Cat Wars

Well, my buddy Don "Obvious Pseudonym" McClure is a fine chap, Man-Mountain McClure, we call him. He has cats and dogs at his house; two yappy dogs that follow him everywhere because he's the only one who feeds them. He can't go more than ten feet without stumbling over the dogs. "Agh! Damn yappy dogs!" And he has two cats, originally everyone's cats but now his. One of them is named Bob, and is somewhat brain damaged. Bob loves you. Bob wants to climb on your head and drool, failing that, to drool all over you. Bob's a sweetie. As Don says; "I could never do anything to hurt Bob."
Anyway, Don's sister got a new cat. Don's a nice guy and did his best to make the cat feel at home, but whenever he got close to it, it scratched. "Okay," he thought, not being stupid, "I'll just leave it alone." The cat then started walking up to him and purring. As soon as Don took the bait and reached down to pet it, SLASH! Cat attack! After that, whenever he came in a room, the cat looked up at him and slowly walked closer.... It ended up with a 6' guy being slowly chased around the house by a cat. He lived in FEAR of this cat. You could see it in his eyes at school. He told everyone about his problem, and most of them laughed. I advised him to stare the cat down, so it would know who was boss.
He emailed me the next day, saying that it worked at first, then the cat LUNGED at him. He sounded scared and confused. This cat was obviously evil. So I brought my Pet Trainer (TM) to school to lend to the poor guy. It's one of those little things that emits a piercing ultrasonic noise that really annoys cats and dogs. I'd gotten it a while back to chase off the male cats singing under my window all night, and it had since been unused. I hear if you want to spend 20 dollars more, you can get a model that makes a REWARD tone that cats LIKE to hear. That just sounds scary. Anyway:
> Subject: Cat frightening box
> Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 12:46:57 -0800
> From: Donnie Boy
> Organization: Monkeyland Task Force
> To:
> Man, Anna, you were right. I came home, and there was my sister's
> cat.. giving me it's smug look, as usual. So, I activated the
> cat-terrifier, and the cat lept back about 4 feat and gave me this
> wide-eyed look. I pushed the button again and the cat took off.
> Ever since then, the cat's been really nice to me. I kinda wanted to
> use the cat-terrifier on it and yell out some snappy remarks about the
> house of pain and what not, but I can't irritate the cat now that it's
> being good. (Well, I could, but I'd feel mean then.)
> This little box is a miracle device. If I ever get me a cat of my own
> with some behavior problems, I'm gettin' me one of these.
> don
> --
> Please don't send me spam, unless it's actually edible.
So, I think I helped Take Back the Night or something. Although the cat is probably now plotting to kill Don in his sleep. Luckily, I have another one of these devices and some leather gloves, so I can always go to his house and be the Other With the Whip.
This is gonna be fun.