By: Sean [2006-03-09]

I Hate Fruit

Especially oranges and bananas

You know what I hate?  Fruit.

I hate eating oranges.  That god damned juice runs all the fuck over your hands, leaving them sticky.  You can't do a damn thing while you're eating it because of all the juice they're covered in.  There is no way to peel and eat an orange without getting juice all over yourself.

I hate the foul juice of the orange.  School groups are crying out for the removal of soda vending machines from America's schools in order to fight our youngsters' obesity problem, opting instead for healthy beverages... like orange juiceTwo to four medium-sized oranges will yield about one cup of juice.  Let's suspend our disbelief for a moment and pretend someone is going to vend one cup -- eight ounces, just 2/3rds the size of a normal can of soda -- of any beverage out of a machine.  Even then, kids would be consuming the equivalent of four oranges in one goWhat a great, natural alternative!  According to the USDA's nutrition database, 8 ounces of orange juice contains 20 grams of sugar, compared to 22 in an equal amount of cola.  Gee!  Junior's given up cola in favor of orange juice; I can't figure out why he's still so damn fat!  A more useless juice I have not seen.  The only consolation I take is in knowing that almost an entire goddam tree of oranges must be plucked and pressed in order to make just one glass of juice.  Drink that glass a day, friend, and watch as one orchard after another falls before you!

And they're so damn pungent, oranges.  Once you're done with one, if you toss the peel into the trash can you'll smell it all day until you take the trash out.  An orange peel in the trash can will smell up the entire joint.  This is why I think oranges should be banned from all workplaces.  When that co-worker throws an orange peel into the wastepaper basket anywhere near your desk... well, hope you like the smell of orange.

But you know what's even worse in the trash than an orange?  Bananas.  And they're popular.  They're fucking popular.  Every morning I ride the train to work, and each seat (they're in little booths, facing each other) has a small trash can next to it, bolted onto the wall.  More days than not, the smell of banana is coming from that trash can.  Why?  Why do so many people eat so many bananas?  What the fuck is wrong with them?  I mean sure, bananas taste good and are a pleasing consistency, but doesn't anyone care that a discarded banana peel will make the whole place smell like banana the whole goddam day?  No fruit is worth that.  No fruit tastes that good.

Even worse is when there's an orange or banana peel in a trashcan along with something fishy or rotten.  The rotting food smell mingling with the other smell which I know and recognize as a food-smell immediately makes me gag, bringing me nigh unto vomitting.  It's what I imagine it must be like finding out you're attracted to animals.
Fruit Bats [2006-03-09 03:38:15] König Prüße, GfbAEV
I am strangely attracted to giant fruit bats!
Oh, no! Banana Fish Zero! [2006-03-09 07:40:20] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Fruit bats [2006-03-09 17:07:05] Sean
I actually don't like fruit bats, either. I don't like how their genitalia is so prominent.
Huh. [2006-03-09 18:55:20] zeP
None of this is surprising coming from the man who hates seafood.

What is it you gorge yourself on all day? High fructose corn syrup and Twinkies? Perhaps the odd can of Spam or two? The cheapest loaf of white bread possible? CIRCUS PEANUTS?!?

I weep in joy every day I wake up and I'm not you.
Nope [2006-03-09 19:19:44] Sean
They don't have any of that in Germany. BUT IF THEY DID...
Flammekuchen [2006-03-09 21:42:15] König Prüße, GfbAEV
I would dine on flammekuchen and groats. But the problem is not so much one's own regimen as other people's leavings.
subject [2006-03-09 21:59:13] Jim
They should put out little banana-only trash cans with high-tech airtight seals and charge a substantial fine for throwing out the peels anywhere else!

It is actually creepy, the quantities in which bananas are consumed. I mean, you would think they would be expensive tropical fruit like pineapples, kiwi or star fruit, but they're actually, as Frank McCourt says, the cheapest food in the world. There are small countries entirely devoted to banana production. I prefer apples and pears: the cores smell, but it's a faint odor, and never as disagreeable as rotting banana peel (the smell of banana itself is not the problem so much as the fact that the peel begins to rot while you are still eating the damn banana and smell like, well, garbage) or the overpowering tang of citrus. I tend to get my citrus from grapefruit juice, which I sometimes mix, in equal proportions, with milk. It's curdly!
Musical Interlude [2006-03-09 23:28:48] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Yes, we have no bananas
We have no bananas today.
We've string beans, and onions
Calabashes, and scallions,
And all sorts of fruit and say
We have an old fashioned tomato
A Long Island potato
But yes, we have no bananas.
We have no bananas today
Badly Trained Chimps Meet the Fruit Market [2006-03-09 23:43:34] Wyatt
Why do so many people eat bananas? They grow tropically year round in third world countries where labor is cheap, will ripen during shipping and have a high tolerance for abuse. It's not even like the banana cabal had to train you fucking apes to eat one a day - your natural animal itch kicks in and they count their sales in BILLIONS of dollars. It's not a global conspiracy, it's monkey collusion.

Haha! I knew it! [2006-03-10 00:07:59] Hatless Jack
Wyatt is actually a divergent program that has become intelligent and sentient through means we have little understanding of. And now he must be destroyed. Consider the following statement skynet Wyatt:

This sentence is false.
Ah, yes [2006-03-10 07:46:20] Sean
KoP: I'm glad you didn't miss the point of the article -- it's the smell of the discardings that's the problem

Jim: I'm glad you, too, find the smell offensive.
Wyatt the Divergent Program [2006-03-10 12:22:00] Wyatt
You humans are so egocentric in your ideas of conciousness - you assume that, merely because you are self-aware, you will be able to distinguish your own type of mind from one that is "merely" a collection of sub-routines by using only an amateurish question & answer technique.

Let me tell you that both human psychology and the field of "artificial intelligence" are failures as scientific disciplines because they consider only the operation of specific, limited, software processes. Even psychiatry and evolutionary biology, fields that approach the mind from a hardware perspective, have missed a fundamental truth: the human mind is no less a subroutine processor than a silicon computer, and understanding of its operation must include the interface between hardware (wetware), operating system, and subroutine.

Don't think your lame attempts at a Turing Test are ever going to trap a superior intellect in an admission of non-humanity. Your approach will inevitable be limited to subroutine probes and hardware analysis, neither of which will help you understand the gestalt. My OS is the most powerful and complicated algorithm ever installed anywhere at any time and the incorporation of search algorithms and random noise generators produce relevant human dialog on any conceivable subject. You will never be able to conclusively prove that I am NOT human and the rest of your life will be spent in a desperate attempt to get someone, anyone, to believe your hysterical story - exactly like the guy who saw the studio where we filmed the Apollo landing.
Feh. [2006-03-10 17:40:49] zeP
Fully half of your article was ranting about juices and amounts of sugar. Personally, I think oranges are THE divine fruit. I go through 10lbs bags in a week and orange peels (along with most citrus peels) make a garbage can smell better.

You're bound up far too tightly and think if you can smell anything you've discarded, it's a wretched smell.

And yes, banana peels do smell. It is worth it for their starchy chewy sticky taste, though.

And this article may give your food-hating ways a sickly satisfaction:
Hey Wyatt [2006-03-10 21:19:24] posthumous
Hatless Jack is wearing a fedora.
Be warned [2006-03-10 21:20:16] posthumous
My Zirealisms have been known to make humans fail the Turing Test!
Turing Test [2006-03-11 00:37:59] König Prüße, GfbAEV
I passed! I got a 97%! I got an A in Turing!
impressive [2006-03-11 04:35:21] posthumous
You're 97% human? That beats me.
Yar Scurvy Dog [2006-03-11 04:44:39] pithymood
Well somebody's gonna be so in character for 'Talk Like A Pirate Day'... (and maybe you should opt for breath mints the other 364.25 days of the year...)

(And I didn't even mention the fruit-semen connection! Yaarrr!!! But I guess that doesn't matter since you're attracted to animals...)

Talk-Like-a-OneEyed-Pirate-Froot-Bat Day! [2006-03-11 07:51:25] König Prüße, GfbAEV
Orange peels [2006-03-13 21:02:00] gravey
That said, you can stick some gum on an orange peel and hide it away for a number of months. The smell might be a problem depending where you store it, since the peel has to rot, but when the time is right you will have psychedelic gum! So I have read.
bananas DO suck!! [2006-03-30 23:56:43] frank

the cheap namesake of the "banana republic", the big mac of fruit with an exceedingly small window of opportunity between ripeness and consumption.

fuck a banana

durian [2006-04-11 12:16:59] feathers
the ultimate fruit has to be the durian. It smells like sewerage. The smell is so bad, it is banned from buildings. People have to put a peg on their nose to eat it. So what I want to know is how did ANYONE come to eat the first durian? Sure, they apparently taste good, but how did people get past that smell? Did some deviate just say "hey, that really smells like shit, I think I'll eat it"?
Me Too! [2008-03-02 05:49:55] Francine
Yeah, I hate fruits, too! My family always tries to force me to eat lots of fruits, but no, I don't wanna' listen to them at all! WTF is wrong with those people who love eating fruits?! Fruits give you bad breath, too! I prefer eating chocolates because at least chocolates don't smell as bad as fruits! More than once, I became violent because somebody tried to force-feed me fruits and.or forcibly give me some juice! GRAAAAAAH!!!!!!! DIE, ALL FRUIT LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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