By: posthumous
yer Sunday comix
We don't update on Friday! What are you talking about?
(there will be new stuff next week, promise)
Besides being a possibly oblique third-party commentary on erotic discovery, having the bite be the apple's mouth is some clever cartooning! If it's a cumquat, it's even funnier. No, I'm certain it's an apple, my first impressions are seldom wrong, and if they were, I'd not admit it, even under extreme duress, nor if plied with liquor, drugs, and large amounts of cash deposited in a numbered account in the Banque of Zurich.
but before the bite, the apple didn't have a mouth to express his pain!
so the cartoon is actually an extremely deep metaphorical retelling of the Adam and Eve story from the point of view of the apple's descent into original sin / awakening to the knowledge of good and evil. cool.
and jacques the greek killed by a falling tortoise was Aeschylus. an ironically terrapinus-ex-machina end for such a skilled tragedian
Thanks, Al. That is indeed an irony, that the "Father of Greek Tragedy" should come to so comic an end. I don't know so much about knowledge of Good and Evil, there's a lot that is sort of trivia and empirical data bits which are neither here nor there. I had thought that partaking of the Magic Apple and discovering one's nakedness was sort of a parable about the discovery of ignorance, and the consequent felt need to clothe oneself in illusion, fantasy, philosophy and other frippery.
You know, comics are often stupid and they are so easy to hate, but I like most or all Zirealisms.
Well. That went spectacularly wrong, didn't it? Sigh. Such are my immense computing skills.
To me, the apple (it is an apple) represents the realisation that life is not a wonderful thing all of the time. The exclamation of "Fuck, that hurt" is reality slapping said fruit in the face.
Simple observation, I know. Nevertheless I feel it is accurate.
About fifty miles west of here, they grow lots of apples. They make
apple dolls; the carved ones aren't nearly as funny as the ones that are just left to dry and accidently form unusual faces.
Is the highlight on the apple intended to resemble an eye rolling dolorously upward toward the apple's ... attacker, or is it just a reflection? Are we all anthropomorphizing becuse that's what we expect from cartoons, or did you deliberately make it ambiguous? If the latter, bravo. You are skating the edges of the envelope, and that is always rewarding.
Off topic, you're welcome for the crow film.
Highlight? I thought it was a wormhole!
Skating on the edge of the envelope? That's a well-mixed metaphor.
I prefer my metaphors shaken, not stirred, so as to bruise the aphorisms, and explode the flavor of the phrases.
Strained, or rocks up?
"...if you make a mistake and cut away a nose, you can eat your mistake and start on another one!"
But hadn't it been soaking in salt water? Regardless, they look kind of creepy.
Anything carved from fruit is slightly scary.
While a strained metaphor often may seem weak, if properly prepared it should stand on its own. Nonetheless, I have found that a dash of solid-state
DiHydrogen Monoxide can add enjoyable texture, despite it's inherent danger. Use sparingly!
I often float the distilled spirits of literary references over the back of a chilled mug of metaphor as a late-night apertif. If done properly, the specific gravity should keep them seperate, yet they mingle in the senses, like a Chambord-and-cream. Or, mre often in my case, a black-and-tan.
Where's posthumous? While I agree that the text, or "text", of his work should be enjoyed by the audience regardless of the intention, I also find myself interested in his answer. (Little "Lit Crit Bullsh*t" there.)
Froot Roll-Up Up Yer Nose? There's lot's of apple candy here in Virginia. And the Norfolk Navy Yards. And Big Tobacco. But the biggest industry is
Mars Candy!
The apples will dry wrinkled and look "elderly." A good hair is made from the fluffy stuffing you can buy for pillows and stuffed toys. A small tuff of lamb's wool makes nice hair, too.
Just when I thought dolls couldn't look any more frightening and undead, this comes along. Now the world is just a little scarier. Will crafts majors and old ladies ever learn?
Also, something needs to be done about toxic levels of DHMO. I will write my congressman; I'm already drafting a letter about the horrible
suffrage women endure every day. (Yes, I hate Adam Corolla too, and Jimmy Kimmell as well. It was still funny.)
first thing i thought of when i saw this after the obvious apple going ouch was that someone had ripped out a tooth while biting the apple and was off spouting blood from the stump. someone else can litcrit that possibility.
How's about some
stylishly undead dolls? They're Goth as ph*ck!
The Baby Pinhead is my favorite. Beware, cheesy background music.
I don't seem to be on topic at all today, but I couldn't resist proselityzing for the Church of the Baby Pinhead.
have been around for ages.
because yall are better at it than I am... but ...
I don't know nothing about no apples with eyes and lips. But I do know what it feels like to have a bite taken out of you now and then.
Thus we see that the artist's intent is rarely a deciding factor in the audiences reaction to the final work. The choice of truly representational apple-ness in a comic, devoid of human likeness, was not an avenue open to most of our perceptions, yet I applaud it, since we consider cartoonery a realm of dancing cheerful teapots and so forth. The apple, in it's simplicity, challenges these preconceptions. Thank you for not making it Disneyesque!
The MacIntosh Banana is a thing too fearful to contemplate.
The apple is a mirror, it reflects what we associate with it, and so that is how we understand. Clearly the apple is not speaking because apples do not speak, instead it is the eater of the apple that is in pain, because the apple was made out of wax.
Interesting as art is often considered a way for the artist to convey their messages, and this instead conveys our own messages to ourselves.
it's just an apple. it's funny 'cause he bit the apple and the apple normally doesn't say ow BUT THIS TIME IT DID. haha... I've laughed more at aquaman.