By: Posthumous
yer Sunday comix
It was supposed to have been a fight between the Amagniacs and the Bugunindians, with the British on the side of the Burgundinians. I like Armengnac better than Burgundy, so natually I'm sympathetic.
I take back everything GOOD I ever said about Zirealism.
You don't know Art, but you know what you like?
And that is clearly pornographic obscenity. Oh wait, what did you say?
The spear that the soldier is holding is clearly the LONGINUS LANCE. But why that isn't the punch line, I'll never know.
Jeanne d'Arc: My! That is the longinus lance I've ever seen!
antwan, why didn't you say you wanted comics about theology, iconography, history of the New Testament, etc...? that's one of my fave topics
You gonna draw us some Jack Chick kinda comix?
hell yeah!!