By: Sean
I Hate Free Tibet Stickers
and the hippies that love them.
It's not
that I' m all for China's occupation of Tibet. I have nothing against
the Tibetans. I've never met one, but I'm sure they're fine people. I
just hate these damn stickers, and hate it when stupid trends cross
paths with noble causes like this.
When I meet someone for the first time, maybe this is silly, but I automatically assume that
they'd be opposed to communist China's forced occupation of Tibet. I
think it's a safe assumption that here, in the self-proclaimed "leader
of the free world," most of us would look down on that sort of thing.
So why advertise it? If you have something interesting to say,
something that the average passer-by couldn't
guess about you,
by all means, put it on display. Put it on your bumper, put it on your
t-shirt, put it on your hat. I may not be able to guess by looking at
you that you like
Guns n Roses, or that the gentleman in the VW Bus in front of me is a
Grateful Dead
fan. But proclaiming something that goes without saying for the vast
majority of the nation is like me putting a sticker on my car stating:
"I Enjoy Oxygen." If anything, the people who ought to be sharing their
opinions on this subject are the ones with the stickers that say "Go
China!" and "Communism 4 Me (and You!)."
Another reason I hate this trendy
"Free Tibet" craze that's been going on is because, before the gimpy little concert, you never heard peep about Tibet and it's problems.
Sally Struthers has been asking us to "save the children" for years now with mediocre results, but as soon as
Adrock and Mike D.
tell us to, every 14 year old MTV watcher and overnight-hippy in the
nation is plastering Free Tibet stickers on all their posessions. So
Tibet's freedom is more noble a cause than feeding the children, or any
other charity that's been around for years, because your favorite band
is connected with it?
"Oh," you say, "I purchased my 12 'Free
Tibet' stickers because the vendor who sold them to me said a portion
of all proceeds would go to the Tibeten Freedom Foundation. I'm not
trendy, I'm charitable." Yeah, well, as believable as it is that the
man at the Country Fair who sold it to you can give a portion of each
.50 sticker he sells to a charity and still keep himself clothed in
100% hemp Phish sweatshirts, that still doesn't answer the question in
the previous paragraph. For that matter, it doesn't explain why you
still feel the need to advertise your 'altruism' instead of just
someone a donation?
You're not doing it out of altruism. You're doing it because the
Beastie Boys tell you to, and you want everyone to know it.
guess, what I'm really trying to say, is this: Peel that idiot ID off
your bumper, stop deluding yourself into thinking you've done your good
deed by allowing thirty-five cents of your sticker purchase to be sent
away to some far-off land with problems that'll never affect you, and
try thinking for yourself, you trendy little goddam self-serving idjit.
...with purchase of China.
I'm terribly sorry.
Why should we free it? The chinese do a damned fine job- hell, let's let them annex Myanmar, Korea, and the stupid parts of America (hello, rhode island!)
In responce to your little article about the free tibet, not every one sporting the stikers are wanna be posers. I have one of these stickers on my car, because i am a devout buddhist, and suport the cause of free the Dahli Lama's home land. I sugest before you make teses snap judgemnts about people you take a moment to find out about them or better yet, keep your mouth shut.
Most people put these bumper stickers on their cars to bring awareness to others that Tibetan culture is being systematically eliminated by the Chinese Government. I assume you are a typical spoiled American you does not care about the rest of the world as long as you have your BMW, lattes and Nike sneakers. If enough people in the United States really cared the US Government could put pressure on the Chinese to Free Tibet and/or release the captive young Dali Lama who is being held by the Chinese Government.
It's unfortunate that you're thought process is so simplistic. The message of Free Tibet stickers is crucial for those who are not aware of the situation in Tibet. I was a college teacher for several years and astounded to find out that several students had never even heard of Tibet. Any awareness about the occupation of Tibet is better than nothing at all. A bumper sticker is a small step, but is, indeed, more valuable that exhausting your time and energy, Sean, writing a meaningless letter. Most of your reasoning is flawed. It is NOT reasonable to assume anything about anyone. Assumptions make us lazy and keep us from doing real life's work (like bringing awareness of injustices and cruelty to others).
Nice logic. Let's see...first you say the stickers are tantamount to "proclaiming something that goes without saying for the vast majority of the nation." Then, you say "before the gimpy little concert, you never heard peep about Tibet and it's problems." It sounds as if you're more frustrated by that concert than the actual political crisis. If you were only a little more insightful, you might realize the vastness of your own ignorance.
Awareness of the problems in Tibet is not common sense. It should be, but most of America is not as enlightened as you inexplicably believe yourself to be. It is unfortunate that in this country, nothing much is done in government unless enough constituents complain. In order for that to happen, awareness must be raised regarding a problem. In order for THAT to happen, people need to be informed--if necessary, by bumper stickers, because anything deeper (say, a political pamphlet or editorial) is just a little too taxing for many Americans to take in, particulary in this age of soundbites and fleeting attention spans. I'm sure you would have been equally annoyed by civil rights marches and protest songs, just as I am disgusted by your ignorance and indignation at being inconvenienced by these pesky bumper stickers. I'm sure you'd prefer something more profound like, say, 'surfers do it wetter,' but you'll have tolerate those of us who care about the unjust and unmitigated oppression of a people whose only crime is to try to live peacefully and independently--a way of life similar in theory to what Jefferson initially outlined nearly 225 years ago. Some of us choose not to ignore "some far-off land with problems that'll never affect [us]," and try to think of others besides ourselves.
While you are obviously free to voice your opinion (as opposed to Tibetans), it's just a shame it's so desperately misguided.
Kristy - I know that not everybody sporting a sticker is a "wannabe poser." Millions of them are, though.
Joe - Yes, clearly all the US government needs to do is put a little pressure on the Chinese government and all will work out well in the end, as US-China relations are so strong.
jennifer - You call the view of someone who disagrees with you "simplistic." You really didn't need to mention that you taught college, it's pretty clear from your pretentiousness.
Daniel - "It sounds as if you're more frustrated by that concert than the actual political crisis." Yes! How on earth could anyone have missed that?
I wasn't talking about Tibet or politics, I was talking about my dislike of retards latching onto the cause for no reason other than it's trendy. There's no denying that there are lots and lots who do that. If not, then why do these supposedly good-hearted people only seem to care about this one cause, and not the zillions of other good and equally important causes out there? Why does one warrant a sticker (that all their friends just happen to have too) while others don't? If all they're really trying to do is spread awareness, why can't they make their own sticker or sign and donate the money they would have otherwise spent?
It is just another case of the average moron being able to be convinced to rally behind any cause though he will neither understand nor care about the reasons why. If MTV told them to help China wipe out the Tibetan menace then you'd see totally different stickers.
I came across this page while do research for a speech I will be doing on the Tibeten Freedom concert and it's meaning and purpose. Unfortunately, I came across this page and all it's hatred. But I must say it has encouraged me to write a speech that will elminate views such as yours. Can we say narrow minded and unjustified anger? What did this concert do to you to make you so angry? What did the "hippies" and "phish heads" and others do to you? Did they say hi and smile at you?? Heavens forbid. As for the bumper stickers...they are making people aware of the situation! There is nothing wrong with this, it's great to see that people are taking some kind of stand, it's better than sitting around and saying Oh well what can i do. Everything has to start out small in the beginning. To the Beastie Boys and the other bands who are out there trying to make a difference and use their power towards something positive ROCK ON, it is so respectable. To you the creator of this page: please get over yourself and in the words of a few GREAT men "open up your ears and clean out your eyes, if you learn to love you're in for a surprise, it could be nice to be alive"!
I agree whole-heartedly with your complaint.
These nincompoops and troglodytes who hold high the banner of Tibetan freedom have made it tougher than ever to find _Free_ _Tibetan_ _Porn_. Everywhere you turn, everywhere you search, your attempts to find porn of the tibetan nature which is also free are thwarted by the thronging millions of 6th-grade-reading-level coelacanths and soporific fanboys.
I support Freedom in Tibet, not so those hippy-drippy flowergirls can go back to their pagan dancing and opium-dealing, but so that free tibetan porn is no longer lost in a sea of pseudo-activism.
Even when Sean clarified himself, people (or at least "*Take a stand*") still don't get it. Therewith lies the clouded vision! It seems like as soon as someone construes a statement as even remotely possibly attacking a view they hold dearly they must immediately quash it, with little analysis or open-mindedness on their own part (tho I hesitate to use the term "open mind", as it tends to be waved around too much by those who ultimately prove themselves to lack). Furthermore, these counterattacks seem to point to what must be an unsteady conviction, if they cannot afford to have their boats rocked, if or when their boats are not, in fact, being rocked at all. I know enough of these people -- very difficult to have good arguments when they -- yikes! -- take offense at rational arguments that aren't meant to offend (obviously, since that's not proper arguing), but rather follow through to a conclusion.
I agree wholeheartedly with Sean, in general and in regards to "Free Tibet". Now, before you seething masses jump down my throat as well, allow me to clarify: I DO NOT endorse ignorance towards the political circumstances in Tibet; while pre-takeover Tibet not by any means some idyllic Buddhist garden, China has no right to be there and should withdraw, and leave Tibet on their independent international own. We're still agreed? Right, let's continue. It is not the concept of a Free Tibet that I've a problem with, it's the concept of "Free Tibet": the campaign, the slogan, the trademark, and the TREND. Proclaiming one's respect for the Buddhist monks as they do their thing between Alanis Morrisette and Rage Against the Machine's sets is NOT TAKING PART IN WORLD CHANGE. That's called GOING TO A CONCERT, and is as useful as a $35 Rock Against t-shirt and a self-congratulatory pat on the back.
The "Free Tibet" bumper sticker is simply symbolic of the entire vapid, inane enterprise. If one is really keen on making a worthwhile difference one will do so without INCENTIVE or MEDIA APPROVAL. What's the ratio of kids who bought the album versus kids who looked into the Milarepa Fund (linked in the article; apparently everyone whose ire was raised missed it, it's blue and underlined), Red Cross, or Amnesty International? Hey -- no service charge!
So stick that in your bongs and smoke it.
I think that we should send Viagra to China to help fight the Fallen Dong problem there.
To the upset buddhist:
If you were as "devout" as you say you are, you wouldn't even have let this article bother you. All life is desire, all desire is suffering, so try following the eightfold path to enlightenment, and get your head out of your ass.
As annoying as these bumper stickers are, they do serve a purpose: bringing this issue to the attention of all the idiots who notice them. Who knows? One of those idiots may have money, power, and/or command of a superpower's armed forces at his fingertips. hmm... sounds familiar.
Support Tibet. Lose the idiot tags.
You know, just a few years ago there was a swell article in the Atlantic Monthly by an American who had taught in China and who visited Tibet. He pointed out that most Chinese see a strong parallel between Chinese treatment of Tibetans and US treatment of Native Americans.
Actually, that's probably unfair. Chinese treatment of Tibetans is far preferable (at least from the Tibetan's standpoint) to US treatment of Native Americans. The Chinese are merely repressing Tibetan culture, not exterminating them. Also, the Chinese are responsible for hundreds of millions of US dollars annually in development in Tibet. All the roads and schools are built with Chinese money. Go read the Atlantic Monthly article. It shouldn't be to hard if you have access to a library.
People in the US choose the issue because it's easy. It's like Chinese Students for a Free Puerto Rico. For US citizens to attack China has really no consequences for them. No one will get angry at them. If they were instead to criticize US policy they'd face much worse consequences. Just look at what the CIA did to the Latin American solidarity groups of the 80's.
If Germany had taken over poland right now, and we did not want to start a war, how do we give poland its freedom back. stickers are just opinions, im not saying to do what the mtv socioty says, but if mtv brought awareness thats fine
We all seem to agree that awarness of this situation is a good thing. But Sean seems to have a problem with the way that the awarness is brought into society. Introducing the "Free Tibet" stickers/shirts/hats etc. into pop culture is an effective means of educating the general public. The sticker gets noticed and might make someone curious, thats good. The kid who put the sticker there only did it because a bad told him to, Sean thinks this is bad. But the band told people to put stickers up because they believe in the cause. If I had celebrity status and I wanted to get a point across, I would easily be able to rely on my fans to do so. Using pop culture may make the person with the sticker look dumb, but no body is trying to make these people cool. "I Hate the People Who Stick Up Free Tibet Stickers"
bitterness and pesimism are very impracticle wastes of time.i'm sure that your inabillity to cope mentally, spiritualy, or physicly with whatever, has left your self esteem tatterd. disliking the situation,you shift your hate of your problem towards outside and mostly ireavelent subjects. it happens and it happens to the best of us.hate is, essencialy, a waste of time. love yourself and all things equally. sure theres still fucked up shit that happens every day and by no means should you run away to your imaginary temple of ignorant bliss, but instead cronfront all things hateful and distructive towards all things beutiful and good. live fully in love and truthfully to your all natural.give more hugs.
Now, I know this little discussion has been going on a long time. I just recently found this little 'gem' of free thought. The whole reasons for the stickers is the excact same reasoning behind this page. China is surpressing a people, removing basic freedoms, such as the freedom of speech. Hey, guess what, thats what this guy is doing, freely speaking his views. The stickers are out there to show that these people can't do what you are doing now. So it is best to let the stickers be until people in Tibet can have this type of webpage. As for MTV, well yes they do make the youth of our day do what they say, atleast this time it was for a great cause. Now many more people are aware of the problem.
I emphasize with your frustration, but you neglected an important fact. The majority of the organizations that sell "Free Tibet" merchandize donate a portion of the proceeds to organizations fighting for the liberation of Tibet. It seems like the heart of your argument is the fact that "Free Tibet" merchandise is a trend and that people essentially buy the merchandise as a fashion statement.
Even if people purchase these stickers that you hate so much as a novelty item to improve their image, they are still giving money to the cause they are supporting. Every little bit helps.
Try not to hate so much... especially people with good intentions.
I'm not a hippy. I don't follow Tibetan Buddhism, or as many other people do, THINK I follow Tibetan Buddhism. In fact, I'm more of a humanist.
I support Tibetans because I have met them and found them to be a wonderful lot of people and deserving of their own corner of the world to "do their thing" unthreatened and undisturbed.
I, like yourself, used to be really troubled by these trendy little stickers on the backs of GEO Metros and old VWs, but I think I was missing the point. And maybe the people who have these stickers on their cars are missing the point, too. However, at least their furthering the message. The Tibetan invasion is not an emphasized part of high school curriculum in the United States. Sadly, most invasions and/or mass genocides aren't (save the ones where we really "took the cake and saved the day" WWII anti-Hitler and Holocaust-style). Whatever is the motive for patchouli-wearing, pot-smoking, dread-wearing hippies to put "free tibet" stickers on their cars is missing a point. However shallow their intentions may be (impressing that hot chic with the nose ring in the independent bookstore), they're doing a great service to the mass uninformed masses of the U.S. I am at least glad to hear you don't side with the Chinese government and their continued abuse of Tibetan's basic human rights. However, maybe we should all take a tip from Tibetans and their Buddhist traditions and "have more compassion" - for our fellow hippie trendites, our disgruntled anti-everything-ers, and even the Chinese. And not every Free Tibet sticker-sticking "trendite" is a freaked-out liberal arts kid hippie, though it'd be a lot easier to pass judgment and pigeonhole people who support the Tibetan cause if they were. The point is - if you hate these kids for creating such a trend out of a really serious issue, then learn something about the issue and/or the people who you seem to be advocating by rebelling against these hipsters and realize: they're probably really damned excited someone cares about their cause. And besides, I've never met a Lama who hated hippies and/or Free Tibet stickers.
PS - just because you happen to support a cause that others support too doesn't mean you don't think for yourself. and problems ANYWHERE affect us.
Contrary to popular belief not all of America is educated by MTV and/or the Beastie Boys. I would hazard a guess that a large number of people in the United States don't even watch MTV let alone know who the Beastie Boys are. I find your view to be very ignorant and sadly that of too many American gen-xers. I would suggest that you read 'Tears of blood: A cry for Tibet' by Mary Craig.
I am 25 and yes...I know about the concerts, but you would be surprised by the number of people who are completely ignorant about the facts of the Chinese "liberation" of Tibet. My main interest in the region came from my love for mountains and also my interest and BA in World Religions. On a recent trip to Tibet, via China I saw the atrocious things done to the people. Any way that awareness about Tibet and the plight of it's people is spread is good. Whether it be figures in today's popular culture or a "stupid sticker", awareness in a largely self-centered society needs to happen in order to bring about change
Tibet is so passe. It's Martha Stewart now. Have you guys missed the new trend in activisim? The new rallying cry is "NO JUSTICE, NO QUICHE:FREE MARTHA!!" She really is living in appaling conditions. You should look at it. In the meantime, I'm gonna go buy a really cute Free Tibet T-Shirt, that's the least I can do to revive a dying cause. ("Free Tibet with Purchase T-shirt:
As they say, "The cries for liberation have never been heard more clearly than when they are read on your breast from this shirt. Emancipate yourself from capitalist slavery, none but our shirts can free our mind. Act now!"
You definitely raise an interesting point of view, but there's no reason to hate all people who support the Free Tibet campaign. I sport none of the Free Tibet stickers, flags, or t-shirts, but I sympathize with the cause. I am an unemployed high school student, so I simply cannot financially contribute to the cause. But I totally agree with the fact that people who DO want to contribute should find someone specific and make a significant donation that doesn't involve self-publication and trendiness.
i loved reading this.
This was an interesting line of things to read.
I first want to comment on Josiah Groff's statement that "The Chinese are merely repressing Tibetan culture, not exterminating them". Unfortunately it is untrue that the Chinese are merely supressing the Tibetan culture. They are also arresting monks, nuns, and families of officials (ie. the 5 year old Panchen Lama who went missing after he was taken from his home by Chinese troops and China refuses to show to the UN after he was reported dead). Not only are they arresting them, they are also torturing them in prisons, in some cases arresting them without any charges and killing many. Yet, our government chooses to look away from this because their trade is too valuable to us.
The bumper stickers might be a trend for some people, but for most they are an attempt to keep the issue around and to allow people to show their support for the cause.
I find it interesting that a devout Buddist would tell someone to shut there mouth.
I love'd reading this and agree with the author whole-heartedly. Everyone has things that they'd like to see changed in the world. I personally don't think putting a sticker on my bumper for the cause will make it happen. So people who pay money to put stickers on their cars to raise awareness .. well, go you. If it makes you happy, right on. But it's not freeing tibet. Only armies can do that. Non-buddhist armies. So go smoke you're pot and sing campfire songs, and complain about violence that the US is causing in freeing other countries. Self-righteous, hypocritical sticker buying hippies.
* I would like to see how you would survive being a tibetan in Exile Tibet without outside help.
* I would like to how you would feel if police just broke into your house and dragged loved ones and tortured them in prison for decades and brought them back to you with a deformed face, broken bones and when you tried to get medical attention there was noone who would help you save your loved ones. Your loved ones condition is so serious that the next day your loved ones die in your arms because you couldnt help them.
* Even after this tragedy you are forced to say i love China ahhaha wouldn't that be funny.
* There comes one day you get to travel to the states and you are trying to help all your people back in Tibet and all of a sudden during the fund raising you meet a dumb ass like yourself whose stupid, arrogant, selfish, egoistic and believes why should i help them? what they go through does not affect me!! I think after everything you will see and all the obstacles you will have to face as a tibetan living in exile Tibet, Nepal and India you will kill the person.
if you have an answer to my post please do email me
you are lucky you haven't met any tibetans. if you do have the courage say what you feel in fron of them.
You are a coward. It takes a lot more guts to say FREE TIBET than saying I HATE FREE TIBET STICKERS, its just the easy way out.
Whoever posted that was a moron. Tibet and its cause have never been a fasion trend... Its a real issue with real people involved who have suffered for as long as you have lived your vicarious life. from the moment the communists entered tibet till now... the death toll has doubled that of the holocaust and some...
I loved Sean's article and perspective. I have lived in Nepal with Tibetans during school...they are frankly the most amazing people--tenacious and positive, undeterred by the unthinkably (for americans) hideous things which have befallen them: torture, murder of friends and family, homelessness, the dismantling of their culture.
I am so behind a free-tibet...but I also deplore the stickers b/c of the passive-aggressive superiority wielded by the predictable hemp-dressed "kind" individuals who stick them on the back of their subarus. I wish I had a subaru. But I have an old ford escort. I love tibet and all my tibetan friends. but I have a Melvins sticker on my car. b/c pure punk is as free-tibet as you can get. if that makes sense. I love sean.
I am Indian born Tibetan and presently living in Switzerland. I am here to strongly oppose the author. No matter what the reason(s) may be to put the "FREE TIBET" sticker on their cars on anywhere, it's helping to bring the awareness of serious Tibet issue for sure. Tibet and Tibetans have been suffering for many decades now and millions already lost their precious life. And killings and mal-practise all still very active in Tibet. If ever wanted, US and other nations can makes lost of difference with our serious issue. But who will risk if its not their interest. I still deeply thank on behalf all other fellow Tibetans to all the individual, bands or organisation who support Tibet and it's poeple. Let's make THE WORLD a better place to live. FREE TIBET.
FREE TIBET! May the Buddhas guide you to the truth!
let the word be heard FREE TIBET and if your aren't part of the supporter don't be negative That's all
Free Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii plz!
I agree with the sentiment of this article.
It's like Mark Steyn said:
"If Rumsfeld were to say, "Free Tibet? Jiminy, what a swell idea! The Third Infantry Division go in on Thursday", the bumper-sticker crowd would be aghast."
I have recently purchased a Free Tibet bumper sticker that draws attention to this liberal hypocrisy:
Free Tibet
Shipping and handling additional .99
Call 1-800-DUM-BASS
Operators are standing by!
It's the only thing that keeps us from peace.. and development
not to mention enlightment
Only an american asshole could be so cynical !!!!!!!!!
Sean, your entitled to your opinion and you do have a point to be argued. You mentioned that you think the stickers are being used as a trend instead with no meaning .But I disagree like the issues of starvation and deceases, Tibet's freedom although seemingly not as traumatic is a cause for a lot of people and selling stickers to people that may not know the cause, is harmless considering the good their donation provodes for the Tibetan Freedom movement.
This serously is the stupidest thing i have ever read. Maybe the people sporting these bumper stickers are not posers, and actually care about something in the world. I honestly cant believe you are talking crap about people who only want to help a defenseless nation. Just like i cant believe China could kill monks; of all the people in the world, who in the hell are monks hurting? And no i did not learn that from some concert, I am genuinely passionate about freeing tibet.
Sean, you state that you 'hate' these bumper stickers. I can just imagine you sitting behind the wheel of your automobile. Are you a Yankie or a Southener? Whichever you are probably driving a huge SUV. So you drive up behind a VW Dormobile and see a bumper sticker, your bile rises, steam comes out of your ears, your clenched fists pounding on the steering wheel, the fire of hatred rises into your gorge, you grab your gun...and pump bullets into the poor guy driving said VW....another hate crime in America!
You are a piece of crap.. You have nothing to give to society...
I bet you also, like this stupid president, believe that Iraq is one of Al Qaeda resort/training camp.I bet you also believe that the WORLD is USA.
Narrow minded people like you should read more,think outside your so shallow little meaningless world.
FREE TIBET!The world needs more peaceful people like the tibetans and not like you.
Tibetans are bunch of motherfucking secessionist bastards who only upset social stability.
Whoever thinks "Free Tibet" is cool or even remotely politically, morally, religiously should understand that Tibetans are a threat to a just and economically beneficial Chinese rule. If Tibet is freed, then its people will suffer economically as their jobs and tourism opportunities go out the window.
Whoever wants a Free Tibet or even a democratic world should understand that they are actually upsetting order and causing conflict - just see Iraq. Tibet NEEDS an autocratic ruler.
I totally agree with you. Who CARES about Tibet? I sure don't. Heck we have bigger fish to fry here at home in AMERICA remember land of the free home of the brave. Lets not forget that half of the Forbes richest 100 come from Asia and India so let them worry about their countries and we can worry about ours. And while I'm at it who cares about Darfur too. I don't.
Tibet so SOOOOOOOOO last month...
I can only imagine how you talk to yourself in internal dialog I am so sorry. You must yell at yourself a lot.
Good luck man
Maybe to you Tibetan Freedom is a "craze."
Millions of dying Tibetans, and millions of their supporters feel differently.
this article is so ignorant. who cares if it's trendy, it's showing support for a movement that needs it. i've been to tibet, studied about the people and culture and am horrified by what is going on there currently. people like you are contributing to the demise of the planet. get over yourself
C'mon people there are plenty of stupider bumper-stickers than Free Tibet. Cats? Jesus? Millenium Falcon?
The silent are often just lazy in the U.S., or those too non-violent to force their opinions down someone else's throat. Let them have bumper-stickers, there isn't any harm in it. Its not like Tibet's ever going to be Free. It would be a much more awkward sticker if people tried to fit "Respect the Human Rights of the Oppressed Poor in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China."
I have personally come to hate!!!! free Tibet ass wipes. Of all the causes to take up in this world, come on "Free Tibet." Get off your smelly hippie/white guilt poser asses and do something that makes a difference. I believe China has made some mistakes, but those are about not oppressing them enough and converting them to the Chinese mentality. They should take a page out of Americas book. We know how to oppress.
Except for the few who apparently visited. Most just want to make a difference. I say make a damn difference. We have plenty that needs fixing here at home.
Can't see why people would hate on a message like FREE TIBET. I've met Tibetans who brought me awareness on their issues. And for the people I know who have those bumper stickers, they sure as heck aren't posers. Leaving those on could get internet commandos like "Hermes B" above to actually do some research on what "some mistakes" and "not oppressing them enough" mean.
For some people, murder and torture on a mass scale is bad in places like Iraq but not a big deal in Tibet.
Guess what? The internet brought me awareness on its issues. I now know what "not oppressing them enough" and "some mistakes" really mean. I was wrong to think that in the United States there is not now, and has never been oppression. We have never demoralized any group of people and heaven forbid eliminated entire ethnicities (that would make us worse than the Nazis.) If China could only follow our guidance, then the world would be a better place. I have a great idea! Why don't David S and his non-poser friends get over to Tibet and support the people in the streets. Even though those bumper stickers send a mighty strong message, I bet there is more to you all than just that.... Go get em tigers.
Oh i forgot. dont ruin the olympics just beacuse you want your freedom. the whole world paid for it. that would just make you look worst to the rest of the world
We all know that there's millions of problems in the world. But obviously it's hard for us to attend to all of them. These support organizations are not here to compete against each other. It's so sad to see that we, people, just have to make everything that's beautiful into something ugly. If you can't do anything to help, at least, don't bring down those people who are trying to help. No matter what their intentions may be, whether they mean it or not, or whether they are trying to look cool or not, in the end they are contributing something to the society, whereas you are doing nothing. So just shut the fuck up.
It's really sad to see that the Olympics Committee doesn't give a shit about the suffering in Tibet. What Tibetans are going through is literally a genocide. And yet, we don't care, as long as we get to have our fun, start the olympics, raise the economy for China, and in turn raise a hell for Tibetans and (as well as Chinese) living in Tibet and China. The only party gaining something from this will be the Chinese Communist govt. So in the end, the Olympics Committee is supporting inhumane actions in Tibet and China because they don't give a shit, they only care about the olympics. The Olympics Spirit, bringing the whole world together, this that, bla bla bla. Look what it's doing to people? Is sports more important or people dying?
And to I believe in Christ: So you believe in Christ but you don't have any love for our innocent brothers dying at the hands of the Chinese govt.?
"the whole world paid for it"? Pathetic!