By: Posthumous [2005-10-23]


yer Sunday comix

Jeanne d'Arc [2005-10-23 00:16:09] König Prüße, GfbAEV
It was supposed to have been a fight between the Amagniacs and the Bugunindians, with the British on the side of the Burgundinians. I like Armengnac better than Burgundy, so natually I'm sympathetic.
Yawn [2005-10-23 01:49:18] Antwan
I take back everything GOOD I ever said about Zirealism.
Why? [2005-10-23 02:29:40] König Prüße, GfbAEV
You don't know Art, but you know what you like?
Yes sir, I do. [2005-10-23 02:58:39] Hatless Jack
And that is clearly pornographic obscenity. Oh wait, what did you say?
Zirealism. [2005-10-23 04:16:51] Antwan
The spear that the soldier is holding is clearly the LONGINUS LANCE. But why that isn't the punch line, I'll never know.
Lance [2005-10-23 04:26:07] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Jeanne d'Arc: My! That is the longinus lance I've ever seen!
well dang [2005-10-23 18:56:19] posthumous
antwan, why didn't you say you wanted comics about theology, iconography, history of the New Testament, etc...? that's one of my fave topics
Jack Chick [2005-10-23 20:02:55] König Prüße, GfbAEV
You gonna draw us some Jack Chick kinda comix?
Jack Chick [2005-10-24 14:10:36] posthumous
hell yeah!!
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