By: Pop
Your help is requested.
When I was in high school many years ago, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, I had an interesting experience. Okay, maybe I had several interesting experiences, but on this occasion I--and all the other participants--was stone cold sober.
I had never heard of the
levitation stunt before, and have since never heard reference to it in person or media. A websearch seems to indicate that it's still a current party trick in the U.K., so if I'm boring our Brit readers, please don't let me know.
What we did was four of us stood around a seated Fred Cossins (you may have to find a substitute if Fred is not available) and pressed down on his shoulders for maybe thirty seconds, whereupon we lifted him to the ceiling as if he were nearly weightless, using two fingers each. It felt like he weighed about two pounds--not that we were dividing his 150 pounds amongst our eight fingers.
So riddle me this: What's the mechanism? I can't imagine that thirty seconds of silence releases much adrenaline; I can't imagine that I could be fooled into thinking that thirty-seven pounds of effort feels like two; I can't believe any random four people can be so easily and instantly autohypnotized. Some websites suggest that the converse is also possible: Fred could have been made too heavy to pick up,
then made weightless. I'd experiment, but I don't have four friends.
You'll find lots mumbo-jumbo on the Web;
The Amazing Randi is dismissive of it but doesn't bother telling us why. The only reference I've found in print is from
The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, by Iona and Peter Opie, ©1959 Oxford:
Two witnesses may be quoted on this curiosity. The first is a correspondent, who was at school in Bath in the 1940's, writing 22 June 1952:
"The queerest happening I know of I have on my own memory. Some of my form-mates one day resolved to try a trick they had heard of, in which one person sat in a chair, and several others (I think four) stood round, with some part of their hands pressed on the victim's head--I think it was their thumbs. The idea was to continue this in an atmosphere of intense concentration by all (no talking or giggles) for a few minutes, after which it was supposed that the person sitting, contrary to all the laws of nature, would actually become lighter and could be lifted by the others as easily as if she were a cushion. This experiment was watched with keen interest by the form, and seemed to have a curiously uncanny effect. Whether by self-hypnotism or not I do not know, but the lifters, with a few fingers only under arm-pits and knees, certainly lifted the seated one with ease and grace into the air, and put her down in the same manner. It was more like real magic than anything else I have seen."
The other is that "good scholler and sober man" Mr. Brisband, as reported by Pepys in his diary for 31 July 1665:
"This evening with Mr. Brisband, speaking of enchantments and spells, I telling him some of my charms; he told me this of his owne knowledge, at Bourdeaux in France. The words these:
"Voyci un Corps mort,
Roy comme un Baston,
Froid comme Marbre,
Leger comme un esprit,
Levons te au nom de Jesus Christ."
[See a dead body,
Still as a stone,
Cold as marble,
Light as a ghost,
We lift you in the name of Jesus Christ.]
"He saw four little girles, very young ones, all kneeling, each of them, upon one knee; and one begun the first line, whispering in the eare of the next, and the second to the third, and the third to the fourth, and she to the first. Then the first begun the second line, and so round quite through, and, putting each one finger only to a boy that lay flat upon his back on the ground., as if he was dead; at the end of the words, they did with their four fingers raise this boy as high as they could reach, and he [Mr. Brisband] being there, and wondering at it, as also being afeard to see it, for they would have had him to have bore a part in saying the words, in the roome of one of the little girles that was so young that they could hardly make her learn to repeat the words, did, for feare there might be some sleight used in it by the boy, or that the boy might be light, call the cook of the house, a very lusty fellow, as Sir G. Carteret's cook, who is very big, and they did raise him in just the same manner. This is one of the strangest things I ever heard, but he tells it me of his owne knowledge, and I do heartily believe it to be true. I enquired of him whether they were Protestant or Catholique girles; and he told me they were Protestant, which made it the more strange to me."
Experiment. Discuss.
Ah yes, I have heard of this, and seen it done on a Uri Geller special. Uri Geller aside, it's the almost the same as Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board.
Another version is to have four people lay their hands out flat in front of them, as though they were going to dive into water. One person sits in a chair, and one of the four places their hands a few inches above the sitter's head, the second places their hands a few inches above the first person's hands, and so forth.
When all four have their hands in a platform formation above the sitter's head, each set of hands a few inches above the other, they concentrate for about 30 seconds, then lift the sitter as though they were weightless. Pretty much the same, as before just a different way of getting around to the lifting part.
I also heard that some people thought that this may have been the way the pyramids were built.... dunno about that....
I don't the know the logical, scientific explanation for this experiment, but PRESSURE MAKES IT GOOD.
Pay no attention. Tired to the point of mental collapse. Have no idea what am talking about. MUSt remember take map so know where am lost at next trip at camping of. Guhhhhh.......
Forty pounds, while a pain to drag around an airport, is light enough to pick up for a couple of seconds, and pretty unnoticeable if you're psyched up. If you'd held him there for any length of time I'd suspect strings or possibly steroids, but you can test your own strength just by putting 10 2-litre bottles of coke in a bag and lifting it. It's perfectly easy with two fingers, so if you can distract yourself I'd imagine it could seem light as a feather.
I've seen people who can make themselves seemingly heavier. They have someone lift them off the floor, then ask the same person to do it again, and they can't because the person seems to have become much heavier.
is Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board, and it's where those poor girls all started to go wrong in
The Craft! (They have it listed as comedy/horror because it sucked so much, but it was advertised as very serious horror.)
but...if you stand in a doorway and press your arms against the frame of the door (or any other roughly human sized pair of walls) for about the same amount of time, and then step out, your arms will feel weightless and will naturally rise up. i've done that hundreds of times, and i think it has to do with the muscles in your arms adjusting to a stress, and your brain sort of normalizing it, kinda like the way your eyes adjust to different lighting levels, so when you step out of the doorway, it takes a few minutes for your arms to stop contracting...or something...whatever.... this turns into super strength, i don't know, but i don't think there's too much mysticism going on, but rather, you doing more work then your brain is letting you realize.
fingers are strong - it's like an eggshell - try grasping and egg completely in one hand try to squeeze it to break it, if you distribute the pressure evenly, ie just squeezing it w/one hand, you'll never do it. but when the pressure is localized (ie the side of a frying pan), it cracks easily.
One of my teachers did a little experiment in psychology once. He got three students, put them in front of the class and told them to close their eyes and extend their arms to the side, palms up. He then told them to concentrate and imaging they were holding a dictionary in their right hand and a helium balloon in their left. Within a minute or two, all three were tilting to the right. Not quite levitating someone, but the same brain mechanisms at work, I think.
I think more people would humor the professor and start tilting than would actually work at imagining the objects in their hands.
I can believe the part about tricking your muscles into doing lots of work but not feeling it. However, a question raised in IRC puts the whole thing into doubt again: wouldn't the person being lifted feel an uncomfortable poking where the fingers touch? After all, the liftee wasn't pushing on anything to create muscle confusion.
I prefer
Little Witches to the Craft, if only because Little Witches has all the fun of the Craft AND late night Cinemax pornography.
My dad was a big practical joker, I kind of felt like I was living in a minefield waiting for the next boodytrap, squirting flower, joybuzzer, whoopee cushion or pile of rubber dog crap. We went to the magicians convention here several times, and I still like the pitchur of milk that changes into confetti. My mom did yoga things, like I'd come into the kitchen to find her doing a handstand with her legs behind her head. She could somehow discouple her leg joints from her hips and make herself about 6" taller, which sort of looked like rising a bit.
I want to try this now. I'm probably too heavy to be lifted, but I'd like to be in on trying to lift someone else like this.
If only I knew four other people.
If you only knew two other people, you could have a Polish funeral.
I levitated once.
But it's hazy because, well, you know... I was completely drunk.
So I may not have levitated at all. The mystery, my dear companions, is there for YOU to unravel!
You were drinking Bud Lite?
If this was around the time you mentioned ages ago, where you got stupid drunk at a house party and nearly killed yourself in a hot tub, you may have just damaged the part of your brain that knows you DIDN'T levitate.
Or you might have been floating in the tub.
I met a woman once who said she levitated off of her bed and started floating all over the room. I really shouldn't have married her.
My God, yes, that was a stupid drunk indeed. Hot tubs/saunas are fucking killer things, if you are as big a retard as I am. It's all to likely that I did brain my damage that night.
We don't have 'lite' beers over here. Or at least, I've never seen them. Strange.
Who humors professors? I'd try and go out of my way to prove them wrong. I dunno as a university student I always felt the responsibility to do experiments properly. I got my A-Levels by cheating on all my experiments time to do it for real.
I used to have a friend, he lived in his parents house as many children tend to do. Everytime I visited they had the most nasty joss-stick burning making the house smell really unpleasant. If I didn't know his parents didn't like me I might think they didn't like me and they didn't, alas but I digress.
He says he saw this at a party once, and was really freaked by it, however as his mother is a "witch" and I don't mean the cool kinds of witches like sabrina the teenage, or wart covered magical turn into frogs witch, or even a hogwarts scholar witch, I mean the kind that plays with crystals and calls themselves a witch. They eventually moved to cornwall to a place called Boscastle which has a whole witch thing going on, they even have a museum to witches (which I visited under duress). If I was one to make broad sweeping statements from observing the relics kept in the museum I would say that witches are clearly lesbian man haters with a fuse blown in their head. It was the large collection of phallic handled cutlery and human heads steeped in tar that did it! Apologys to all you witches out there ;).
ya, like the thing with the door frame, if u jack off 4 a really long time , then stop, ur hand keeps moving :)
it's just trying to escape
I wiegh just over 200 pounds, and my friends wanted to lift me like this, i felt weightless and couldn't even feel there fingers, they did it where they put their hands over my head with out toucing then then waited for the top hand to tingle. Freaked me out.
me and my friends did light as a feather stiff as a board at recess once. we had 5 ppl( one at the head, 2 ppl holding her back and 2 ppl holding her legs). then we said the words and we lifted her! we also did pins and needles, needles and pins which is the exact same except with 2 fingers instead of your hands holding her up! it was awesome.and then we did something where someone sits on a bench or a chair and then 4 ppl take their hands and put them on top of her head and say light as a feather. then u put ur hand in a gun shape(like charlie's angels) and 2 ppl puts their hand under her knees and 2 ppl put their hands under her armpits. then we lifted her. once we forgot do do the first part and we couldnt lift her.
A cousin of mine suffered some brain damage in a car accident several years ago. He has short term memory. Every morning his sister calls to make sure he reads it or tell him anything that he forgot. WBR LeoP
my mum kept talking about when she lifted people at school when someone was sitting on a chair but there were only two people!
it sounded awsome!!