By: posthumous [2002-09-15]


yer Sunday comix

Dancing Queen [2002-09-15 02:57:38] Mr. Quackenbush
I know how he must feel, I've had to stop with the show tunes.
[2002-09-15 07:49:38] Vicarious
Polka makes me weep.
The Secret Nature of the FFag [2002-09-15 11:07:50] Humptulips
If you are a fag and you look like one, is that really such a bad thing?
I know, I know, it's if you're not one.
Flacido Domingo [2002-09-15 12:16:57] Mr. Quackenbush
He'd dance w-a-a-a-y better if he used a hamster!
da picture thingy [2002-09-15 12:48:33] Yugi
Yeah! it was cool 'cause he was dancing and I liked to look at it. It made me feel good and the word "fag" made me laugh 'cause "fag" is a funny word *laughs* later peeps.
Shoes [2002-09-15 13:02:29] Mr. Quackenbush
I like his shoes; they look like Capezzios!
huh? [2002-09-15 13:13:09] Yugi
what's a cappezio?
Eye-talian Coffee [2002-09-15 13:41:41] Mr. Quackenbush
Wake up and smell the Capezzio!
leather pants [2002-09-15 14:12:28] Yugi
kirby likes porn
huh? [2002-09-15 15:07:14] Mr. Quackenbush
whutz a kirby?
correctness [2002-09-15 16:13:55] posthumous
I just want to say right now that my cartoon was in no way inspired by JSP.
Mechanical Bulls [2002-09-15 16:40:03] Mr. Quackenbush
Mechanical bulls are plenty damn butch!
as a fan of 665... [2002-09-15 17:02:18] Yugi
like the subject says, and as *makes up a number* #356 says... I... am a fan of 665.
Pointy! [2002-09-15 17:33:21] Pop
Is a Capezzio the same thing as a winklepicker?
i thought that said [2002-09-15 17:48:26] pithymood
winkie - pickler. Same thing?
Capezzios [2002-09-15 17:54:39] Mr. Quackenbush
Capezzios in case there would be dancing...
oh yes [2002-09-15 18:14:15] pithymood
I was a Crapezzio-wearer back when they wuz in fashion for the goyls. And potentially, I may have picked a winkle on a whim, but if I ever pickled a winkie, it was unintentional.. and if I did, I bet it was an unwrinkled winkie. Ayup.
Winkle [2002-09-15 19:16:18] Mr. Quackenbush
You can pick your friends and you can pick your winkle, but you can't pick your friend's winkle.
[2002-09-16 01:16:27]
The most disturbing thing about not being gay but people thinking you are gay, is that its always good looking men who take you by suprise and kiss you. But when it comes to normal hetero-highjinks not even minging lady's look my way. All I can say is gay men have more taste than most women.
Here comes a special boy [2002-09-16 02:32:53] Jonas
Tell me about it. It's almost enough to make me switch teams but for the winkle picking.
Breeders [2002-09-16 03:12:50] Mr. Quackenbush
It annoys me that gays go on about breeders, I always thank them for not breeding.
[2002-09-16 20:49:36] pithymood
I think he does this on purpose.
Yep! [2002-09-16 20:53:32] Mr. Quackenbush
It's like when you unzip and walk backwards through the bar...
Shucks [2002-09-16 21:15:29] pithymood
my only backwards bar trick is sitting on a stool.
Erm... [2002-09-16 21:30:03] Mr. Quackenbush
with three friends?
Huh. [2002-09-17 02:49:25] jana
Am I the *only* person who got "faith" stuck in their head after seening this cartoon?
Management Policy [2002-09-17 04:58:20] Mr. Quackenbush
Management is in no way responsible for things that get stuck in your head.
Wurlitzer 1015 [2002-09-17 05:03:08] Mr. Quackenbush
I like the rendering of the Wurlitzer 1015
[2002-09-17 12:10:17]
I think he's paralised on his left side and desperately reaching for help, but at the same time is struggling against that reach because he believes it makes him look like a fag, and thus he is doomed to die by a jukebox, alone half-crippled and wearing the ugliest shoes this side of a Turkish harem.
Don't let it happen to you, buy warbonds now!
I demand an update! [2002-09-17 23:22:43] Jonas
Indeed I do.
[2002-09-18 01:07:49] albtraum
there's some mark twain quote where he says a man looks like a carrot split in two at the bottom... i never knew what he was talking about until i saw this drawing
Rutabaga [2002-09-18 03:58:50] Mr. Quackenbush
Twain himself resembled a dancing rutabaga.
Rutabagas, Twain, Turnips... natural progression [2002-09-18 06:29:44] Vicarious
I present, Mark Twain. I wonder what he is jigging to? On another related note, I've never heard them called Rutabagas over here. I think we call them turnips. They could be different, but look closely related.

According to Google, this is also a turnip, though I have never had the misfortune of finding one quite like it in my Sunday roast dinner.
Twain wreck [2002-09-18 07:25:52] albtraum
here's what i was thinking of. eve describing her first sight of adam: "It has no hips; it tapers like a carrot; when it stands, it spreads itself apart like a derrick; so I think it is a reptile, though it may be architecture."

another one, from ct yankee in k. arthur's court: "This was an airy slim boy in shrimp-colored tights that made him look like a forked carrot, the rest of his gear was blue silk and dainty laces and ruffles; and he had long yellow curls, and wore a plumed pink satin cap tilted complacently over his ear. By his look, he was good-natured; by his gait, he was satisfied with himself. He was pretty enough to frame. He arrived, looked me over with a smiling and impudent curiosity; said he had come for me, and informed me that he was a page.

"Go 'long," I said; "you ain't more than a paragraph." "
unh-huh... [2002-09-18 17:19:10] Mr. Quackenbush
...and I suppose that's a dangling participle?
Of Turnips and Rutabagas [2002-09-18 17:31:45] Mr. Quackenbush
Tell me about the parsnips, George! There are many more recipes for parsnips than for turnips (napobrassica) or rutabagas (brassica rapa). Parsnips (Pastinaca sativa) are more closely related to carrots than the other two related to Mark Twain, one recipe calls for parsnips and chittlins, for that down home flavor like Mama use to make in her spare time.

Carrots, Rutabagas [2002-09-18 22:47:43] X
[2002-09-19 00:32:04] Jonas
That's what I said.
All Zirealism, Alla Time [2002-09-19 01:31:08] Mr. Quackenbush
It's a "Twilight Zone" experience
Fathom *that*, Zirealism [2002-09-19 06:04:18] Vicarious
It's more like realising that the Tuna floating in brine inside the tin in your cupboard, is actually self-aware.
Or... [2002-09-19 06:10:10] Mr. Quackenbush
Like a parsnip within a turnip within a rutabaga
[2002-09-19 08:08:39]
It is indeed a turnip but is often commonly called a swede as well.
No updates = ? [2002-09-19 08:12:30]
Ha ha, due to the lack of updates thingsihate obviously need some new materiel, and I've been holding back on a good three articles, you guys are going to be so sorry. or something.
Tuna Consciousness [2002-09-19 08:35:03] Mr. Quackenbush
I pondered upon tuna consciousness for a spell; I reckon that tunas might well have some consciousness, and an awareness of ambient temperature and food fish, such as anchovies, that they pursue. Tuna are magnificent fish, they eat fish, Ha! and so do I!
[2002-09-19 09:14:54] Vicarious
My browser just crashed halfway through a small paragraph about potatoes, and vegetables feeling pain.

Clearly a sign it was not meant for a wider audience.
Tin Cups [2002-09-19 10:06:19] Mr. Quackenbush
We should bang tin cups on the bars like they do in the prison riot movies!
vegetable suffering [2002-09-19 10:25:46] aspcp
If vegetables feel pain, they might qualify for the suffertarian diet.
(see comments)

I've heard tell of "fruitarians" (but never actually met such a creature)... legend has it, they don't eat vegetables because harvesting them kills the plant... and some will eat fruit only after it has fallen from the tree/plant of its own accord.
Dust off the altar, we must resume the sacrificing [2002-09-19 11:38:21] X
Could the pain of a fruit or vegetable being chomped be any greater than ours, now that we have displeased our thingsihate masters?
Feh! [2002-09-19 13:16:33] Mr. Quackenbush
Feh, I say! I bet that all of the editors are over at Portal of Evil partying it up!
"Be afraid! Be very, very afraid" - Mondo Generator [2002-09-19 13:21:39] Vicarious
PoE is the place to be!
updating [2002-09-19 15:04:37] staniel
Soon, I guess. I just moved, Sean's in Germany, and Annna updates when she gets a few minutes free, which isn't often.
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