By: posthumous [2002-08-04]


yer Sunday comix

Hell [2002-08-04 00:06:59] Jacques Kitsch
"Hell is just like here, except the dogs can whistle."
--George Carlin
Quantum physics [2002-08-04 01:25:46] Oscccar
Albert Einstein's personal hell is sitting across the table from God while God rolls the dice.
The absence of abscess! [2002-08-04 04:43:50] Vicarious
Highly vaginal. Yet also quite appealing. He/she/it has a certain air of disgruntled supremecy. I like the chair a lot, too. The dark lord must be very proud of you, posthumous.

One day, there will be a hell for pop-up ads, and 'XG10 Web Camera', 'Free Flight Tickets', and 'Join Now - FREE!' will all burn in a swirling chaos-shpere of pain and elightened consumers.

My dream is not impossible.
Hooves [2002-08-04 08:46:11] Jacques Kitsch
The cloven hooves are very nice! He looks somewhat like Rodin's sculpture of Honoré de Balzac as a satyr. A Hell-Cam is a good idea, too. I'd like to try the ultimate chile pepper: The Hellapeño
Maybe the reason [2002-08-04 10:13:08] jana
...the devil is so evil is because he has a very tiny package and is trying to make up for it.
Hey! [2002-08-04 10:15:49] staniel
I have a very tiny package and am not evil.
Obverse Compensation [2002-08-04 10:59:30] Jacques Kitsch
The obverse rule of compensation must then hold true for women.
Fetch me a chair [2002-08-04 16:37:37] Vicarious
I have big eyes, but I'm not that evil.

Maybe slightly. But no more so than, say, Billy Bob Thornton.
Plague Cart [2002-08-04 17:25:15] Pop
My last word on the subject, I promise. Just found and posted the Zapruder color photo of the incident:
Archival Image #5
And a blowup of the horrified bystanders:
Archival Image #6
whoowee! [2002-08-04 18:09:32] Jacques Kitsch
Not meaning no particular disrespect, but the picture of the crowd is a damned hoot! I get the feeling that it's not the cameraman's fault that they are somewhat out of focus but that they actually are sort of out of focus.
[2002-08-05 00:20:15]
They're out of focus, chuckles, because it's part of the previous picture, blown up alot.
Not blown up in the exploding sense, however.
Those old people. [2002-08-05 07:09:45] staniel
Very grouper-like facial features. I half expect they opened and closed their mouths a lot without chewing or speaking, even when there wasn't a plague cart to gawk at. Jesus. Glub, glub.
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