By: staniel
Things That Have Gone Wrong With My Body
a retrospective
I'd rather not write a series of articles on the various times my body has betrayed me, but then, I'd rather my body didn't provide me with so many minor
catastrophes. I'm not even going to get into the stuff that's going wrong with my teeth lately, because it's uninteresting to you and depressing to me. Instead, I will harken to my bygone teenage years for a few stories about ingrown things.
Toenail. Since the age of eleven or so, I had been plagued by a chronically ingrown toenail on the large toe of my right foot. It had been cut out by doctors three times and regrown, and the worst instance (around the age of fourteen) required novocaine shots and silver nitrate cauterization. It grew deep. It filled with pus and crusted over disgustingly every day. After the cauterization, a sort of skin had grown over the deeply recessed nailbed, and though it kept the toenail from growing down as far as it had, it still allowed a large chunk of nail to grow where it should not have done, and this would occasionally cut into the skin, filling the opening with blood and pus.
Another side effect of the cauterization was that the nerves in the affected area were noticeably dulled.
My mother had a beauty kit in the bathroom closet with cuticle scissors, and my dad had numerous pairs of pliers (I think I used the needle nosed ones). I basically performed the exact same operation the doctor had, except when I got down to the nailbed, I didn't cut across. After all, I needed to kill the nailbed there to make sure it didn't just grow back again. I cut as far as I could, then yanked with the pliers. There was hardly any blood and no pain, though there was enough blood on the root of the nail I removed that I couldn't see what the root of this evil looked like. Regardless, my nail still looks weird, but it doesn't grow into my toe any longer, so I'm happy.
You shouldn't do this at home, though, because my downstairs neighbor from my first apartment had tried the same thing when about the same age, and ended up causing an infection that got into the bone and necessitated a synthetic replacement toe-bone.
Nostril Hair. I used to sleep a lot. Fourteen to sixteen hours a day, in one shift on weekends and during vacations. I used to be pretty sure that's what caused all my ingrown hairs: several hours of time spent with the bedclothes pressed into my skin, matting the hairs down while new skin grew over them. I now understand that ingrown hairs are common among people who wax their body hair, since there's an open pore with a hair trying to grow out of it, and it can get blocked. I didn't have any pulled hairs on my body (I did get my back waxed once a few years ago, it sucked), but I did occasionally pull my nostril hairs. So, what I thought were ingrown body hairs for years were actually blind pimples or something. The most bizarre thing my body's ever done, on the other hand, was an ingrown hair for certain.
Circumstances conspired to grow a pimple on my nose with the same axis as a hair on the other side, inside my nostril. The same circumstances gave me yet another push toward the brink of disgustingness by allowing me to pull that same hair. When it became ingrown, it didn't just form a bump inside my nostril. Oh, no, it did something far better. It grew into the pimple on the other side.
Of course I popped the pimple.
I put my finger in my nose afterward, as I had found that pushing on the inside got the blood and pimple innards out quicker. With the blood mostly cleared away, I saw a black dot in the center of the exposed raw skin.
"That's queer," I thought, "a black dot in the midst of my nose-gore."
push "Queerer still, it is not an everyday dot, but the tip of a hair."
When extracted with tweezers, it was almost half an inch long.
I wish I'd had a little specimen bag for to save it.
There's an article now, for talking about. In the comments. Instead of using them for a stupid, stupid battle message board. If you guys want to have a pissing contest, there are
sites that cater to your aberrant tastes.
Thank you.
I think I can sum up the entire article with one word.
However, I too know the pain of ingrown toenails. Both of my big toes are ingrown, the right more than the left....accident with a brick...pretty nasty. I had no idea that NOSTRIL hairs can become ingrown, and that disturbs me greatly.
So, Staniel, to be clear: you actually tweezed an ingrown nose hair from the other side of your nose? That sounds terrible. I have, in the past, thinking that it was a pimple, squeezed the site of an ingrown hair so hard that the hair was launched out. It healed up amazingly quickly, and I was saved the trouble of tweezing.
I wonder if chimpanzees have ingrown hairs. Or is it a problem peculiar to humans?
Also, the way I see it, there's only so much space for a hair to occupy. And yet ingrown ones very rarely actually make it to the surface.
As for toes, it's clear to me that I don't have a full understanding of the way toenails grow. For example, if I damaged the nailbed directly in the center of my big toe, but left the two outside edges, would I grow two toenails from then on?
I see a market for this idea in body-mod circles.
My friend had an ingrown hair on his lower back. It was so bad, it caused an abcess, and he had to go into hospital to have it removed. When he got out, he had to have his dressing changed ever day by a nurse that came out to him for special home visits. Sometimes, there were two!
There was quite a lot of pus involved.
Maybe I'm an old lady at heart, but I love stories like these (at least when they're not vomit-inducing). So many delightfully revolting ways the body can mutiny...
i like stories like that... it's a really cheap way to enjoy the equivalent of a david cronenberg movie in a very short time. i've had that ingrown hair thing happen on my cheek a few times... what seems like a pimple springs out into an inch-long wiry hair. like when eskimoes wrap a springy bone in meat, freeze it, and then give it to the polar bear so it bursts in his stomach and kills him. except different.
has for years been plagued with an ingrown hair problem on his neck. every few years, a knot would form on the back of his neck, and over the course of several weeks grow to immemse proportions. The worst I ever saw was about 4 and half inches across and raised about an inch. The treatment for this horribly painful growth is to have the skin peeled back and the insides of the cavity scraped. That time in particular they pulled out a hair that was six inches long. And the worst part is that the doctors can't really prevent them. apparently, pop's has somekind of freak folical on his neck that is actually turned into himself, so the hair never has a chance to break the surface. They just grow under the skin and coil up until they create a cavity.
I managed to continue eating breakfast while reading all of this.
Shit yeah. And then they could be sharpened! If anyone has a way to impregnate them with metallic fibers, I'll be the first person to eviscerate people by kicking them! I'll be a human velociraptor! Except not as cunning.
...that nose hair story is beyond comprehension...literally, i don't comprehend..hte hair was growing IN your noise, like, inside the nose part, not in the nose hole?
also, i too, have had hte malevolent tonail rear it's ugly..uh..nail.
after like the 3rd time i had it removed and cauterized, it stopping being evil..or..i have lost enough sensation as i can now pull it out entirely on my own before it gets REALLY bad...although, now i must warn to laypersons, that picking my tonails without the proper equipment is how i got it to grow funky in the first place... bowels rebel almost daily, and for some reason i can never sleep more than 3 hours at a stretch...but otherwise, i'm actually pretty non-disgusting...
....why doesn't your father just have the folicle removed or something?
What apierion said. There's depilatory electrolysis for models and swimmers and such who don't want to keep waxing, or old Italian ladies who dislike having moustaches. It shouldn't even cost much to just do one hair, since they usually do a bunch at a time.
you could have saved the hair in a big bag until a smaller bag entered your possession.
I think I kept it on a piece of notebook paper for a while. The hair's current whereabouts are unknown.
Don't worry Casey, remember what Keats said: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty": so your name is awesome too! Um, I guess that means staniel's name isn't awesome after all, since it's been implied that it's not his real name. Guess this round is yours, Casey!
even if electrolysis was out for some reason, one could figure than when the doctors were excavating your fathers neck, they could just dig out the offending folicle at the least
my name is the worst
Well he actually did, but it took years to convince him to have it taken out. He's got this heavy duty Irish Catholic stoic male thing goin' strong, so of course a little thing like a hair shouldn't bother him. But my mom finally convinced him that the nasty boil on his neck should be eliminated, because, well, its nasty.
unfortunately for dad, he's had them since then -- not as bad, but they still pop up now and again. the doctors think its some kind of genetic problem.
Bodes well for you, then, doesn't it?
It could be like lycanthropy, though, and sometimes skip a generation. Like Scott Howard's dad in Teen Wolf.
The idea of my dad as a were-anything is terrifying -- primarily because he'd make a really, really boring monster. I can see him now, stalking a young nubile lady, jumping out the bushes and ticking off a litany of fun factoids regarding the historical significance of the site in American history.
Besides, the whole Irish Catholic thing would totally ruin it for him, since he'd be angry if she wasn't served with mashed potatoes and then wracked with guilt for bitching about it.
You might be thinking of Teen Wolf Too.
He's Marty McSUPERfly, brother!
And I thought I had it bad. You make my life look considerably less shity.
Hehe I did exactly the same thing mate, but mine hurt like hell when I did it, the worst thing of ingrown toenails is when you knock it! OWWWWWW man ti hurts, I had them on both big toes, I did one myself but cause it hurt so much I decided to let the hospital do the 2nd =)
Too weird...I just had the same thing happen to me. Freaking out and not knowing exactly why I would have a hair shooting out of my nose after squeezing a zit, I accessed the internet to see if anyone else out there had ever seen such a bizarre and truly disgusting phenomenon. Nice to know that I am not alone.
At 17 this same bizarre thing happened to me. A large sore red pimple (or so I thought) that certainly overstayed its welcome, ended with a nostril hair extricating itself on the outside of my nose. After a squeeze I watched this hair come out by itself (about half an inch long)like a whale beaching itself!!!
To help those who suffer from this strange malady, I have found that if you can catch it early enough by scratching the inside of your nose it will stop the hair from growing into the skin.
I've got some bad news - it's happening to me for the second time!!! I couldn't get the bugger and I now have the sorest, reddest lump on my nostril. While I feel a social outcast, my wife thinks it's funny. Feel free to send condolences my way!!!
This happened to me this morning. I was very disturbed, as it felt like my nose had pierced itself. I was tempted to put an earring through it, and come to think of it -- if I didnt have to go to work, I just might have.
I wish I had found this after the first time it happened to me, I beleive the pimple is actually caused by the ingrown hair on the inside of my nose. I have had some luck warding off the progress of these fiendish hairs by picking vigorously at the inside of my nose when I first recognize that a new incident has begun. Using a slightly sharp pice of metal, like a paperclip, has sometimes helped to pull the curled hair back into the inside of my nnostril where it belongs.
Happy picking
It's nice to know we're not alone out there... this is the second time i'm battling the same follicle. a spot on the outside of my nose became redder and redder and then became very sensitive...finally it appeared a zit was forming...same as the others, once it was poppable it revealed a nose hair growing backwards. I believe (and I'm just gonna be honest about this) that it is attributed to a fair amount of cocaine use (creates endless amounts of boogers) mixed with the fact that I often pull offensive nose hairs. Ah, thank God for the internet so we can share our private battles with out bodies. Good luck all... hopefully we won't need to go to laser surgery to solve the problem.
so i'm now on nose-pimple-reverse-ingrown-hair thing number three. The three times I've gotten them. 1) When leaving for Mexico. 2) Upon returning from New York 3) Upon returning from Miami. On all three occasions I found myself snorting either coke or E. It took my girlfriend's observation to enlighten me. Ripping out your nose hairs definately doesn't help. And after one "blows" the skin in the inside of your nose is thrashed- if you don't moisturize the new hair just gets stuck under the dead skin and voila, repeat the process. I should know i've now had three. note... my girlfriend tells me it hard to see the liitle bump... so until you squeeze it as hard as you fucking can and it turns into bright boil looking thing--it's probably no worse than a zit on your forehead
Since I was 9 or there abouts I have been getting in growen tow nails it is so painful!!!
Holy shiot, wouldn't you know this is not an isolated phenomenon. I've been getting ingrown nose hairs every so often since I was a young sprout, likely due to my curly hair. I'll admit, I'm also a picker, that's right, I like to pick my nose. I especially enjoy the boogs that are like a magician's hankerchief and just keep coming. Anyway, I had this hyper sensitive zit directly under the tip of my nose; I let it be because when i try to mess with them they seem to only get worse and take longer to heal. Well, this one was persistent, kept coming to a white head time and time again, letting out a little pus and clear fluid every morning. Then one morning about two works into this ordeal I decided to squeeze the sucker like I had a pair and wa la, a black hair pokes itself out, almost in a systematic way as if I'd just ordered it out of a vending machine. I hate ingrown nose hairs but this was pretty cool.
I actually found this story a while back while suffering from an ingrown nose hair. I didn't pull the hair from the other side though, and it finally went away on its own. Recently, I developed an immense pain in the tip of my nose, and it became red and raw, and the skin started to peel. I immediately suspected how the situation was going to end. I waited days for it to develop to a point where I could make out a hint of a white bump. I took a sewing needle to it to open it up...and with a gentle squeeze, out came a hair from the outside of my nose. I was absolutely thrilled, because I knew the pain would finally stop. It nearly had me in tears a few times when I rubbed my nose by accident...and the pain would radiate through my entire face. I then set out to find this site again and post my experience. God I hope it doesn't reoccur...but if it does, I'm going straight to the doctor.
The ingrown nose hair is the worst. I am just happy to see that someone else has that besides me.
I have had that exact same thing happen several times. The first time I thought it was just a pimple, but it kept coming back right on the tip of my nose and it hurt. I got pretty pissed about this very noticable pimple and I squeezed the shit out of it and a fucking nose hair shoot through the other side of my nose. My nose felt good once that damn thing was out. I think sometimes when I get a sinus infection and I blow my nose I rip out a nose hair and somehow it gets trapped.
I'm super fucked up right now. I have this gross cyst just below my right ear lobe on the side of my jaw/cheek. I've squeeze puss and blood out of it in the shower for a couple of days. I think I've got all the shit out, but it's till there. Just as sensitive, but a little smaller. (For the time being at least.) It sucks.
NOW, Just starting today, I have this INTENSE pain in my left nostril. I can feel a pea-sized bump on the top-middle part (were I pluck hairs) and another pea-sized bump on the bottom left, towards my cheek where I believe I have plucked hairs. It's 10pm and in the last few hours it has started to swell around my left nostril and even swell close to my eye. I can poke at the skin just below my eye and I can feel pressure/pain in my nose. It's fucked up. It feels like it's just getting worse. My left nostril is running like a faucet too. The other nostril is totally fine.
Anyone have any hints on what it is and what to do about the nose?
I guess I shouldn't pluck nose hairs, huh..?
In the last 36 hours I've had a big red bump develop on the inside of my left nostril -- it hurts like mad and I am thinking that it must be an ingrown nose hair. This site is the only place I've found on the web that talks about them. I really don't want to wait until the thing "breaks on through to the other side" and am wondering if there is any way to treat this by putting something on the red bump inside the nostril. This thing REALLY hurts. For those that have had an infamous ingrown nose hair how long did it take from the time the big sore bump developed inside your nose until the hair popped out as a zit on the outside? Just trying to prep myself for however long this hellish nose pain will last.
I've had this happen twice, and I think it took about 1-2 weeks for the hair to finally form a whitehead and come out. I've had a painful bump on my nose for the past 5 or 6 days and I'm now convinced that it's an ingrown hair, as it has only gotten more painful over the past few days. I'm just waiting for that little bastard to show up on the outside so I can squeeze 'em out.
i've got one now for the 1st time in my
life. it's quite annoying. it's too far up to squeeze it or probe around to see where the hair mught be. is there a topical ointment you can put on it to dissolve it or do you just have to wait it out. if so, how long for this nasty thing to end? also, is it easier for a friend to look up there and get at the culprit?
I've experienced the ingrown nose hair thing a couple dozen times or so in my life. One of those times I was actually able to pull out the nose hair from the outside of my nose, which, while making a mess of that spot on my nose actually relieved the painful pressure I'd experienced the previous weeks up to that point. I don't recommend this method of extraction as it hurts, not to mention messy. I have attempted to use all sorts of "tools" to extract the offending culprit a number of ways from inside the nostril itself but have had no success to date. I've even asked my wife to take a peek inside my nose to see if she could see anything that looked irritated, but theres just not enough room in there to work around in. I can minimize the frequency of these occurances by not trimming my nose hairs too far up, which leads me to believe that cutting them too short causes them to curl and head the wrong direction. So I currently live with the pain which lasts anywhere from a week to 10 days...
I found this site today while Googling "backward growing nose hair". A week ago I didn't even know that such things happened, and now I had the pleasure of removing two in the past three days.
It started with a slow-growing pimple on the left side of my nose about two weeks ago. Five days ago it was finally starting to come to a head, but I felt another beginning on the right side of my nose. Four days ago I popped the one on the left, and tons of white pus came out; though I thought I drained it pretty well, I found myself able to push out a little more pus every few hours. Then on Sunday, I was pushing yet more pus out of it when a hair popped out; I didn't understand how that could be, but concluded (for the moment) that I was mistaken and that maybe the hair had fallen from inside my nose onto my thumb and from there onto the pimple so as to look like it had come from inside the pimple; it did mark the end of the pus, though.
Then yesterday afternoon, the one on the right came to a head, and I popped it (more pus). This morning I was pushing more pus out of it, and out came another hair. Now I had no doubt what had happened in both cases.
No, I've never snorted coke or any damn thing. I usually clip nosehairs with a small scissor as best as possible, and occasionally yank one out; I guess I'm at least going to try to avoid yanking for now, and I'm thinking it's the most likely culprit based on what I've read on this site.
I had what felt like a pimple in my nose after my allergies flared up in the past couple weeks during the spring weather... and then some serious pain ensued. It hurt to touch my nose, unusual for just a small pimple inside my nose. It brings tears to my eyes to just touch my nose on the right nostril. I have been suffering for a week now and after having my wife look up my nose with a flashlight and mirror, I am convinced that this may take a doctors visit to fix. I have tried squeezing my nose really hard, but that doesn't seem to break anything loose. I was just about ready to start trimming the weed hairs out of my right nostril until I read this... now I think I will have to locate it or have the doctor locate it if the darn thing doesn't stop hurting. I really hate to go to the doctor, and I haven't been there for years, but this damn 'ingrown hair in my nose' experience has me on my knees. What will the doctor do? Will he have to perform surgery on my nose? That would cost more than pulling out the hair and sending me home. Maybe I will have to stay at the hospital for a couple days. Who knows... but anything to avoid having this experience again is worth it.
I have had this painful thing in my right nostril for what seems like a month now. The fucker won't go away. But it sounds just like what people are describing here. I feel the pain inside my nose, and I also had a white pimple show up on the outside of my nose, right about where the pain was. But no matter what I do, I can't relieve the pain! I've tried everything, and I can't get it to go away. :( The only thing that makes my nose feel better is putting neosporin inside my nose on the spot that is hurting. What kind of a doctor would you have to go to for this kind of stuff? An ENT? A dermatologist? I just want the pain to stop!!!
I had a really bad pain on the inside of my nose that just got worse and worse. After about a week it started showing up on the outside of my nose as a red painful bump. After about two weeks it started to develop a white center like a pimple so I started messing with it. I popped it causing it to bleed, not heal and get worse. I'm in the sun working construction all day in the south Florida weather and I started to worry about this being an early sign of skin cancer as this has been going on for about three weeks. I just got in a while ago and it was not getting better and so dumbass me has to pick and squeeze at it. Lo and behold out comes what I thought was the end of a hair. What the hell. I grab some tweezers and pull out a f***ing nose hair! From the outside of my nose! I have been using nose hair trimmers with a vengance.I hope this is an isolated thing.It hurts like hell and looks like s**t. I hate getting old.
I am happy to join the ranks of this small, but growing sect. I have now successfully extracted 5 - yes, Count them - FIVE ingrown hairs from the outside of my nostril. The hairs pretty much look like an eyelash, but straight, not in a crescent shape.
My first was, like the rest of you, quite a shocker. How could this small red blotch on my nose house such a foul and rancid little hair? And how could this little red splotch be so G..D.. painfull? I've never been stung by a scorpion. I bet it feels something like my nose does right now...yes, as I type this message, I am suffering from a visit from my little rogue buddy on the tip of my little red nose.
About every six months, I get what feels like nothing short of having a white-hot needle shoved deeply in to the external demis of my nostrils. People look at me, and being polite, don't ask. But you know they're all thinking the same thing: "damn, man, you better get that little f'er off, and fast." I tolerate as long as I can. I find that from initial onset, it takes about a week for that berry to ripen. Then, when the juice can get no sweeter, I go for my specially designed home-surgeon's tool kit. First, I scrape the surface with a clean, sharp knife. Then, after a thin layer of skin hath been peeled, I make a tiny incision where I believe the enemy is hiding. I use a clean zit-popping snare-like tool to "fish" around. Like all those before me, t'was a hair I extracted. Ahhhh, it is so therapeutic, I profess to all. The flood of discharge that quickly srang forth (on each and every time) was like something one would expect to see spewing from Mt. St. Helen back in 1980. Recently, the hair that I pried out was white! How odd. For some reason, Casper the friendly Ghost has infiltrated my nose!
I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed reading this page! This will be my second child that is currently gestating in the front left nostril. These last 10 days I have been walking around like W.C. Fields and or Rudolph... That sucker's in there and now that the pain has subsided; I'm waiting for it to rear its ugly head so that I may remove it.
Isn't it funny that we all thought we were in a unique situation, finding out later that so many others have had the same experience? I have come to the conclusion to it is the plucking of the hairs that leads to them becoming ingrown, although I might be a little over zealous when I trim...
Anyway, good luck to all that have read this page in search of knowledge and relief!
i had several ingrown hairs around age 22-24, usually occuring around or near trips or other stress-related events. I never had another one until age 30. For the past year, I've gotten an ingrown nose hair about once a month. Is there any way to treat this?
It all makes sense now...I was in the airplane bathroom, on my way home from vacation, when I noticed a hair pertruding from my right nostril. So, as usual, I yanked it out. The next day, the spot was red. Over the next 5 days, the spot got bigger and bigger - I thought I was just getting a pimple in my nose, I didn't realise it could be an ingrown hair...So this morning for the 1st time, I squeezed my nose from the outside as hard as I could...immense pain...I stuck a Q-tip up there to see if anything happened and scraped out blood and pus that had come from the zit. I didn't see any sign of a hair however. And the spot isn't on the opposite side of the outer skin, like so many of you. My ingrown hair is protruding into the OTHER NOSTRIL - so what do I do about THAT?? There's still a pretty sizeable bump there despite the squeezing, and I'm still in a lot of pain, I'm not sure what to do next...but one thing's for sure - I feel a whole lot better after reading all of your posts. I wish someone who went to the doctor would write about what that was like...
I've never had this particular problem again. I credit just one practice:
1. Sleep. When this occurred, I often slept more than 10 hours a night. For the past few years, I sleep the usual 7 to 9 hours most nights, thanks to better time management, and I really think the fact that my nose isn't smushed against a pillow for about half of every day has a lot to do with skin not having time to grow over the hairs in there.
Neosporin did the trick...I applied with a Q-tip, and within 2 days, I was back to normal (except for the trauma)
First of all, I find it really funny that people have kept this topic alive for 4 years.
Now let me explain my situation. I have, in my nose, what can only be described as a small pit. It is right inside my left nostril, and it resembles a blackhead with no plug. It's been there for at least several weeks and has no pain at all. I only noticed it when I was washing my face one day. The outside of it is slightly raised, and when I squeeze it, a surprising amount of semi-solid white stuff comes out. Even when I squeeze it, there's no pain. This is not so much a problem for me as it is just.. odd. When I squeeze the stuff out, even if I feel like I get everything out (and more is coming out of it than would come out of the average facial whitehead), I am still able to squeeze more out a couple days later.
I have no idea what this thing is.
I, too, have had the ingrown nose hair problems. Only once, though, did it grow through to the other side. My wife wanted to pop the "pimple" and sure enough, Out comes a nose hair...Root first! Glad to know I'm not alone (misery loves company?).
I just pulled out my second ingrown nose hair. The first occurred about a year ago and was both horrific and cool when I pulled the hair out. The first time took over a week from initial appearance to resolution. This second time, I tried something different. I soaked a cottonball with hydrogen peroxide and held this on the red bump for 10 minutes 4 times yesterday. Gradually throughout the day, a single bump started to protrude from the middle of the large red area. This morning, I had a whitehead with the very tip of the hair poking it and I just yanked the hair out. From initial appearance to resolution this time was only 4 days.
I've been reading the above posts and I think there could be a correlation with allergies and nose hair trimming. I also regularly trim my nose hairs so I could have trimmed some too short. Combine with this the fact that I've been suffering from mild allergies for the past month and this could be the cause of the darned ingrown nostril hair!
I just pulled mine out today. I just knew I had pulled a hair out of my nose, but then I thought, no way! I thought maybe it was an eyelash that fell onto that area and I just THOUGHT I had pulled it out of my nose. However, now that I have read all of your stories I now know that I had an ingrown nose hair. I don't have the need to trim my nose hairs and I don't snort coke, but I have been battling allergies. I suppose that is the culprit in my case. Isn't the body amazing? However, I could've done without the intense pain and horrible boil-like spot on the outside of my nose!
same thing...ingrown nose hair, which hurt like hell. Wound up causing a big pimple like thing on the OUTSIDE of my nose. I waited as long as I could to take care of this (to make sure it was ready to come out without too much trouble), but this morning I took a before photo, lanced the pimple with a pin, squeezed out some puss, took a photo, and squeezed a little deeper...viola...out pops a 1/4"+ hair. In my case the damn thing was gray...sign of old age I guess.
Happened today and it was gross - I like the way some of you described it ("Like a whale beaching"). What sucks is i didn't read this post until now and I had just trimmed my nose hairs like an idiot. I'm just hoping this doesn't happen again because of that (crossing my fingers)! I used to get these huge red bumps alot on my nose and I always thought it was weird. I always had proceeded to popping it with a needle and draining it.
One time it was really bad and I needed to get the redness down pronto because of a special event I needed to go to. I called up a dermatologist and requested a cortisone shot in the red pimple/swell/pus (if you have no insurance, it's about -0). What they'll do is probably pop it with the needle and drain the pus and then inject you with a cortizone shot to drastically reduce the swelling and redness almost instantly.
Antibiotics work also to some degree to reduce the redness and swelling (due to pus/infection). The doctor had prescribed me some and it reduces swelling alot when it came up again.
Weird, I guess the comments software interpretted my dollar amounts and subtracted it from each other... Cortisone shots should be $75 to $125 if you dont' have insurance. I just looked up in the phone book and called around.
Stupid site...from S e v e n t y F i v e Dollars up to One H u n d r e d Dollars - haha take that try to subtract that!
So I wake up at 3 AM, odd it seems, I rubb my nose for no reason and OW, it hurts, out of no where I get an ingrown hair, I've had these many many times, and the biggest cause is using those motorized nose hair clippers, so don't use those, I've found i tbest to use the very small scissors to trim your nose hairs if you need to like myself. I think what happend with me was the other day I was trimming my nose hairs and i kinda snagged one with the scissors instead of clipping it, low and behold i get a damn ingrown hair. Damn these hairs, what the hell do we need nose hairs for newayz, I mean comon. If i could pay 1000 dollars to have all my hairs removed permantly, I would, what a stupid problem to have. But glad to see im not alone in this, again, Plucking nose hairs and motorized clippers are the biggest culprit.
After reading this site, I'm convinced I have an ingrown nose hair that may try to come out the wrong way. I have a question for the people who have pulled out the ingrown hair from the outside of the nose. After removing the hair from the "wrong" side (outside) of the nose, did you find that the problem came back? I'm curious if pulling the hair out the wrong way causes the follicle to get messed up and actually start growing the wrong way the next time and in the future, causing a recurring problem. I hope this thing resolves itself from the inside, but I'm not sure it will. Thanks for your time.
Ahhh, I just removed an ingrown nose hair from the outside. It's too gross to tell my girlfriend, so I have to come on this thread and express my relief and happiness. I'm experienced at this now, as it was my 4th extraction over the past few years. I think everyone in this thread will agree that it is such an amazing sensation to finally rid your nose of the beast after days of pain and curiosity. Once I saw the black dot, I knew I was home free, and I even delayed the final extraction for a few seconds just to savour the moment.
@rudolph. The problem might come back, or it might not. Ingrown nose hair extraction (through the outside) is still a young science. Don't concern yourself with this though, as there is NO OTHER solution to the problem. You must wait until the hair is ready to see the world, and then pop it out. This is what the hair wants to do.
I think I've got one right now too. Just have to wait until it pokes through huh? Does the pain subside at all while I am waiting for this?
I'm guessing my allergies is what go this POS going....
I have a bump inside my nose too! Interesting material...
well.. i'm basically a professional in the art of extracting nose hairs.. ive removed about 9 since 8th grade.. im 17 right now & have one as im typing this.. I've gone to the doctor about this & he does not believe me that I have an ingrown hair growing inside my nose that shoots out the other side. he tells me to take a video of me pulling out the hair (which is exactly what i'm gunna do)... the problems that I have observed from the past couple years is like other people said..
-Sleeping (Sleeping on your face is a bad problem that pushes the hair to a curved,
uncomfortable position that forces it to shoot through the other side.
-Blowing Your Nose(Allergies and people with problems with constant sickness
blow their nose a lot which causes, i guess either booger-
clogged hair follicles, or disturbed hair growing paths)
also, i trimmed my nose hairs one time before, and of course i got an in-grown hair prize. SOOOO like other people said before;this ingrown nose-hair business is a new science that isn't verywell known. SO WERE ON OUR OWN ON THIS! haha
also.. putting alcohol on your nose can cause the hair to come up, cutting your time of pain by about 2 days than your regular time of having the "evil mark" on your face. the only down side to this alcohol process is that it drains all moisture from the outside of your nose, which causes it to look gross & crusty & cracked.. so what i'd suggest (what i do) is to get a facecloth and get to a sink and get the hottest water from it that you can and apply the sogged cloth to the spot where your "evil mark" has shown up and apply for 5 - 30 second intervals and 2 - 1 minute intervals each night if you really want to get it off your face quicker. this procedure has helped me a number of times. after about a week for me at least, the little sign of white pus shows up and i squeeze it. after that, you can basically let the pressure built up in your nose puse the rest of the shit out.. go watch TV or whatever and in about 10 minutes-1 hour the hair will push itself out from those gay 5 days of pain. also if your looking for an excuse to tell your friends why you look like rudolph for about a week, the excuse i use is saying that i blew my nose so many times that the moisture in my nose was drained, causing a crack inside my nose that made my nose red. (not exact words but, ok) & you guys are on your own when u get the huge ass pimple-lookin bump on your nose .. haha HAPPY HUNTING (for in-grown hairs?) haha peaycceee
Good to read all these comments! I, too, have been afflicted many times since I turned 30. (I'm now 40) That was right about when I got my electric nose trimmer. I kind of made the connection about a year ago and now I don't use them anymore. Unfortunately, I have one currently, and I'm thinking it's because I plucked recently. I will no more. My mother also suffered, but she thought they were pimples.
One suggestion I was surprised not to read here was using clearasil. I apply it on the inside of my nose and it seems to reduce the amount of time it takes for the bump to go away. I hardly ever get the hair itself. I have only had one of my ingrown hairs "break on through to the other side", and it's interesting to me that someone earlier thought they dreamt their experience, because I was starting to doubt my own until I found this site. Misery does love company. I might try that neosporin idea.
an ingrown nose hair in my right nostril. This is probably the 9th or 10th one in the past 5 or 6 years. The only time the damned hairs have become ingrown is if I trim too closely with nose hair trimmers. I try now to stick to scissors, if possible.
I still curse my father for never telling me the facts of life when I was young. Oh, to have been forwarned of the cursed nose hairs. The worst part is, more and more of my nose hairs are growing in white and WIRY!!! Do you remember the scene in The Fly (the Jeff Goldblum remake) with he notices the hard, wiry fly hairs growing on his shoulder? I am growing those damned things in my nose!! When I clip them I can hear a loud "click"! Then I can almost draw blood if I poke my finger with them! Why would I poke my finger with the mutant man-fly nose hair, you ask? Just to prove that the damned things really are that stiff and wiry.
It sucks getting old. I am waiting for the day that the tufts of ear hair appear.
Argh. Curses. Now my 2nd in about a year. Yes, they are painful. Me no likey. My first took about 2 weeks to fully gestate until I could pop it out. I, too, doubted it was actually an inside hair coming through to the outside....I, too, thought it was an eyelash or something that fell on my finger as I poppeth. Nay, it turned out.
After about 4-5 days of that bulge inside my left nostril, the white head began to form. I left it alone all day at work, but I was just itchin' to get rid of it. Once home, I procured a set of sharp tweezers to make a small incision. After pain tears welled in my eyes from my squeezing (not crying, mind you, but the welling due to the pain was unavoidable)...pus...and then our little friend popped out for the world to enjoy. About 20 minutes have passed and the pain is subsiding rapidly. Whew.
I felt compelled to add to this interesting, funny, and amazingly well-worded thread. Some of the posts were awesome in their story-telling! As another poster has already posted, this thread has survived on such an odd subject since 2002. Chuckle.
I'm 42 and have my first troublesome nose hair, at least that I'm 99% sure that's what it is. After reading all the posts, I'm figuring out that maybe I jumped the gun a little by digging too soon. I had the familiar sore bump inside my nostril, then days later, the zit on the outside, but I never saw a hair inside the zit. I popped the zit with a clean needle, and squeezed a buttload of pus and have been reinjuring the site several times a day, by squeezing more pus out, but no hair... Do you figure I started squeezing/digging too soon? Now, I just have a big red 1/4" spot on my nostril that scabs over until the pus comes out again, like after a shower, or hot washcloth -BUT NO HAIR. WTF. It's been at least a week and a half. I, too, don't want to go to the doctor, but jeez, the pain is killing me, not to mention the social stigma of everyone staring at my nose...Today, I decided to go for broke and dig a little with the tweezers, but all I can find is raw, butchered skin, and NO HAIR! I can't hardly type through the tears LOL! Anyone have any ideas??
well, i got plenty of the horrid nose abominations and all concluded with a nose hair exiting a disturbed pore in the inside of my nose. but, teary eyed nose miner (lol), next time you have one, keep applying whatever your applying and dont try to pop it too early. ive found that if you try too early to pop it & get everything out, that the process takes longer and you have a much bigger mess around your nose. wait for 4-6 days until the white head shows itself, then go for the kill. pop it & a hair should protrude out. hope this helps you :)
right now I really can't tell from the outside if there's a pimple forming or not. All I have is a sensitive right nostril (when I touch the tip of my nose). I suspect it is an ingrown nose hair, but I'm hoping that it'll show up on the outside as a pimple. This way I can pull it out. Cheers,
Im in the middle of this same problem... about 3 weeks ago i developed a sore on my right nostril, it hurt so bad and was really red. Then it started to peel about 2 weeks ago. when it was peeling i noticed a hard white spot on the top. so i picked the hard skin off and squeezed it and white puss came out, but no hair!! now im in week 3 with this nightmare... it hurts so bad and every other day it gets to be a white head and i pop it with no hair comming out. It looks so bad... kind of like a boil on the right tip of my nose... im getting pissed.
i just got mine a couple days ago..
check this site out
cant wait to see the puss.
Yes, I too must now join the ranks of the ingrown-nose-hair-coming-out-the-other side. Same story as many of the other posts - started out as a very painful, tender left nostril and then a pea sized bump forming on the inside of the nostril. After about 4-5 days of this a red "splotch" showed up on the outside of my nose, which over the course of a couple of days became a rather large red bump. I treated it with hydrogen peroxide on the outside and polysporin on the inside. 2-3 the red bump started to peel and a small white head formed under the dead skin. After squeexing the white head, I notice the tiniest black dot in the center - I pushed so more, and removed a little more of the dry skin with tweezers and saw the imbedded hair - which I extracted with the tweezers.
Now I have no more pain a few hours later and a tiny scab that is already drying up. I don't do coke, or trim nose hairs - but I do have allergies and I pick my nose ALOT.
At first i could not believe what you guys were saying about the nostril hair comming out the outside of the nostril. But i have recently had terrible nose pain and a red mark. The pain subsided after a few days but the mark turned into a white head zit - as reported by others. I've been popping and putting Polysporin on the sore each evening. But after reading your posts i decided to go stright upstairs to the bathroom.
I tried just tweezing in and around the sore with no success (but with obvious pain). Finally i placed my finger inside my nostril (on the backside of the sore) and applied outwards pressure. Well i didn't even really need the tweezers! I saw the end of the hair pop out of the middle of the sore. I did grab it and pull it out with the tweezers - but i didn't even have to pluck it - it just slid right out. I still can't believe it - the hair is the length of my pinky finger nail. Thank you all for posting on a rather personal issue. This still blows me away. But without your help I would have been suffering for another few days of pain - not to mention the embarrasing glances of friends - family and Clients.
I just had this happen to me for the 4th time in the past several years. My husband didn't believe me until he saw the last one for himself. OH the relief!!! I knew immediately this time what it was and left it alone until the earliest possible squeezing time- about 10 days. I agree w/ the PP who suspected it was from itching an allergy-tickly nose. We're a small club, but know a relief few others can imagine!!
I am just now getting my 2nd "ingrown hair out the outside" in the last month.
I have a significant amount of pain, but your stories all really made me laugh.
My first didn't seem to last much more than 3 or 4 days.....this one is on its 3rd day, and I think it will be ready to greet the world tomorrow.
Seems like I didn't have any luck with my first one until I placed my finger inside my nostril, while applying a popping like pressure with 2 fingers to the outside of my nose.
Good luck to everyone else.