flying beastie, actually. I find it to be particularly evil looking. Perhaps a satanic fly?
Starving Children's Eyeballs [2002-07-28 07:45:26] Jacques Kitsch
If I were a fly, I'd eat starving children's eyeballs, no poop for me thank you very much. My little maggots would dine on brains! And I'd always carry a Swiss Army knife so as to be able to extricate myself from the spider's snare. Neither would I fly in front of frogs. Thhpt! Those sticky plants wouldn't fool me a bit. Nobody would pull my wings off, nope. An irony indeed! If I had a brain big enough to think these things, I could not fly but I'd plan a better menu.
maybe it's a girl fly [2002-07-29 00:24:34] twins
I think the poor guy (fly) looks sad. Maybe he's some kind of goth fly, suicidally depressed fly. Deep and meaningful. Philosophical, perhaps. Or maybe i'm just reading too deep into a cartoon again. It happens to me a awful lot.
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